
The Vanoss Crew Journey to Another World

The Vanoss Crew, a band of very dangerous, slightly chaotic, and extremely hilarious group of lovable, and hatable but yet smart idiots who always mainly loved playing video games together for CONTENT. They are consists of Seven individuals. Their Leader, Vanoss, or Evan Fong. Wildcat, or Tyler Wine. Nogla, or David Nagle. Basically, or Marcel Cunningham. Moo, or Brock Barrus. Terroriser, or Brian Michael Hanby. And lastly, the one and only mysterious of them all, Delirious. Due to unexpected circumstances, Vanoss and some of his friends found themselves in a world of fantasy alongside their Minecraft home and turned into their icon characters for mysterious reasons. How will they adapt in a world full of Monsters and Gods, where dangers that could destroy a nation in one single attack and could end the world was hidden in every corner while weapons like guns and nukes were not enough to kill them? How will they face the obstacles of the dangers ahead, while they were just mere YouTube Gamers that insults each other and making racist jokes for fun in a daily basis? Will they be able to keep the team together? Or will they split apart due to their differences? Personally I don't give a shit, but to those who do, tune in each update chapters to find out in this adventure as a full on series! . . . But... . . .  While they were having their time in this strange and virgin world. An evil has arisen in the New World, and it is up to them to defeat this evil and save the world..... Or just forget that bullshit and do whatever they want :3

Artemis099 · Video Games
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189 Chs

Operation Underground Railroad

"It's here." Ellies pointed to the place on the map of the city, "I followed the scent of the person in the private room and it led me to this place."

"What is in there, Ellies?" Julian asked.

"On the surface, it's a mansion in an affluent part of the 3rd City Section, it's owned by a Rank 10 expert. But when I infiltrated inside, I smelled the scent of several people in non-optimum conditions. Besides that, I smelled the Prince's urine," she stated, "Unfortunately, the place was so severely guarded that I was forced to retreat before getting enough information."

Moo raised an eyebrow when he heard the word prince. Julian looked at him and shrugged, "You guys already knew about it, didn't you?"

Well, they did not deny it. Both of these beastmens were smart people, and they already expected Julian to make the connection when they explained to him the listening device.

"How about the people guarding the place?" Terroriser asked.

Ellies shook her head, "Unfortunately, I don't know too much about that, but I believe there is at least one Legendary expert, the owner of the mansion, nine Grandmasters and ten Master realms, plus a few dozen of Intermediate and Beginners."

Delirious whistled, "That is a lot. How are we going to rescue them?" he asked.

Julian looked at Matilda. Matilda thought for a moment before opening her mouth, "Our priority is the prince's safety instead of killing the people in charge of that place. Plus, it will be troublesome if someone becomes crazy and kills the kidnapped people while we are fighting the guards."

She continued, "Therefore, we will form two groups. The first group will be commanded by me. I will bring an assault team to attack the mansion and attract the attention of the guards. Meanwhile, the second group will be commanded by Julian. I've heard that Mr. 'Badass Demolitionist' is also a better combat leader than what I heard from 'Blue Lives', so I will make him second-in-command with Julian. Their mission is to infiltrate the place and rescue the prince. Are you all okay with that?"

Everyone nodded.

"I don't have a problem with the plan." Moo said.

"Neither do I," Terroriser followed, "While you guys are raiding the mansion from the founder of Hollywood, what about us? When are we starting?"

"We can't afford to waste time, so we are going to do it tonight. At midnight, we'll start Operation Underground Railroad."

"Hell yeah, we'll Rainbow Six Siege these pedophiles up!" Wildcat shouted excitedly, bringing out a pair of sawed-off shotguns from his invenstory slot aand cocked them simutaleously.

The group then proceeded to study the location and the possible enemies they were going to face, finally coming with a complete plan.


At midnight, in a certain mansion in Orazvil City. A guard yawned while looking at the empty street in front of him.

"Damn, I hate the night watch. Is it necessary to increase security like this?"

The guard beside him rolled his eyes, "Stop complaining and pay attention. If something happens because of your negligence, the boss will definitely kill our asses, or worse… cut our salaries."

"What can happen?" The first guard shrugged, "Even if one of the slaves underground tries to escape, with the security underground he will be unable to reach even to the surface. Plus, with the number of people the boss stationed in the mansion, you would need an army to break into this place."

"I heard that one of our bases was attacked recently. What if they attack this place next?"

"...Now that you mention it, I heard something similar," The first guard put on a serious look, "They have not found the culprits yet, right?"

"Nope, that is the reason the boss is so paranoid, he suspects the reason behind that attack is one of the people we kidnapped, probably someone important. And if that is actually the main reason, the enemies may attack again.

"Damn, such bad luck." The first guard cursed.

"I just hope that the night passes without an incident." Said the other.

Unfortunately, their wishes were destined to not be conceded. Because at that moment, they heard a very slight noise, causing the two guards to turn completely alert.

"Did you hear that?

"So it was not my imagination."

Seeing the wariness in each other's eyes, the two guards looked vigilantly to the surroundings in search of the source of the noise. However, they were unable to see anything.

