*Year 67 AC*
"The Ironborn have been prowling our coasts again. The squids are starting to notice that something is amiss. It's only a matter of time before the other kingdoms notice our presence."
Aerea's scrutinizing eyes were locked on Harry, waiting for his response. Harry took a sip of his drink, letting the Firewhiskey slowly go down his throat, savoring the warmth it brought before speaking.
"It was an eventuality," he finally replied, his voice calm and serene. "We couldn't remain hidden forever. The barriers will fall. It's inevitable."
Aerea sighed in frustration, bringing the glass to her lips and drinking the whiskey in one gulp. The fiery liquid burned her throat, but she barely noticed. The worry in her mind was far greater than any physical sensation.
"It's going to be a damn headache," she muttered through gritted teeth.
Harry watched her with a small smile, trying to infuse some optimism.
"Come on, it won't be that bad."
Aerea frowned at him, a mix of disbelief and exasperation.
"Not that bad? It's going to be a disaster!" she exclaimed, her irritation evident. "Seven Kingdoms with their greedy eyes on these lands. And it won't be that bad?"
"We'll manage," Harry said with unshakable calm, though he felt the weight of his responsibility deep down. "We're not defenseless, you know."
The room fell silent, broken only by the crackling of the flames in the hearth. Harry let the sound of the fire fill the space as his thoughts returned to the decision he had made so many years ago. He had created Avalon to give Aerea a home, a place where she could be free, but he knew that freedom came at a price.
"Besides," he added after a moment, his green eyes softening as he looked at Aerea, "you know I'll protect you."
Aerea smiled gently, her ethereal features illuminated by the flames. The years had only enhanced her beauty, and at that moment, Harry couldn't help but recall the girl she had been, anxious and scared, eleven years ago. He remembered the night he found her, a night when he had glimpsed her future with unusual clarity. What he had seen had not pleased him, and at that moment, he decided to intervene, altering destiny—an act that always comes at a cost.
"I want to be free," Aerea had pleaded desperately. "My mother doesn't understand me, no one does… I know this is my home, but it doesn't feel like it."
Harry had then known what he had to do. Days of magic and dedication resulted in the creation of Avalon, a land that emerged from nothing, a kingdom that was not yet a kingdom but would be her home.
"This realm is for you," he had said, his voice full of promises. "A home you can make your own."
The amazed and awed look on Aerea's face when she saw her gift was etched in his memory. She had looked at him, her violet eyes shining with an emotion Harry could barely understand.
"Our," she had whispered, gently taking his hand. "Our home."
The soft touch of Aerea's hand on his cheek brought him back to the present. Her violet eyes looked at him with a mix of love and determination.
"I know you'll protect me," she whispered, looking into his eyes. "But I have a duty to our people. They're counting on us."
Harry smiled, though he felt a subtle fear inside. Would he be able to protect her from what was to come? Would the magic he had sacrificed be enough to uphold the barriers of Avalon?
"I know," he said softly, trying to suppress those doubts. She smiled back and, in a bold move, let herself fall into his lap. Their faces were inches apart, and their lips sought each other, meeting in a kiss full of passion and repressed longing. When they parted, both were breathing heavily, their hearts beating in unison.
"I have to go oversee the navy," Aerea whispered, though her tone indicated she wished to stay longer.
Harry gave her one last kiss before letting her go. "I need to check our reserves," murmured Aerea as she pulled away from the kiss, though reluctantly.
Harry smiled, this time with a playful touch. "I'll make it up to you later, my queen," he said, knowing how much she liked that title.
"You'd better, my loyal mage."
Avalon's naval fleet wasn't the largest in the world, but it was certainly the most efficient. Harry had based it on designs from his world, creating faster, sturdier ships that were difficult to sink or board. The magical protections he had placed would ensure that. However, as he walked through the harbor, he couldn't shake his unease. He had divided the fleet into two, one for war and one for trade. He knew he had to be prepared to defend peace, but the idea of war had always repelled him. Still, he would defend what he had built with all his might.
"I made a mistake not stopping Maegor before he became what he did," he thought bitterly, remembering the words he had said to Jaehaerys many years ago. Though he now regretted not intervening when he had the chance, he knew the past could not be changed.
Heavy footsteps made the ground vibrate beneath his feet, and Harry looked up to see a giant carrying a huge sack on his back. Further on, a child moved agilely through the port, watching everything with curiosity and awe. What was curious about that child was not only his green skin and pointed ears but also the innocence he radiated. "He must be one of the youngest," Harry thought, though he was surprised to see a child of the forest so far from home. It was rare for them to venture outside their woods, and even more so for one so young.
Avalon was a refuge for what Harry dared to call the remnants of the ancient world: the last Children of the Forest, the giants, and even a dragon or two. They all lived in a curious harmony in this hidden corner of the world. Additionally, there were the former slaves Harry and Aerea had progressively rescued over the years, and, of course, the Free Folk from beyond the Wall, those who had chosen to live under the kingdom's laws.
"A most curious combination, indeed," Harry thought, watching as a couple of young dragons flew high, their silhouettes etched against the blue sky.
"Well, sacrificing some of my magic wasn't such a bad investment after all," he murmured to the air, allowing himself a moment of satisfaction. He remembered the smile on Aerea's face, the princess who reminded him so much of his first wife, not in appearance but in spirit. The same strength, the same indomitable will.
Jaehaerys rubbed his forehead with exhaustion. Despite the joy of the birth of his ninth daughter, Saera Targaryen, duty to the realms did not stop.
The meeting of his private council was proceeding normally, though the absence of his wife, Queen Alysanne, was noticeable. She had just given birth, so she could not be present.
"Your Grace, there is an urgent matter that needs to be discussed," said his Master of Ships, Lord Redwyne.
"Speak, Lord Redwyne," urged the king, nodding.
"In the past moons, I have received certain… rumors. They speak of an island that appears and disappears into nothingness, beyond the Three Sisters. Reports have mentioned seeing dragons, the most notable being a massive black dragon… one that matches the description of Balerion."
The room fell silent. Jaehaerys absorbed the information with a mix of surprise and concern. Balerion… the name that had caused so many headaches. The disappearance of Balerion and Princess Aerea Targaryen, his niece and once heir, was a mystery still unresolved. He recalled how his sister had arrived on her dragon, agitated, desperately searching for her daughter.
Jaehaerys had sent search parties to locate her, all in vain. There was no trace of the princess and the dragon. Many said they had traveled to Valyria and were lost forever, others that they had gone beyond the Summer Isles, but now, this information… It gave a sinister twist to the rumors.
"Balerion…," he murmured to himself, his eyes narrowing in deep reflection.
"Yes, Your Grace," responded Lord Redwyne, though his own eyes showed uncertainty. "But there's more… it's said that there is a fortress on that island, of immense proportions, with a construction that could only be the work of magic. The Ironborn are restless, and it seems they are preparing for an attack."
Jaehaerys exchanged glances with the rest of his advisors. His mind began to work, considering all possible implications. "A magical island… dragons… Aerea…"
"It's necessary to investigate further," said the king, his voice firm, though inside he couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of fear. He knew that if these rumors were true, the balance of power in the Seven Kingdoms was about to be shaken.
"Send explorers and spies to those waters. I want to know everything possible about this island. If Balerion has truly returned… and Aerea is alive… we need to know."
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