
The Vampiric Lover

Kamen's world was brought to its knees with the disappearance of his beloved parents due to an accident, shredding any remaining hope from his already bleak life. His only source of comfort became Jenny, his childhood friend, until the fateful night when he was turned into a vampire by the same woman he loved. His whole world shifted in an instant and the death and destruction that followed were so much more than he expected. With guilt for what she had done weighing on her shoulders, Jenny followed him on his journey through his newfound vampiric life, struggling to make amends for the pain she caused.

The_Ash_Master · Fantasy
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49 Chs

The Results of The Battle...And A Memory Crystal?

Alice can be seen leading everyone to the cave that Kamen had went into. Elizabeth looks around and sees the crater in the ground and gets serious. "We need to go, obviously something attacked him and he ran inside the cave. I know that attack, if he used it. It was against something he couldn't deal with by normal means." Jenny looks at her with worry written all over her face. "Kamen, what happened? I hope everything is okay." She thinks to herself and frowns.

Alistair walks up beside her and puts a hand on her shoulder. "I'm sure he's fine, if he could get away it would mean he didn't get hurt." Alistair says trying to be comforting. Jenny takes his hand off of her shoulder and looks at Alice. "Let's go inside and look for him." Jenny says motioning for Alice to go inside. They head inside and notice they can't see anything. "I got this." Alice says as she conjures a magic light floating above them. Jenny looks at it and decides not to say anything and keeps moving.

They keep walking and reach a fork in the road. "Which way should we go Alice?" Elizabeth asks. Alice shakes her head. "I'm not entirely sure. The spell indicates he's underneath us. We just have to make a guess." Alice says choosing to go right. Walking down the corridor they notice claw marks on the walls and the ceiling. "I hope he didn't run into anything down here." Jenny says leaning in to look at them, she notices they look old and pushes the thought out of her head. They suddenly feel an explosion underneath them. It shook them to the core and the corridor can be seen shaking, dropping bits of rocks down around them. "Damn it Kamen, whatever you're dealing with run!" Elizabeth yells out as everyone starts running further into the cave. They eventually come upon another fork and decide to go left and reach a hole in the ground.

Jenny looks at them and asks. "Do you think he fell down here?" Elizabeth angry says "He might be down there, let's go." That was the last thing they heard before Elizabeth jumps down the hole. Everyone looks at each other and one by one jumps down. Jenny grabs Alice and holds her in her arms and follows after them. After sometime, they reach the bottom and hear another explosion off in the distance. "DAMN IT KAMEN" Elizabeth yells out running towards the noise. They follow the path and notice a hole in the wall, they ignore it and run past it and see another for in the road. They go right and head down the corridor. They finally meet up with Kamen, and can't believe what they're seeing.

"Kamen, you're safe." Jenny says crying. I hear her voice and turn around and see everyone standing there looking at me. Jenny sees my face and sees it covered in blood. "What happened Kamen?" She asked. I motion down to Jerry. "Jerry happened. The fucker didn't want to leave me alone and cornered me so I had to deal with him." I said as I wipe away the blood from my face. Elizabeth walks up with Alice and they see the monster. Elizabeth gasps. "Oh my god. It's a Nasirath." Everyone looks at her, and I ask. "What's a Nasirath?" She looks at me and walks up to me and gives me a hug and then slaps me across the face. Everyone is shocked by what she just did.

Leaning back I run my cheek. "Why did you slap me?" I ask her. She sighs. "Nasiraths is a very dangerous sub-class of the snake people, the Drakooni. They aren't very intelligent, but they make up for it with immense strength and defense. How did you even kill it?" She asking while she squinted her eyes. I clear my throat and tell her "I combined my light and darkness with fire and put it into my sword and slashed at it."

She glares at me very angry. "Do you know what you could've done?! You could've destroyed the area around you and buried yourself and we never would have found you!" She yells at me. Jenny walks infront of her and looks into her eyes before answering. "What would you have had him do? It does look like he could go anywhere now does it?" Jenny motions around us. Elizabeth huffs and turns around, hating that Jenny is right.