"Could it have been a small animal?" One of them asked.

"It's better if we don't take any risks. Inform the others to be careful."

The guard nodded and took out a magic communication artifact from his pocket. But when he was about to put his mana into it-



-he saw the hand holding the artifact falling to the ground.

But before he could process the pain, a dagger stabbed his throat. The other opened his eyes wide in fear and terror. Instinctively, he tried to shout, but a slender hand held his throat firmly.

"My apologies, shut your mouth or your death will be torturous." Matilda looked coldly at the guard.

The guard's eyes shook. His fear and terror mixed into a silent plea for mercy. Unfortunately, he was pleading to the wrong person.

"Degenerate scums like you don't deserve to continue living." Matilda's chilling voice reached the guard's ears before tightening her grip.

With a cracking sound, the neck of the guard was crushed, killing him instantly.

Matilda then put his body on the ground silently while looking at the men behind her.

"You know what to do, right? Don't leave anyone alive."

The men behind her nodded in silence and took their weapons out.

Seeing this, Matilda smiled, "Now go, let's paint the town red."

With these words, the members of Midnight Kairos rushed into the mansion.

Catkins, wolfkins, rabbitkins, raccoonkins, lizardkins. Several kinds of beastmen including a small number of humans invaded the mansion in droves, moving towards the locations of the guards.

But as expected, so many beastmen could be hidden only for so long. And soon, a shout of panic alerted the people inside the mansion.

"Were under atta-... agh!"

With that shout as the signal, the lights of the mansion lit up. Soon, the sound of weapons clashing and bodies being stabbed swallowed the silence of the night.

In the middle of the chaos caused by multiple battles, Matilda advanced calmly. The catkin woman was completely unruffled by the cries of death and despair.

Occasionally, some blind men would attack the apparently defenseless woman, but a twist of her wrist and a slight movement of her body was more than enough for her to stab her daggers on them.

But soon, her leisure movements came to an end when she reached the main hall of the mansion, a man appeared in front of her, surrounded by several beastmen's bodies.

Matilda frowned seeing her dead subordinates. And when she looked at the man, she felt the power coming from his body.

Rank 10.

"Matilda Ballard. I've heard you before, you're from Midnight Order, and the infamous Bigtitty Policeca-"

"By the Gods, why does everyone keep calling me that!?" Matilda growled in a subdue tone, "Enough with the formalities, get to the fucking point!"

With the same expression as her, the man nodded, "You're right. My point is why in the world are you attacking my home, hm?"

"Are you the person in charge of this place?"

"My name is Henrrey Epstein, and I'm the owner of this mansion. Now, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation for this, tomorrow the entire city will learn what your small department was all about! Tell me now or your reputation will be just like the Church of Carnage."

Matilda smirked, "Heeh. A reason? Well, I have one. Several days ago, one of my people was kidnapped while strolling in the city. And when we followed the traces of his kidnappers, we arrived at this place. Is that enough reason?"

The man's face changed. This was the worst situation possible as they had kidnapped someone they should not, and that attracted the attention of a party with mysterious power in the public eye.

Such a blunder was enough to jeopardize the success of their plan. Quickly, he searched in his mind for a way to resolve this situation.

"...I'm sure that was a misunderstanding. Miss Matilda, we both are intelligent people. Are you sure you want to start a battle against us just for one person? Let it pass. If you want, you can tell me his name and I'll get him for you, plus reasonable compensation."

Matilda nodded, "That is a good offer. However, you forgot something."

"And that is?"

"Why should the Midnight Order, one of this world's largest secret peacekeeping organizations, agree when we can easily get rid of dickheads like you?"

Epstein furrowed his brows. He could see in Matilda's eyes that she was planning to cause a bloodbath today.

"Miss Ballard, do you truly want to do this? The forces behind me are not something you can easily offend!"

"Is it so?" Matilda smiled, raising her foot and was about to step forward…

Sensing what's coming, Epstein readied himself to counterattack.

"I want to see what kind of force is strong enough to threaten us!" 

The moment her foot met the ground, a giant crater was formed, and Matilda was gone in an instant.

Not before long, Epstein, who was surprise on seeing such speed, saw a pale white hand inches away from hitting him, which caused him to take a step back. However, it was too late to do anything.


With a vicious sound, Epstein was sent flying. As if the world itself couldn't keep up with his movement, the devastating wind and momentum that came forming at such speeds had a late reaction and happened only after Matilda had already sent her opponent flying.

In less than a second, Epstein crashed through numerous rooms until stops near the other side of the mansion.

"Damn it." Epstein groaned in pain, struggling to kill his momentum.

Several times faster than a bullet, Matilda kicked the ground with a bellow once more and appeared in front of the man.

Her two daggers danced in the air, slicing towards his neck at deadly speed. However, the man managed to recover already and immediately reacted as his sword slithered like a serpent, clashing twice against the daggers.

A single clash instantly caused a mere wind pressure that destroyed the area and forced anyone weaker than them to fly back.

Just like that, their battle started.