
Chapter 1

Under the dark night of Alaska sat a beautiful girl weeping on the cemetery of her uncle's while laughing like a mad woman and reeking of alcohol. She looked up at the dark night and said in her mind it's time to go back to that shameless man ( aka Bella's father)

She stood up and went to her car but turns to look at the tomb one more time and smiled and continue to work to her Car a black Lamborghini . She hopped into the car and drove home at full speed.

Hl every one am Bella Anderson I live at Alaska with my uncle's but am from Canada. But now that my uncle's are dead I have no order option but to go to my dad who literally hates me for no particular order except when he tells me I killed the love of his life my Mother , which doesn't make sense. I mean who the hell hates there own flesh and blood, almost beats them to death , abuses them . Well the past is in the past gotta move on .

I really don't want to go back to Canada not only because of my father but because of my friends and School.

Mira , Max and Nora the three of them have always been my friends at home and at school .

I got home within 30 min went to my room to pack all my things so that I can be able to get to the airport in time to make my flight . I finished packing took a shower to wipe all the sweats and scent of alcohol of my body , wore my night wear . I threw my self on the bed and thought about how my life will change when I move to Canada my thought drifted to my father would he still hate me , and my best friends how will I tell , on my line of thought about my friends I took my phone and called a group call I was welcomed with the loud noise of my friends I thought they would stop for sometime but the continued I took a whistle and blowed it directly to the speaker of the phone , I heard total silence from the other sides

' Good ' I Said

I called you guys to tell you that I will be leaving for Canada tomorrow .

WHAT! Mira , Max and Nora said at the Sam time

When are you going ? " asked Mira


Can't you not go ? asked Nora

" As much as I do not want to leave I can't do anything about it ". I said.

""So you can't do anything about it""? asked Max

Nope! It is my father's command I must obey it , if I don't I wonder what he will do to me.

""""But you can't continue living like this you have a Life to live he can't just keep dictating what you do with your life Bella"""". Mira said frustrated and angry.

I know . But he's my father I can't do anything I just have to have a little bit of patience. please don't be angry I promise to call you every day hmm . I said with a puppy dog eyes

Hmmmmmmm, Nora sighed , you promise to call us if you don't our friendship is over.

""I agree"" said Max and Mira.

Thanks guys.

Don't forget to call us when you get to Canada . ""Said Max""

I promise , Good night.