
The Vampiric Lover

Kamen's world was brought to its knees with the disappearance of his beloved parents due to an accident, shredding any remaining hope from his already bleak life. His only source of comfort became Jenny, his childhood friend, until the fateful night when he was turned into a vampire by the same woman he loved. His whole world shifted in an instant and the death and destruction that followed were so much more than he expected. With guilt for what she had done weighing on her shoulders, Jenny followed him on his journey through his newfound vampiric life, struggling to make amends for the pain she caused.

The_Ash_Master · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
49 Chs

Kamen's POV And Soul Combination

Kamen's POV




"No! Please stop! Listen to me!" I attempt yell out but nothing happens.


"Why is this happening? Is it the thirst? Was it that powerful?!"


"It was a mixture of your thirst for blood, but at the same-time your thirst for power. Your true instinct kicked in. I'm sorry Kamen, I am unable to help you through this. You are currently going through your evolution, but it would seem that Vestis and I,along with the others within your soul aren't helping anything. Vestis has always wanted to become stronger, I cannot say that I am much different. I too want to get stronger, but to protect you and everyone else." Lumen says as he looks down at the ground clearly saddened that he is powerless to stop it.


"So I can't do anything." I say as the sadness slowly kicks in.


"Just because he says that there's nothing he can do, doesn't mean you can't do anything." Vestis says appearing next to us along with Lilith and Typhon.


"This is your fault!" I yell out at Vestis.


"No, this is not my fault. This is your own fault. You need to accept what you truly are. A monster, an anomaly, an existence that shouldn't exist. Why aren't you surprised? It's been infront of you this whole time. Why haven't you stopped and thought about how you have so many souls?" He explains as I look at him in shock.


"Am I truly a monster? Should I even exist?" I ask myself as I feel guilt fall on me like a rock.


"Kamen, it is true that you are an anomaly. But do not let that weigh you down. You have the ability to change things for the vampires. Vlad fears how massive your potential is." Lumen says putting his hand on my back.


"If that's true, then I just need to accept it." I say as I look back up to everyone.



"Will you all continue to follow me on my journey?" I ask them.


Vestis laughs. "It's not like we can go anywhere at the moment."


Typhon laughs. "You certainly are strange Kamen, I respect that." He says in a deep gravely voice.


I look towards Lumen. "How to do I speed up the evolution to it's completion?" I ask him.


He shakes his head. "Unfortunately, I am unsure. All I am for sure about is that right now all that is required is time." Lumen explains.


Vestis speaks up. "If you really want to speed this up, you need to become whole."


I look at him in confusion.


"What do you mean become whole?"


He laughs as if someone pulled my pants down infront of everyone.


"To become whole, you will need to allow us to become apart of you. If you don't understand, look at it this way; we're all apart of your soul. But we're merely fragments to a sick puzzle. Once you complete the puzzle what do you get?" He explains.


"So, to be whole then I need to have only one soul."


He nods his head.


"I didn't want to suggest this, Kamen. There are side effects to this." Lumen says.


"What are the side effects?" I ask him


"From time to time, or memories will bleed into your subconscious and our memories will slowly become yours, and with that our personalities will constant fight to gain supremacy over the others. Slowly you will start to show different personality traits from each of us. The worst is Vestis." He explains.


"If wanting to kill and eat people is wrong then call me insane." Vestis says hiding a smile behind his hand.


I look at everyone and then back to Lumen.


"What if I don't let anyone take over? What if my will is superior?" I ask in confusion.


Lumen rubs his chin. "I'm not sure, I would assume that your personality would be at the front but only hints of ours. The way you interact with people will be different but only slightly. To you it will feel normal, but to everyone else it would seem like you're a different person."


"It's a risk I have to take. Please show me how to do it." I say with confidence.


Lumen sighs.


"Alright Kamen, if that's truly what you want. Then I will tell you." He explains as he pulls out a chair from thin air and sits in it.


"To truly become whole, you will need to fight and overcome each soul, each fight will vary. Of-course you won't be able to use our powers. You will only be able to fight using your own abilities and powers from your blood line."


