
The Vampires Phoenix

Adam a hundred years old vampire trapped in a handsome teenage body is losing himself in this world. He needs to find his mate before time runs out on him. What happens when he attends a club for the first time in ages and encounters a strange meeting with an innocent young man. Will his life change after saving the man he thinks will be his mate?

Uniquerose · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter Three

Adam's POV

I'm Adam Vladimir, a vampire. I'm one hundred years old, and a member of the Royal clan.

My clan consists of myself, Celine, her mate, Luka, Rose, and Salvatore.

Salvatore is the leader of our clan, but unlike must clan leaders who are after power and bloodshed, C Salvatore believes in humanity and values lives. That is why he is the first vampire that labels himself as a vegetarian.

A vegetarian vampire does not feed off human blood, but animal blood. It doesn't work the same way, but it suffices the hunger. While it is a very hard lifestyle especially if you have tasted human blood, it is fine once you have a lot of practice and self-control.

Salvatore is like a father to all of us, but before being a father to me, he is my savior. He saved my life and was there when I needed him the most.

In the 19th century, tuberculosis was a deadly disease that had no cure or vaccine and over a thousand people died from the elderly to children. The hospitals were swamped by loved ones, patients and medical personnels.

At that time my mom also got infected, and Salvatore was one of the doctors. He was kind and always advised me to stay away from the hospital because I could go infected by the disease which was airborne.

Despite Salvatore's warnings though, I kept coming back and ended up getting infected. When my mom was at her last moments, she begged Salvatore with her dying breath to save her only child.

In the end, he saved me by giving me the bite. I was the first Person Salvatore had bitten so he carefully taught me everything from how to use and amplify my gift (mind reading) to controlling my blood lust.

Everything was going perfectly until one day, I decided to go for a run and ended up at a club called Dark Fantasy. From the outside, it looked like a building that was ready to collapse any moment. It was painted brown on the sides and white at the top, while the name of the club was put in the middle with large italicized words.

I walked in, and immediately, my head was invaded with sexual fantasies, evil plots and every disgusting thought possible.

The stench of alcohol, smoke, and sex was thick in the air, but as I walked deeper into the building, I noticed that apart from the smell of alcohol and such, I smelled something else. Something delicious and divine. It was calling me, making my mind into a frenzy. Unconsciously, I felt myself being pulled towards the sweet smell.

My eyes land on a young man in his twenties, sitting at the bar and drinking a beer straight from the bottle.

I breathe in his scent; my fangs start to elongate, and my eyes start changing color from gold to pure black. I had forgotten all about my training and any rational thought had escaped my mind. All I could think about was sinking my fangs into his neck and drinking him dry.

I started walking towards him, but then he stood up and started walking out. I followed him outside, and when he turned into a dark alley, I took the opportunity and grabbed for his neck. He was about to scream, but I quickly placed my hand over his mouth. Using my other hand, I twisted his neck and sank my fangs into his skin.

The only feeling that I could use to describe that moment was euphoria.

But the fun was over as soon as it started when I drank his blood to my fill and dropped his body like a log. Reality came crashing down, but it was too late. The deed has already been done.

After that incident, Salvatore suggested we moved to another country and that's when we met...

Why do I keep thinking about that, I thought while sighing, jeez I need a hot shower.


I'm going through my music collection when i hear celine's thoughts. 

I feel so bad for Adam. He is such a nice person; I wonder why he still haven't found his mate. Was it because his mate has not been born yet? Not having a mate was really starting to affect him. He is no longer as jovial as he used to be for a vampire. He always looks really depressed. 

After hearing her thoughts, I can't help but feel that what she was thinking was right.

I have not been acting like myself lately. I have been searching for my mate for 100 years now, and that is literally 200 years in vampire years since we don't sleep, so we count the night as another day.

Sometimes I can't help but think that maybe I'm not good enough for anybody, and that's why I haven't found my mate yet. There could also be the possibility that my mate is already dead.

If you are wondering what a mate is, a mate is a vampire's soulmate, the other half, the one who completes a vampire.

A vampire can tell who his or her mate is at first sight and smell.

Your mate will smell like what you love the most. Being in their presence is like being in eternal paradise.

Your whole world will rotate around them; they will be all you live for, and the only love of your life. You will do everything and anything to keep them safe.

You will never be able to hurt them whether they are a human or a vampire. You will love them unconditionally.

Celine's POV

"Adam? Adam? So your boring music is more interesting than your lovely sister?" I shouted into my brother's ears. 

"What is it, Celine?" he finally responded.

"Nothing except the fact that I have been calling you for like five minutes, and you were busy staring into nothing to notice me." she huffed in response.

"Sorry Celine..what did you want?

"I will be going to the club later, and I want you to join me."

"Celine, I can't. You know very well that I don't like going to such places." 

It reminds me of him.

"But Adam, it will be fun. Please, please, please, say yes."

"Okay, I will go but just this once."

"Thanks Adam! You are the best."

"Is Luka coming? Never mind. You never go anywhere without him. He's literally your bodyguard."

"Whatever A. If you had a mate as lovely as myself, I'm sure you will be glued to his or her side always."

"What? You know what, bye Cel," I snorted, turning away from her. 

"Yeah bye," Celine turned and walked out of my room.

I think I should go for a run to clear my mind because running is the best feeling in the world; it makes me feel free and helps clear my thoughts.

But somewhere deep within me, I knew that running wasn't the best feeling in the world. It was when you could hold your mate in your arms.