
The Vampires Kiss

MissTaeTae · Fantasy
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Arranged Marriage

It was the cursed day...the day of the royal wedding. In just a few short hours i was to be married off to a complete stranger. People envy the life of royalty... i don't see how you could envy someone who has no control of their life much less who they get to fall in love with. I would much rather live the simple commoner life, getting to marry whoever i please, who was right for me... A real soulmate. To have children and go to work everyday. Unfortunately i was not born into such a family. Today i would leave my father for god knows how long and continue my life as the arm candy of some king who would undoubtedly not care a bit about me other then eventually getting my fathers land and kingdom.

I hopped out of my bed after contemplating how today was going to go and preparing myself mentally. My maids were already waiting for me, their task was to make me more beautiful than i actually appeared for my wedding... I don't understand why, i would only disappoint my future husband once he saw how i really looked. I hated the feeling of makeup on my face and tight dresses that revealed a little more than I'm comfortable with. Unfortunately that was the fashion these days and i had to live up to it. They prepared a hot bath for me and i slid into it as i removed my soft silken robe. The maids began to wash my hair while another one started washing my feet. I laid my head back and tried to relax as much as possible. Who was i kidding? Who is ever relaxed on their wedding day. As i sat there my mind drifted off to the dream i had a few nights ago. I still couldn't shake the feeling of the strange mans deep violet eyes starting into mine, His eyes were addictive, i wanted so badly to look away but i physically couldn't. Such a strange dream i thought.

Later on my maid Ejona began to style my hair while i sipped a cup of fresh hot tea, it was made with special herbs that would supposedly help me relax and not stress about later that day. My other maid Ione walked over with a beautiful flowing white gown. It was made of the finest lace and silk within a 300 miles. It was a gorgeous sight and strangely i was excited to wear it... just not for the occasion it was meant for. Who even is my future husband? Women were never told about who they were going to marry, they just had to deal with whatever they were given. I wished things where different. That i at least had a choice or got to meet my suitors beforehand. But that was not how the royal weddings worked. I only knew his name. Prince Reign. It was a charming name. I only hope he is as charming as his name appears.

I slipped into my wedding gown. It hugged me in all the right places and for once i felt slightly pretty. Not that it mattered I thought to myself as i admired my gown in the mirror.

"The ceremony will begin in just a few minutes My lady" Ione said as she added the final touches to my hair and makeup.

"I am ready" I said with a sigh while taking one last glance at myself in the mirror.

"Don't worry my lady you look breathtaking, I'm sure your future lover is going to be stunned by your beauty"

"You flatter me Ione." I gave her a weak smile, I didn't believe a word she said. She was just a maid, it was her job to keep me happy, she would say anything to lighten my mood.

"Her highness...Princess Rosette of the kingdom, Galina" The announcer spoke loudly so that everyone in the room stopped and turned to stare at the grand staircase. I knew i was suppose to enter by now but i couldn't move, the nerves got to me and i was paralyzed with fear. I heard the crowd begin to mutter, probably wondering where i was and why i was late. "my lady you've got to make your entry" Ejona whispered in my ear, "Ill walk with you" she said taking a hold of my arm. I felt a little better. Ejona had raised me since i was a child and she was one of the only people in this castle i trusted. We slowly descended the large staircase and i felt a thousand eyes staring at me as i began. I wasn't the type that liked to make a scene and have the attention on me. this was terrifying...more so then getting married to a stranger. "His royal highness... Prince Reign of Mirielle"

That was him...That was the man i was arranged to spend forever with. I wanted to look up and meet his gaze but part of me was terrified to see the result. As i stared down at the floor a pair of dark black boots came into view... this was the moment, I had to look up.

Slowly i moved my head, following the manly figure in front of me, He was very strong, i mean he was a prince of course he was strong, He had dark wavy black hair and...wait...My heart skipped a beat, For a moment i forgot to breathe and almost lost my balance...This man had deep, vibrant violet eyes...