
The Vampiric Lover

Kamen's world was brought to its knees with the disappearance of his beloved parents due to an accident, shredding any remaining hope from his already bleak life. His only source of comfort became Jenny, his childhood friend, until the fateful night when he was turned into a vampire by the same woman he loved. His whole world shifted in an instant and the death and destruction that followed were so much more than he expected. With guilt for what she had done weighing on her shoulders, Jenny followed him on his journey through his newfound vampiric life, struggling to make amends for the pain she caused.

The_Ash_Master · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Efforts Of Training and A Blood Mage?!

I looked at everyone, they looked hardened from battle.

One guy had two swords that had knicks in them from continued use. He was atleast 6 foot 2, he had a full set of armour red and black. His chest plate had an emblem of an eagle on it. I assume he's a knight. They other person is much shorter at 5 foot, she had a red robe on with a oakwood staff and a set of glasses that look like something a grandfather would wear, they're most likely a mage.

The last two look about the same, except they both had daggers and one was 5 foot 8 with a lightweight chain mail chest plate and weird blue boots that look like they have lightning around them. The other one is 5 foot 5, he has the same armour and weapon except his daggers are black with red veins in them. They're both rogues, but I have to look out for the one with the black daggers, he looks more dangerous that the others.

"Is everyone ready?" I ask looking to everyone smiling.

"We're ready, but do you think that you'll be fine without your teachers help?" The knight says mocking me.

Cracking my neck I relax and imagine the light and darkness energy to radiate from my body. I open my eyes and push the energy out of my body. Suddenly the ground starts to shake and the knight who was mocking me looks into my eyes.

He stares into the depths of Vestis. His gaze shifts to the knight, who stretches his neck and pops his head off. At this, Vestis's face contorts and he starts to speak, "Hey there, why don't you come with me and experience what hell is really like?" Fire springs from his eyes as his razor-sharp teeth peek out from beneath his lips. Without warning, Vestis rushes towards the knight and then vanishes.

While it appears as if the knight is just looking at Kamen, a closer inspection reveals that this is not the case.

The knight begins to scream, "He's a monster! Everyone run! Please God help me!" As he attempts to escape, I use Ice Magic to form an icy prison around him. Seeing this, everyone else stands in disbelief; they didn't think I would be much trouble.

The magic casts a fireball and sends it towards me, I block the attack only for me to see one of the rogues behind the fireball rushing me. Looking at him I disappear and reappear behind him. I grab him by the head and throw him into the mage, not being able to do anything she gets hit and falls to the ground.

The only one left is the rogue with black blades. He runs towards me and throws out two balls, I stare at the balls and they explode with light. Blinded I relax and feel the energy around me, I sense him, but it's too late. The rogue stabs me in the side with his daggers. I push him back into the ground denting the stone floor. I pull the daggers out and throw them on the ground. I walk towards the rogue and stop. I look down at my side and realize I'm not healing like I normally would.

"What is wrong with me?" I think as my body starts hurting and feeling weak. "You've been poisoned with beasts blood Kamen." Lumen says in my head. "I'll try my best to get rid of the poison."

"I guess I have to help too." I hear Vestis say. "I hope this power I'm giving you will do the trick, I don't want to overload you, you're not ready for my full power."

Shaking my head I reply. "I don't care, I need something to help me."

Moving, I notice my body is becoming lighter and I feel stronger. This must be Vestis's doing. I walk up to the rogue now getting up off the ground, he grabs his daggers and runs at me again. Not letting him do it again, I hold my hand out and feel the darkness come out of it. A strange darkness comes out and bites him in half. He screams only for a second as the darkness eats his other half.

Looking to the otherside, I see the mage and the other rogue finally get up, the mage handing the rogue a potion. I assume it's a health potion. Feeling refreshed the rogue shakes his body. "You're going to regret doing that to my brother you damned monster!" The rogue yells out charging towards me. I ready my sword and flash towards him, appearing infront of him in a split second I slash outward hoping to cleave him in two, it's obvious they weren't going to let me live.

As soon as my sword touches his daggers, the mage fires off a wind slash in my direction. Seeing this I grab the rogue by the face and throw him into it. The mage can't cancel his spell and watches the rogue get sliced in two.

Freaking out the mage turns around tries to leave, realizing she can't she turns around and sees my eyes. My blood red eyes stare into hers and I can see the sheer terror in her eyes. I grab her by the head and bite into her neck and drain her blood. Then I bite my thumb and let my blood drip in her mouth. I drop her to the ground and see her body start to shake.

She starts screaming in pain, begging for me to kill her. I look down at her with pity in my eyes. "Was I this desperate when I was turned?" I think with sadness written on my face.

I turn and see Elizabeth smiling, she seems pleased that I'm turning my first vampire. Suddenly I hear the screaming stop and I look down at the mage and see her new form. She has beautiful pale skin, her breasts have gotten bigger, she's atleast a C cup now. I wonder what she is now. She was a mage. "Kamen, I can tell you what she is, you just have to ask me to inspect her." Lumen says.

Shocked, I ask. "That's a thing? I didn't know that was possible." Lumen shrugs his shoulders, like it was common knowledge. "Alright let's do this." I say as I look at the mage and say "Inspect." I take a step back when I see a screen pop up giving me her stats.

'Name: Ruby Ironclaw

Clan: Ironclaw

Class: Blood Mage

Sub-Class: Mystic

Personality: Shy, Easily Amazed, Super Smart

Relationship: Servant'

I look at her stats and read 'Blood Mage'. "What on earth is a Blood Mage or a Mystic?" I pick her up and bring her towards Elizabeth.

"Elizabeth would you happen to know what a Blood Mage or a Mystic is?" I ask putting Ruby down. Thinking about it she replies. "So what can Ruby do?" I ask cautiously, afraid of the answer.

Elizabeth looks at me with a knowing smile before answering. "Blood Mages are known for their incredible healing abilities, as well as using blood magic to amplify their spells - both offensive and defensive. As for Mystics, they have the ability to use illusions and enchantments - including mind control." She pauses before adding quietly, "They can also be dangerous when used incorrectly."

I take a step back in shock before looking at Ruby's new form again. I shake my head before turning back towards Elizabeth and asking,"So what should I do with her?"

Elizabeth takes a deep breath before saying,"Well, I suggest you train her so she knows how to properly control her powers - especially since she won't remember much from when she was a human witch or mage."

I nod my head slowly in agreement before turning around and looking at Ruby again. I can see the confusion in her eyes as she stares blankly ahead - not understanding anything that has happened. I take a step forward and kneel down next to her, placing my hand gently on her shoulder in reassurance. Looking into her pale green eyes I softly say,"It's alright; there is nothing to fear here."

I can see the confusion start to fade from her face as some of the fear starts to dissipate. Standing up I turn towards Elizabeth once more and ask,"What should we do now?"

Elizabeth smiles knowingly before replying,"You need to find a place for her where she can learn how to use her powers correctly without harming anyone or herself." She pauses for a moment before asking, "Do you happen to know a witch?"

Nodding I tell her about Alice. "Maybe she can help, she is a witch after all, let's go to her and see what she says." When we go back to Elizabeth's house to get back to the portal. When we get there we notice Alistair is outside her house waiting for us.