
Chapter Two: A Visitor is Coming


This repetitive behavior didn't strike Rebry and his friends as strange; they were quite accustomed to their friend's cautious actions. Thankfully, they had plenty of time and no need to worry about anything. They lived leisurely within the castle, supplied with all the necessities by the Lord's Mansion. Rebry even felt like he and his companions had become mages in royal service.

The wall looked utterly ordinary from the outside, but upon closer inspection, you could see that the layout of the wall was slightly different.

The stone wall wasn't constructed from a single slab of stone; unlike other walls in the building, which were made from big stones stacked upon one another, this wall was built from many small stone bars closely fitted together, leaving almost invisible gaps. But if you approached it with a preconceived idea and then examined it closely, you could find that a few of these gaps were slightly different from the rest.