
the vampire prey

the only survived vampire, Dylan wants Eli and he would get him. but Eli has to escape from the dangerous man even though his heart always best faster when around him.

Ayo_Mide_7147 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The rotten blood

Walking to where he remember the store of blood is. He opened the fridge and cringe.

"Hnng" bang!

How long did he sleep for the blood to stinks like that.

He almost developed phobia blood

He would starve to dealth!

Now he is even pain in is gut as it's about to tear apart

"Gah Ahh fuck it's seems I have to go out"

Dylan thought unwilling

It's been awhile since he has to hunt for food by himself and honestly

He is not looking forward to it

Making him miss his human friend

Thinking about those period

It's seems time has passed .he won't even be able to remember how his friend looks like

"Haa haa

Those be unappetizing scent is making me sick"

How can Nathan even be able to get those blood when almost the blood of everybody miles away is like the one at home.

Where can he get now.

He is very sure that he look horrible now

With his fangs out

Blood like eyes

