
the vampire prey

the only survived vampire, Dylan wants Eli and he would get him. but Eli has to escape from the dangerous man even though his heart always best faster when around him.

Ayo_Mide_7147 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

living in the mansion

  Shocked by his master unreliable character.

eli want to ask his master

'havent you ate your night'snacks'in the morning'?

Holding the bowl of noodles that almost tumble with his hand.

Dylan glance at the resentful boy with his nonchalant gaze.

"I won't disturb your meal,and . don't forget tonight" leaving the irritated boy with this sentence,he dash upstairs.

Entering his room Eli decided to eat first before anything.

Having finish eating.he look outside seeing that it is almost dark.

He decided to accept his fate for now.

He dawdling a few moments before heading to the master room as if going for a war.

But the moment he entered the lion den.his courage went poof.!

Seeing the demon with his head down doing something.he decided to extend the time by not saying anything.

The moment the human entered the room Dylan attention is on him.seeing the boy silence,he can guess what is on his mind but he pretend not to.

Shifting his attention towards the boy completely,he gesture"come closer" shifting closer a little bit.

" No more closer"not wanting to obey but still he move only a little closer.

Not wanting to waste Time anymore.dylan grab his little hand and yank him into his embrace with a rogue smirk.

Seeing that he can't escape he just lay stiff on Dylan body.

Feeling the boy stiffness,his hand on the boy waist caress the skin there making the boy Yelp almost escaping.

"Now boy time for my night snacks"