"That's unfortunate. But it has to be done." I say looking down at the ground.



"Let's do it." I say looking back up to everyone.


Lumen shakes his head and waves his hand as everything in the room disappears and we appear in a different room with weapons lining each wall.


I look forward and see my first opponent.





"I really hope that you go easy on me Kamen, I don't want to be hurt." She says shaking her hips back and forth.


Seeing this I steel my resolve and rush in to attack.


Her tail grips my wrist and stops my attack.


She leans in and steals a kiss.


"I'm going to miss this Kamen." She says as she whips me across the room. I hit the wall and fall to the ground.


"Damn it, she's surprisingly strong. I'll have to use my abilities for this." I say as I enhance my speed and strength.


Suddenly I'm behind Lilith and my leg connects with her back as she is sent forward into the ground cracking it.


"Agggh!" She cries out as she gets back up.


"That was rude Kamen, I thought you loved me." She says as she suddenly changes her form to look like Jenny.


"How dare you take her form, you're insulting her beauty!" I yell out in anger.


I rush at her and tackle her to the ground and wrap my arms around her neck and squeeze.


Lilith starts coughing gasping for air as she reaches up and puts her thumbs into my eye balls and push.



"AAAAAAGGGGGHHHHHH FUCK!" I yell out in pain and jump off her. 

With my vision blocked I can't see her attack coming, she comes to the side of me and forces her tail into my arm and pulling.


I feel my arm coming out of the socket.


Fueled by pain and anger I reach out with my other arm and grasp onto her tail.


I rip. Her tail comes out with a wet slosh. Blood oozes from my arm as my vision slowly comes back to me.


Lilith is standing infront of me in the form of my mother.


"Honey, it's time to stop this senseless fight and let me win."


"no. No. NO. DON'T YOU EVER USE HER FORM AGAIN, I'LL KILL YOU!" I yell out as I go into a berserker like rage and slam into her forcing her into the wall.


I punch into her face with all of my might feeling her skull cave in due to my fists. I can't stop hitting her.


The thought of her using my mother is sickening.


Lilith tries to cry out but my rage blocks the sound.


Soon her arms go limp as I crush her skull completely and rip it off of her body.


Her body slowly fades away and my rage slowly subsides.


The area around me changes and now Typhon is infront of me.


He notices that I am covered in blood.


"You showed Lilith no mercy. I like that." He says with a sinister smile.


"Let's do thi-" But before he can say anything I'm on top of his body biting into his neck and ripping. Flesh comes away along with black tar like blood.


Typhon tries to swipe at me and knock me off of him, but each time he gets close I let go and go to a different part of his neck.


Soon a big hole is in his neck, big enough for me to crawl in.


I slide into the hole and slowly make my way down his throat, slashing at his insides with my claws flooding his throat with blood.


Unable to breathe, Typhon starts panicking and starts slamming into the wall in order to dislodge me from inside his throat and throw me up.


Unfortunately this proves to be the wrong decision.


As he hits the wall it opens up his throat more and lets me slide down into his stomach, on the way down I reach out towards his heart and latch on.


Biting into his heart I start drinking his blood strengthening my body. When I feel full I slash at his heart and cleave it in two.


This sets in motion Typhons slow and painful death.


Not feeling satisfied, I head down into his stomach and slowly slash my way out of his gut.


Soon I can see the light on the outside and land on the ground.


Covered in guts and black blood, I look up at Typhon.


"I'm not going easy on anyone." I say with a smile.


Typhon slowly falls down to his knees.


As he fades away Typhon says one last thing to me.


"I'm glad that you were strong enough to defeat me, I never truly wanted to be in control. I was merely here to help you develop yourself."


Soon his body fades away and the area is changed again, this time to a gladiator era coliseum.


I turn around and see Lumen standing in the middle of the coliseum.


"It would seem that fate has led us here. Kamen, if you give up I will still help you." He says trying to plead with me.



"I'm sorry Lumen, I appreciate it, but I can't stop here." I say as I get into form to strike.


