
The vampire Prince's bride

In a realm where supernatural beings coexist, a war breaks out between vampires, fairies, and witches. The vampire prince, determined to reign supreme, sets out to find a mystical Bride whose power will secure his dominance. His search leads him to the human Kingdom of Korobia where the fearful king offers his daughter, Eleanor, as a bride to the vampire monarch. Despite her reluctance, Eleanor is forced into the marriage, unaware that she is a light fairy descended from a powerful line that is destined to defeat evil.

Akuegbo_Kelechi · Fantasy
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49 Chs

Chapter 43: Drakon’s Backstory 1

Drakon's heart thundered in his chest as he sprinted through the dense, shadowy forest, every muscle straining under the relentless pace. Branches lashed at his face and arms, drawing blood, but he didn't slow down. The sting of his wounds, the burning in his lungs—all were insignificant compared to the need to keep moving. The mere thought of what would happen if his father found him filled him with dread. He knew the punishment would be brutal. Desperately, he ducked into a thicket, dropping to his hands and knees to crawl through the underbrush. The damp earth and prickly leaves scraped against his skin, but he pressed on until he reached his sanctuary: an ancient cave, hidden and secluded. He collapsed against the cool stone walls, his breath ragged and shallow.

Memories of his grueling training sessions flooded his mind. Each day was a relentless barrage of combat drills and exercises designed to push him beyond his limits. King Aleron, his father, ruled the vampire kingdom with an iron fist, instilling fear in humans and supernatural beings alike. From a young age, Drakon had been acutely aware of the immense power and responsibility that came with being a vampire prince. His father had drilled into him the necessity of marrying from the human realm, a strategic move to cement their authority over both vampires and humans.

Drakon's thoughts drifted to his younger brother, Percy. Percy was everything he was not: calm, collected, and revered by the vampire elders. They saw in Percy a future king who could lead with wisdom and grace, a stark contrast to Drakon's rebellious and defiant nature. The elders secretly wished for Percy to ascend the throne instead of Drakon, seeing him as a more suitable heir.

Whenever Drakon managed to escape his brutal training, he would seek refuge in this ancient cave. It was a place where he could breathe freely, away from his father's oppressive presence. Here, he could be himself, even if only for a short while. Sometimes, he would venture into the wild to hunt animals, finding a semblance of peace in the primal act.

One day, after a particularly harsh training session, Drakon returned to the castle. The sight that greeted him only fueled his simmering rage. His father, King Aleron, was seated on the throne, exuding an aura of magnificence and power. A glass of blood swirled in his hand, without a care in the world.

"Where have you been?" King Aleron's voice was cold and commanding, slicing through the air like a blade.

"Out," Drakon replied defiantly, his fists clenched at his sides.

The king's eyes narrowed, his gaze piercing. "You dare to defy me? You are a disgrace to our lineage."

"I am who I am," Drakon shot back, his voice laced with defiance. "I won't be your puppet."

The tension in the room was palpable, the air thick with unspoken animosity. Finally, King Aleron waved his hand dismissively. "Guards, take him to his room and see that he does not leave. Let him reflect on his insolence."

Drakon was escorted to his chambers, guards stationed at every entrance. The confinement only fueled his rebellious spirit. He would not be broken, no matter how hard his father tried.

Drakon's training was designed to mold him into a warrior of unparalleled strength and power. Each day, he was pushed to his physical and mental limits, enduring a regimen that would have broken a lesser being. His father's methods were harsh and unforgiving, aimed at forging a ruler who could command respect and instill fear. The vampire kingdom thrived on power, and King Aleron was determined to ensure that his son would be a worthy successor.

Yet, despite the relentless training, Drakon's spirit remained unyielding. He was determined to carve his own path, to prove that he was more than just a pawn in his father's game. His rebellious nature was both a strength and a curse, fueling his defiance but also isolating him from those who could have been allies.

His brother, Percy, was the antithesis of Drakon. Where Drakon was fiery and impetuous, Percy was calm and composed. The vampire elders saw in Percy the qualities of a great leader—wisdom, patience, and a strategic mind. They envisioned a future where Percy would guide the kingdom with a steady hand, bringing prosperity and stability. Drakon, with his rebellious streak, was seen as a liability, a potential threat to the delicate balance of power.

Drakon's defiance was not born out of a desire to rebel for the sake of rebellion. It was a reaction to the suffocating expectations and the relentless pressure to conform to his father's vision. He longed for freedom, for the chance to define his own identity and destiny. The ancient cave became his sanctuary, a place where he could escape the oppressive weight of his responsibilities and the constant scrutiny.

In the solitude of the cave, Drakon found a sense of peace. The ancient stone walls, cool and comforting, provided a refuge from the chaos of his life. Here, he could shed the facade of the dutiful prince and embrace his true self. It was in these moments of solitude that he contemplated his future, grappling with the question of who he wanted to be.

The kingdom was a place of darkness and power, where strength was revered above all else. The vampires ruled with an iron fist, their dominance unquestioned. King Aleron embodied this power, his rule characterized by a ruthless pursuit of control. He was a formidable figure, his presence commanding respect and fear. His strength was legendary, his will unyielding. He had forged a kingdom that thrived on fear and obedience, and he expected his sons to uphold this legacy.

Drakon's relationship with his father was complex, marked by a mix of fear, resentment, and a deep-seated desire for approval. King Aleron's expectations were a heavy burden, and Drakon's inability to meet them only fueled his defiance. He yearned for his father's respect, but he was unwilling to sacrifice his individuality to earn it. This conflict was the source of his rebellious spirit, a manifestation of his struggle to reconcile his identity with his father's demands.

The tension between Drakon and his father reached a breaking point on the day of their confrontation in the throne room. The sight of his father, regal and imposing, was a stark reminder of the power dynamics at play. King Aleron's cold, commanding voice cut through the air, a challenge that Drakon could not ignore. His defiant response was a declaration of independence, a refusal to be controlled.

The aftermath of the confrontation was a period of introspection for Drakon. Confined to his chambers, he had time to reflect on his actions and their consequences. The guards at his door were a constant reminder of his father's authority, but they also fueled his determination to resist. Drakon's spirit remained unbroken, his resolve only strengthened by the confinement.

As the days passed, Drakon's thoughts turned to his future. He knew that his path would not be easy, that his defiance would come at a cost. But he was willing to pay that price for the chance to forge his own destiny. He was determined to prove that he could be a leader on his own terms, that he could command respect without sacrificing his individuality.