She turns around to me and smiles. "I'm just glad you're safe Kamen. I was really worried about you." She says as she kisses my lips. Alistair clears his throat and speaks. "How about you guys do that later. We need to find a way out of here. Unless any of you can fly I suggest we find an exit."

I nod at him and tell everyone to stand back. They listen and back up. "What are you going to d-" Jenny asks before seeing me charge up my powers and unleash it in a small dose on the wall with the hole. The wall crumbles down and light can be seen. I look at the and smile. "Let's go this way." I say as I walk towards the light. As soon we go up everyone ends up in the room with all of the crystals with a light orb hovering above it. Looking at it, I call the light back to me. Everyone sees the light go into my body and look confused.

I stare back at them and shrug. "I've been training alot, there's alot that's changed about me." Elizabeth walks up to the crystals and squints her eyes. She stares at me. "Where did these come from?" She asks. I look at her and shrug again. "I'm not entirely sure, I assume Jerry collection them from the people and beasts that roamed in here." I say picking one up and looking at it. Lumen appears beside everyone freaking them out. I look at them and laugh. "You'll get used to it." I say.

I look at Lumen and ask him "Are all the crystals the same?" He shakes his head. "From what I can gather, no. Looking at them now I can tell you they're different, you can tell from the various sizes and colors. It would seem the white ones are purely for stats, where as the black ones would be for abilities." He notices one peculiar one. He motions to it.

"Kamen, pick that one up and eat it." Lumen says.

Elizabeth looks at Lumen then to me. "I don't think that's a good idea Kamen." I stare back at her and shrug. I throw the crystal in my mouth. Suddenly my head starts hurting I fall to the ground gripping my head. Everyone moves to help me, but Lumen summons the light and creates a barrier around me so they can't get to me. "He's fine, he needs to do this. This is what happens when he eats one. I just don't know what the Purple crystal is." He says looking back down at me.

Jenny speaks up. "So you don't know what it is and you let him eat it?! Who even are you?!" She clearly angry at Lumen.

Sighing Lumen tells everyone to sit down and that he'll tell them who he is. As everyone finds somewhere to sit. Lumen creates another barrier around everyone. "This is so nothing will bother us." Lumen says and he walks infront of everyone.

My head is pounding, I black out and wake up in a strange castle. I'm kneeling infront of someone. Looking up I feel this ominous power that feels suffocating. Someone speaks up. "My king, I have selected the 5 vampires that I believe should be able to gain more intel on that man." The man sitting in the throne speaks up in a deep powerful voice. "Good, they better not fail me Ragnor. I do not want another incident like we had in the human world." Ragnor shakes his head. "I assure you my king they will not fail." He stares at them. "They better not fail." Ragnor thought. He knew the king hated when his men failed a task that should be simple as gathering intel.

Looking around I see 4 other men kneeling down as well. I stop on one man. "The man I saw in the cave. It would seem he was telling the truth." I think to myself. The king stands up and forces more pressure down onto us. The man speaks up. "My king Dracula, I promise as a spy of the Tepes family we will not fail you." The king can be seen staring at the man. "If you fail, you know what will happen to your family do you not?" The king says in a sinister yet sadistic tone.

All the men shiver at the thought of their family at the hands of the king. They knew that if they failed. Their family would soon join them. I suddenly appear walking down the path I was taking before. Everyone stops. "I heard something in that cave." The man says pointing towards the cave. The men go to investigate it. They light their torches and walk inside.

Walking down the corridor, they hear a roar. One that is far too familiar "Jerry" I think to myself as I feel the man move towards the noise. They reach where the noise had come from and didn't see anything. "Maybe our heads are playing tricks on us?" One of the men ask before noticing a door "Let's setup our camp in here" The man says before they walk through. They hear a roar outside and go investigate, One man sees it climbing down from the ceiling. "There it is! Attack it!" The man says. Rushing towards the monster they notice nothing is working against it.

"We need to run!" One man said before being picked up and ripped apart. The monster can be seen sucking his insides out and then eating him whole. "You next!" Jerry roars before crushing another man flat and eating him. "What is that monstrosity?" One man yelled out running away, he runs back to camp and hides. Hearing his comrades scream in pain. The man sulks back down into the corner and weeps.

I wake up and notice I'm laying on the ground and can see a light barrier above me.