
The Vampyr Diaries

Work In Progress. Please Don't Read With Expectations. Just Publishing it to help with writing. Super Slow Upload Schedule (1-2 chap/year). No Harem.

Flint679 · TV
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16 Chs

Chapter 02

(First Person POV)

I grabbed a handful of the red curtains and stood there quietly as I fought my erratic heart for control.

I didn't know why but a part of me wished that the curtains had been made of rougher material. For some unknown reason, the softness of the silk in my hands seemed to elevate my anxiety.

I knew that Lady Ashbury knew I was here.

For any Ekon, let alone someone as experienced as her, a rapid heartbeat was as obvious as police sirens.

I had watched Dr. Reid track a patient through solid concrete walls with almost no difficulty. The thin material between us would serve little as cover.

She could be deaf and/or blind and still see me. [Blood Awareness] was such a skill.

As my breath settled, I slowly pushed forward with the tiny amount of resolve I'd managed to gather.

As I entered the large room, my attention was immediately caught by the roaring fire that blazed just a few metres away from the two dark figures in front of it. I refocused my gaze on my person of interest and her patient.

The armchair he sat in was turned just enough away from the entry way that I couldn't see his full face but his side profile and exposed arms were enough to indicate the patient's condition.

The water in his body seemed to have been sucked out as his arm was feebly laid bare, just skin and bones. His skin was dark grey and the fingernails on the end of his long bony fingers seemed to have been sharpened into weapons.

His face was similar to his arms, gaunt and lacking in moisture. The sparse collection long silver hair that remained on his crown, fell around his head, framing his face coupled with a strong nose, sharp chin and broad shoulders. I was sure that in his hay day, this man was quite the specimen.

"Shall we abandon this then? Shall we lower our heads?" the man asked in a weak and brittle voice

"No, never! You taught me that" The Lady replied gently

Holding on to the patient was a fair skinned hand. Unlike her patient, Lady Ashbury's skin seemed smooth without any blemishes.

The vampire turning had an additional boon of changing the subject's body, adjusting their physiques to their peak form. Peak condition coupled with ageless immortality made for a killer combination.

I wasn't sure if Lady Ashbury relied on her vampire genes to retain her flawless skin but judging from my memories and her attire, she seemed to be a meticulous lady.

Although I could only see her back from where I stood, my observations supported my assumptions. Her fiery red hair was seemingly tamed into neat top knot bun.

Her clothes were dark which required a minimum amount of effort in preparation as a strong point but not for her.

Her dark top and tailored pants were pressed to perfection without a single wrinkle in sight. Each necessary crease was precise and symmetrical. Her dark shoes were also polished to a glossy shine

Lady Ashbury's attire was stellar but it was nothing compared to her voice. The sound of her calm and captivating voice was enchanting. As she spoke softly to the man, each word that left her lips were filled with warmth and comfort.

It felt as though a single word from her could calm the most tumultuous seas and tempt the stubbornest of men to do her bidding.

I understood that all Vampires had a natural air of seduction about them which helped in hunting prey but all my senses told me that what she performed wasn't a skill or trait.

I had never liked listening to others speak as I found it sleep inducing. However, her voice sounded so soft and hauntingly beautiful that I could see myself listening to her for hours without end. I was beginning to understand how Dr. Reid became so infactuated.

"Blood is approaching. Old, but young? How strange. Shall I drink it? Smite it?" the man asked eagerly

"No, Father. He is a friend. Please rest. I'll take care of it." Lady Ashbury replied calmly

I felt as though I was watching a cinematic as my body moved on it's own towards the father and daughter pair.

Dr. Reid seems to have taken control once more but I was not worried. Instead, I was intrigued and eager to see how this scene would progress.

"Caution, Elisabeth. Deceit runs through these veins."

"I know, Father"

'As expected of a father' I thought, internally.

I couldn't help but take a second look at the dying man. Even in his old age as he sat there, withering away slowly, he still had the energy to worry for his child.

She seemed more than capable from the Doctor's memories. An achievement the old man played a big part in, no doubt. Even with his training and her vampire strength, he was ultimately, still a parent and my admiration towards the unknown man rose significantly.

"What took you so long, Jonathan?"

I heard her ask me a question as she turned her head towards me but the moment I saw her face, my mind froze as I lost all words.

I never believed in love at first sight. Even if Mr. Light had designated Lady Ashbury as my soul mate, I understood that logically, a strong relationship was built on a solid foundation of trust and mutual respect that could only be cultivated through time and effort.

Having said this, looking into her light emerald green eyes banished any thought or plans I had prior to this moment.

It felt as though time had stopped as the surroundings walls and sounds melted away, leaving only Lady Ashbury and I.