Lumen sighs as he raises his hand and light can be seen bending around it.


"You'll have to try better than that." I say as I conjure fire and shoot it towards him in 3 different angles.


Lumen looks shocked. He was under the impression that Kamen was unable to use his powers, but didn't take into account that once he defeated the others, he would soon gain their powers to use.


The fire hits Lumen and brings him to his knees for a second before he gets back up.


Soon darkness can be seen creeping into the coliseum.


"Vestis, what are you doing?!" Lumen yells out.


"I'm merely helping him out. You never said I couldn't." He say not being able to be seen.


Soon the darkness covers my body and I feel strengthend by it.


I send out another fire ball but laced with the darkness.


Unprepared, Lumen cannot do anything about it and receives the attack.


Smoke clears and Lumen can be seen missing an arm.


He coughs up what I would assume to be blood, but it's pure light that drips down his chin.


"Damn it! Why didn't I think about that monster interfering. I was under the impression that he wouldn't intervene, but I was clearly wrong." Lumen says as he places his other hand over his arm and soon his arm was healed back to what it was before.


"That isn't going to cut it." I say as I vanish into the darkness.


Lumen looks around unsure of where I've gone. Suddenly, a pool of darkness appears underneath Lumen and grabs his legs and pulls him in.


Unable to do anything Lumen accepts it and falls into the darkness.


While he is surrounded by the dark. Lumen tries to use his light to see, unfortunately the dark proves too powerful as the light cannot be seen.


Soon Lumen hears sounds around him, and suddenly various monsters appear before him attacking at his body. Ripping and tearing.


Trying to fight the monsters off, Lumen notices that more and more keep appearing.


The monsters slowly tear his legs off along with his arms. Left with just a torso, the monsters back off and fade into the darkness.


I appear above him and squat down towards his face.


"You should've have just let me win Lumen, then this wouldn't have happened." I say to him as I stab my claws into his skull and crush and slice his brain to pieces essentially killing him.


"I.....I....I'm sorry K....Kamen. If I we.....were stronger then I....could have helped you.." Lumen says as his body slowly fades away.


The area around me changes once again.


I turn around and see Vestis sitting in a chair in the middle of the room.


"Let's get this over wi-" Before I can finish my sentence a black tendril reaches out and pierces my chest silencing me.


I look down and see the blood dripping from my chest. I grit my teeth in pain and go to grip the tendril.


My hand slowly goes through the tendril.


"I'm sorry Kamen, but unfortunately you cannot touch me." Vestis says as he sees me smiling. He squints his eyes at me in suspicion.


"I never really expected that I would be able to touch you with my hands. But I figured that I would be able to do something different." I say with a smile.


Suddenly Vestis feels a burning sensation in his tendril and tries to pull it out.


I grip his tendril with my hand covered in fire and light.


It proves too strong for his to fight and his tendril catches on fire.



"AAAAGAGHAHA STOP IT!" Vestis cries out in pain.



"I'm sorry, but unfortunately I'm unable to stop." I say as I pull his tendril out and crush it in my hand sending the fire towards his body.


His body lights on fire with a mixture of fire and light. The pure un-adulterated light proving too much for the darkness.


The light slowly eats away at his flesh mixed with the fire burning the sinews as he continues crying out in pain.



I slowly walk towards Vestis and be slowly starts backing away. Reaching out I grab him by his skull and slowly apply pressure cracking it and letting the light and fire go to his brain, cooking it while he's fully awake feeling everything.


The pain overcomes Vestis as his eyes roll to the back of his skull.


I hold my hand out and form a golden spear mixed with fire, light and my increased strength.


Slamming the spear down into his chest, I pierce his heart setting it on fire and erasing it.


"I promise to you Kamen, I will be back and when I do. I'll become the new king and you'll be my horse." With that his body slowly fades away as I feel his soul finally latch onto mine and make it whole.


The area starts to crackle and fall away as my consciousness slowly comes back to me.


I see everyone laying on the ground as I fall to my knees and black out once more.