
The Vampire Lord's Miracle Baby

An Ancient Vampire goes into slumber for twenty years, and when he awakens, he is stunned to find out that he has a child; a baby born to him by a human, which contradicts everything he has known in his lifetime. Vampires can only reproduce with their fellow vampires, so how could this girl be his child? He is forced to take the responsibility of a parent and win his daughter’s love as she despised him for leaving. The adventure takes a hard bump as his daughter constantly rejects him but this immortal being wouldn’t give up on her. Find out how this powerful Ancient Being learns to love again in his bid to rekindle the love he shared with his baby mama and protect his only heir from enemies he has made over the years; his miracle baby!!

Ifeanyi_Iwuchukwu · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs

Her first kiss

Abraham turned around immediately as if he sensed her presence, he was previously wearing a worried face but it brightened up with a smile the moment he saw her. It felt like excitement raced through his entire being, and he made to climb the threshold immediately.

However, Clarisse ran towards him, she grabbed his hand halfway through and without an explanation, she dragged me along.

"Oh, I am glad to see that you are just as excited as me," he said with a grin.

"Just shut up and come with me before someone sees you here," she replied quickly without looking back at him.

She couldn't help but notice how he had his eyes fixed on her with smiles on his face as they ran. How can someone fall so madly in love over the night, was this obsession or something else entirely.

She had been crushing on this guy for a year and maybe was even obsessed with him that she was willing to kill him if she couldn't have him, but yet she wasn't behaving like he was doing right now.

She took him down to the garden and stopped only when she was sure that there was no one close, and then she turned to him with furrowed eyebrows. "Abraham, what are you doing here?" she queried; curiosity etched on her face.

"Oh, okay… I thought you would be more excited than that," he teased and chuckled but she wasn't finding this funny.

When he saw that she was still wearing that grump face, he quit chuckling immediately and wore a serious face. "Alright, I am sorry… I should have probably called but I wanted to surprise you. I was missing you a lot and I thought I could crash at your place and spend some time with you." He confessed.

"Really?" Clarisse asked with furrowed brows. She found it puzzling that he had just showed up here because he was missing her, and they had seen each other the previous day, they had even spoken on the phone hours ago, so how?

"Yeah, I so badly wanted to see you, I couldn't think of any other thing and it felt like I would lose my mind if I didn't see you. Once again I am sorry for not informing you, but I am here now. You look gorgeous by the way," he added.

Clarisse smiled when he said the last line. She has heard that from several people today but it felt different coming from him.

"Thank you Abraham, but are you sure you are okay?" she asked curiously with scrutinizing eyes; she didn't know why she felt that way but it just didn't feel normal that he was this obsessed with her, he was even acting like a kid.

"No I am not, I am actually mad." He replied with a sudden blunt face.

"Huh?" Clarisse muttered with wide eyes, he was mad?

"Yes, I am madly in love with you," he uttered and she broke into a smile.

"Indeed you are, but you have to get a grip on yourself. You can't be so clingy, that is a female thing." Clarisse complained.

"Alright, I wont show up unexpectedly again, but since I am here now, I was informed that your family has a party going on, I could be your plus one and I do know how to dance," he said and offered his hand.

Clarisse couldn't help but giggle, and then she shook her head in refusal. "I am sorry, Abraham. You can't join because it is a closed party, only people with invitation are allowed to come in," she denied his request.

The smile on his face disappeared, "Oh, well I don't think that should be a problem. I mean, it is your family right, so you can just invite me in," he reasoned.

Clarisse bit her lips and scratched her head, she was looking for a good response to give him and she couldn't let him into a vampire party. He was a human and they would smell him the moment he showed up, she didn't trust her father's friends with no feeding off him, and even if they wouldn't bury their bloody fangs in his neck, he might find out their secret.

"I am sorry, Abraham… I really wish you could join me inside but my father is the only one who sends the invitations, I have no idea where he is and so the guards won't let you in, even with my word. I am really sorry, but you have to leave." Clarisse said.

"Ugh!!" he groaned, "but I don't want to leave," he grumbled.

"I know, I wish you could stay as well, but we have got no other choice. I need to get back to the party before they know I left, I will see you tomorrow at school." She pleaded.

He sighed and looked down in disappointment, but then his face suddenly lightened up with a beaming smile and he looked up.

"Alright, if you want me to go, then you have to let me have that kiss we talked about," he said with a smirk.

Clarisse swallowed hard on hearing that and turned away shyly as she laughed. She turned back to him and couldn't help but notice that he had a beautiful smirk, it was charming.

"Come on, Abraham… we could do this some other time," she replied nervously.

"No, it has to be today, and right now or I wouldn't leave." He said adamantly.

"Ohh!! Are you really not going to leave till I let you kiss me?" she asked, as if it wasn't clear the last time.

He smiled and nodded. "That is right, so what is it going to be?" he asked with a smirk.

She blushed and used her toes to make drawings in the soil, and then she looked up at him. "Fine, get it done already," she said in a cold gentle voice. She tried to be bold and confident with her words but they were like whispers.

Abraham smiled and moved closer to her, she didn't take a step forward or backwards, she just remained at the spot and watched him.

He cupped her cheeks and her body shivered at his touch, he had cold hands and even though he was eager to do this, the nervousness was also evident in his vibrating hands.

Slowly, he brought his lips closer to hers and she felt her eyes close on their own; she awaited his lips on hers and for what felt like an eternity, it didn't happen. Her heart was racing in anticipation, her body trembling. What was taking him so long?

Finally, she felt those cold lips on her tender feminine lips and her heart stopped for a second or two. Her entire body froze and goose bumps were all over her skin, the hairs on her arms rose like trees.

His lips tasted like dark coffee and she loved it, his breath against her skin was mesmerizing. Slowly, he pulled his lips away from hers and she stood there shivering with closed eyes. This was her first kiss and it was the most magical thing she had ever experienced.

"I will see you around, sweetheart… and I hope you love the gift I left you." She heard him whisper through her subconscious mind and then she watched him begin to walk away, with a smile of satisfaction etched on his face.

She remained still at the spot unable to move, her cheeks flushed red and she could still feel the butterflies partying in her stomach, she tried to speak but ended up licking her lower lips for the lingering taste of his lips.

She watched him silently till he disappeared completely from the garden and she felt like it had all happened in a trance. Did she really get her first kiss or was this all her imagination?

She had to touch her lower lips with her finger for confirmation; she could still feel the sensation, the spike of electricity that engulfed her when their lips met. That was going to be one of her best memories, her first kiss!!

"Hey, here you are!!" a voice jolted her out of the daydream.

She turned around and saw Chase, her heart skipped immediately. What was he doing there and how long had she been out?

"Hey," she muttered and tried to act normal. She wondered if he might have seen Abraham kiss her, that is if it even really happened.

"You left for quite a while now, I was worried about you so I decided to come and check. But I can see you are okay, and that is quite a nice flower you have there," he uttered and smiled.

"Flower?" she muttered with curious eyes. Did he mean the flowers in the garden?

"Yeah, the one in your hair," he replied.

She touched her hair and felt something; she pulled it out and realized that it was a beautiful red flower. She was certain that she didn't put it there and that kind of flower wasn't even growing in their garden so she couldn't have gotten it by accident.

Just then, her subconscious replayed Abraham's last words to her. He did mention a gift, so he must have put the flower there without her knowledge. A smile appeared on her face as she stared at the flower and then she looked towards the exit but Abraham was gone already.

He was really here, and he had really kissed her!! Her very first kiss!!

To be continued!!