I didn't understand what was happening and frankly, I didn't care.

I didn't know what was happening but I felt a strong magnetic attraction towards her as if my world was caught in her gravitational pull.

Although this was the first time we had met, it felt as though my soul longed for her even if I didn't know it yet. I entertained the thought that this might be a result of Dr. Reid's residual feelings but even if they were, so what?

Just like the Doctor's words, I didn't feel compelled to feel the way I did. I think a part of that could be attributed to the fact that I also found her to be absolutely stunning.

Her cool demeanour that carried wisdom and grace in every step.

Her figure that held divine proportions, appearing neither overbearing nor underwhelming but served to accentuate her natural gifts.

But most importantly, the love and support she showed the Doctor from his unaccompanied turning to the death of his beloved sister. This aspect of her character struck the deepest chord within me, especially after knowing her past. 

From the Ancient Tome I had read and the small discoveries Dr. Reid had made as he ran around London, Lady Ashbury was not a natural empath.

Stories about her misadventures were infamous before she became gentle and kind, Lady Ashbury. To wider world, she was known by a more sinister name, Lady Blackwood.

The Blackwood name once sent shivers through the spines of everyone who heard it and struck fear into the hearts of man and children, alike.

Under the compulsion of the Blood of Hate, she reeked havoc across Europe with zero regards for greater loss of human life. All it took was a single epiphany for her mind to regain clarity. Stricken with the guilt of her actions, she fought against the Blood curse and sought help from the only person she could trust, her father.

As atonement for her past, she built an orphanage, opened a hospital and lived in isolated self-reflection for the actions she had committed.


When I first saw this information, my mind couldn't even believe. Not due to lack of capability but strength of character. The person that was standing in front of me couldn't possibly be the same individual. As I came to terms with the situation, only one thought remained in my mind.

'She is a strong person'

This was a woman who didn't run away from her past or make any excuse for it. Instead, she took responsibility for her actions and made every conceivable effort to try and atone for her sins. She wasn't seeking forgiveness nor absolution from her crimes but a chance to prove that people could change.

Even as I stood here silently, my [True Noblesse] Trait was urging me to punish her for her actions but I ignored it. I believed that as long as someone genuinely wished to atone without making excuses or shirking responsibility then they should be given a second chance. I also believed that she had suffered enough.

Was I being bias? Absolutely! Am I a hypocrite who would change his stance when it suited him? 100%. I wasn't perfect but I didn't want to be.

As I unconsciously started reasoning with myself and defending her, I caught myself in the act.

It came as naturally as breathing. I realized that my mind had already made the decision before I realized. My heart and soul had already accepted Lady Ashbury, no... Elisabeth, as my own. Not because Mr. Light ordained it or Dr. Reid's feelings but because I had chosen her.

"I have decided. I choose you to be mine and I, yours."


(General POV)

Elisabeth kneeled at her father's feet as she tried to make him as comfortable as possible. She had retreated here after finding out about her being a healthy carrier.

The blood curse she had once thought herself rid off had returned and brought down half of London with it.

Stricken by guilt, she looked down at her father's sword in silent contemplation. Her plan was to use the weapon to kill her father, the origin of the curse and then herself, destroying their bodies in the process.

She had thought about this day many times and had collected the necessary courage to go through with her plans but that was before she met him. 

The lonely Ekon who had taken her world by storm. Initially, she had saved out of pity but he slowly showed his prowess and skill both as a Doctor and an Ekon. Pity turned to curiosity and then to amusement and slowly, against her better judgement, affection.

The reason why she hadn't already done the deed was because deep down, she didn't want to die. Jonathan Reid's appearance had brought a light into her life that she didn't realize was missing.

Maybe that's just how love was. You could live your whole life without it, happily but once you experience it, you wouldn't be able to go back.

As shocking as it was, Elisabeth wasn't averse to such feelings. Having lived as long as she has, Elisabeth had just assumed that she was incapable of feeling any sort of way but it seemed that even she could learn something from the new fledgling.

As she finished her thoughts, the sound of the secret entrance opening rang in her ears.

She listened carefully as heavy footsteps approached her location. She turned to her father who was also listening intently and held his hand, firmly.

A moment later, she waited patiently as Jonathan stood in front of the cloth barrier, struggling to slow down his rapidly beating heart.

Elisabeth smiled at his funny yet warm actions, happy in the fact she knew for certain that he felt the same way about her.

His presence outside the entrance gave her the strength she was desperately looking for and she readied herself to save goodbye to him before fulfilling her duty.

The thought that her existence could bring suffering and pain hurt more than any torture she could endure. The mere idea of hurting him, unintentionally gave her enough strength to go through with her plan.

Her father suddenly stood up, grabbing his sword and tried walking towards Jonathan, who finally got his heart under control.

Elisabeth quickly stood up and gently guided him back to his chair with calming words.

"Drop your sword, father. You have nothing to be afraid of"

The sword dropped to his side as he fell backwards slowly into the chair with Elisabeth's help

"Shall we abandon this then? Should we lower our heads?" He asked weakly, slightly indignant

"No, never. You taught me that" Elisabeth replied, firmly

It seemed that Jonathan finally found the courage to walk into the room as she heard his footsteps fall in behind her

"Blood is approaching, Old but young. How strange... Shall I drink it? Smite it?" He asked, voice tinged with excitement

"No, father. He is a friend. Please rest. I will take care of it" Elisabeth spoke, calming him down.

"Caution, Elisabeth. Deceit runs through this veins." Her father warned her, quietly

"I know, father." Elisabeth agreed.

Elisabeth spoke as she turned around to face the newest addition to the room

"What took you so long, Jona.....than?"

Elisabeth did not know what she was expecting but she didn't expect Jonathan Reid to just there, utterly astounded.

Elisabeth watched as various complex emotions ran across Jonathan's eyes as he stood there, looking at her.

It felt as though Jonathan was seeing her for the very first time. Elisabeth watched as his eye moved around her body, not lustfully but in silent admiration, as though observing a work of art.

Elisabeth would be lying if she said she wasn't flattered. What women would dislike compliments from their loved ones?

She was taken aback as Jonathan had never acted this way before. Always stoic and gentlemanly, never stepping out of place.

Elisabeth had thought that she had gotten to know everything about the man before her but it seemed that there was still more than meets the eye.

The brief excitement she felt at discovering this new aspect of his personality was quickly replaced with sadness. She realized she would never be able to explore it with him.

She quickly steeled her resolve and prepared to steer the conversation in the right direction but Jonathan interrupted her actions.

"I have decided. I choose you to be mine and I, yours." Jonathan announced, resolutely.


Elisabeth was speechless. All the thoughts she had painstakingly prepared and readied were thrown out the window at his bold confession.

She felt heat rush to her face as she began to blush like a school girl. Her calm and measured demeanour was nowhere to be found as she found herself suddenly concerned about her father's reaction.

"Your friend is quite bold, isn't he? Elisabeth" The old man croaked, mirthfully

Her already reddened checks seemed to bloom at her Father's words as she found herself at a loss of words.

Before she completely lost herself, Jonathan spoke up once again.

"Is this who I think it is?" Jonathan asked, gesturing towards the man

Grateful for the timely intervention, Elisabeth smiled and spoke

"It is. This is William Marshal. The First Earl of Pembrooke. Servant of Five mortal Kings. Former Regent and Saviour of England. The Greatest Knight who ever lived....according to some"

"And you call him, father? Quite the heritage you have, Lady Ashbury"

"For he gave me eternal life and much more"

Jonathan nodded sagely but shook his head as he walked forward, stopping in front of Lady Ashbury

"I have so many questions, Elisabeth." Jonathan stated honestly

"You always have questions, Dr. Reid" Elisabeth replied, teasingly

Jonathan scratched his head in embarrassment. Elisabeth was correct. Throughout his memory, he watched as Dr. Reid asked question after question to each and everyone he met. He wasn't much of a conversationalist but even with the people he was close to, he never stopped with his questions.

Some might have found his curiosity charming since nobody seemed to find problem with his incessant badgering. It was more likely that his Vampire allure and it's mind numbing effects had more of an effect.

As one of their own, Elisabeth was obviously immune to these mental subliminals and answered all his questions, honestly without error. Jonathan felt sorry for her and started to apologise but she waved him off.

"Don't worry, Dr. Reid. I am one of the few people who find your inquisitive nature charming" Elisabeth said, smiling. Seemingly reading his thoughts.

Jonathan was surprised but he shook his head once more with a smile on his face. He had witnessed too many things today to be shocked by some mind reading. Once he unlocked his other skills, he would be able to do it too.

"Quite the estate you have here, Lady Ashbury? Is this a secret retreat of sorts?"

"More of a sanctuary, really. This is the Ashbury estate. I inherited the title when I purchased the property. It's where I took my father to care for him after he... became 'ill' " Elisabeth answered

"Why did you flee here of all places? It is not hard to find. Are you not worried?" Jonathan asked, concerned

"Do not assume I would hesitate to silence anyone who tried to reveal my secret." Elisabeth said icily "Thankfully, it had rarely come to that. As for why, when you told me I was the healthy carrier, I had nowhere else to go..."

"To isolate once more?"

"And destroy the source of the scourge. Once and for all." Elisabeth replied, resolute while nodding