
The Vampire King's Werewolf Bride

Sometimes we bear the punishments for the mistakes we didn't commit. As the above sentence said, Adira Elisaveta, the werewolf princess now going to bear the punishments for her elder's mistakes. The vengeance between the vampire and Werewolf races hasn't ceased for centuries. As the bloodline of both races decreased, they worried that they may turn non-existent. So, both the races decided to cease the wars and bloodshed with the marriage pact between them. Can a werewolf accept a man who wasn't her mate? Can she lead a life with the Vampire king? When she was struggling with all her troubles with the marriage, she was supposed to meet the Vampire King. During their first meeting, she was shocked to the hell when her wolf screamed MATE seeing the vampire king. Can things get worse than this in her life? Can she accept him? To know more... read the story of the Werewolf Princess Adira Elisaveta.

priyabolagani · History
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119 Chs

Sister-in-law's chat

Adira heard her sister-in-law was getting ready for the first day. She has a few questions about their first day. She wished to have a talk with her sister-in-law before she was sent to Maximus's bed chambers.

Learning that Adira was in Serene's chamber, she walked there.

"Hello Ladies," Adira greeted them with a sunny smile that melted their hearts.

"What are you doing here?" Serene asked.

"I am bored. I came to help my sister-in-law get ready," Adira said with a pout.

"Sadly, you are late already. We are done helping her," Serene said, bursting her bubble.

"Ayya, Mom, let her stay with me. We can have a chat here. You guys go ahead with your preparations," Lenora said.

Taking that as a cue both Eudora and Serene left. They have things to check and arrange. They were glad that Adira was here.

After they left, Adira hooted a whistle at her sister-in-law. Her eyes raked her from top to bottom.

"How I wish to be a man. So that I could have you for myself," Adira said, flirting with her.

"Do you want me to call Zaros or what? He will go insane if he hears these words from you," Lenora teased her equally.

"You are no fun, Sister-in-law," Adira said, thinning her lips. Well... she wasn't wrong tho. Lenora looked beautiful. With a see-through white colored lace gown covered till her knees. And was wearing a bathrobe that did a good job of hiding her body. But since they were in the room, Lenora didn't bother to wear a robe to cover herself.

She was sure that her brother, Maximus would go insane seeing her like this. A mischievous smile formed on her face as Lenora's face turned red.

"But… I am happy for you both. I am glad he and you both are together again with a fresh start," Lenora casually remarked. She heard from her people that Adira and Zaros were all lovey-dovey. And he was so good to her. Even Lenora observed them when they were together. No matter what the reason, she was glad things were working out between them properly. She knew she hated her brother but her sister-in-law was a real cutie. Lenora looked at Adira, who still looked like a baby. She was only twenty one. Indeed, still a baby.

"Don't say that, Sister-in-law. You know how my relationship is," Adira said with a sigh.

"What do you mean? Is that all for a show?" Lenora asked genuinely worried.

"It's not that, Sister-in-law. I don't know how long this good husband act will be there. I know… we don't have good bonding. But you know how I have been with him. He is good now… I wonder if he could be the same. e in the future," Adira put her worries ahead.

"If that is the case then why reconcile with him?" Lenora asked. After all, she has the same worries too. Her husband was asking for a second chance. She doesn't know if it's worth it or not.

"I just don't want to leave my relationship without a try. When I am completely tired of this relationship. I will give up. But now… it won't hurt to give it a try. After all, we are in the starting stages. Our relationships affect the races and the citizens. Just because of my stubbornness and things I don't want to bring war between these two races," Adira said.

Lenora looked at her with heart-filled eyes. This little girl knows how to deal with her life.

Lenora and Adira were in the same situation one way or another. Unlike Adira, Lenora wasn't abused physically. It's just that Adira's relationship brought the childishness and stupidity of her husband out. She felt bad because her husband failed to realize that a wife and a sister both were different.

"Is it easy to forgive him?" Lenora asked, coming out of her thoughts.

"I won't deny the fact that giving a second chance means forgiving him. But I have to. I can't be sitting here crying for his abuse. Everyone deserves a chance. And I felt he deserved it too. If he fails to use it, then it's not worth it. There shall be only two chances in a relationship. A third chance will be the start of the love and hate cycle. And that cycle may turn into regular, it would be uglier than before.

"He apologized to me most sincerely. Doing things just like how he did isn't my way or my kind. At the end of the day, we are two different people. We have different principles and thoughts. It's an okay clash. And the second shall be the last chance. If it isn't the last chance then the relationship isn't based on love but adjustments," Adira said her true thoughts.

Adira was someone who shares her things with the perswhowho with m she thinks they were worthy to be trusted. And she wants to trust her sister-in-law and the same way she wants her sister-in-law to trust her.

Lenora felt that Adira made sense. She realized that whatever Adira said was true. A second chance it was. She will give it to her husband. Today shall be the start. A smile f9rmed on her lips at the thoughts of her husband.

"What about you? How are things going with my brother," Adira asked.

"Just like you, a second chance," Lenora said with a faint smile.

Adira smiled at her. The sister-in-law's chat was relaxing. It felt like they were friends from a long time ago.

Adira wondered why Lenora and her husband weren't on talking terms. This thing was eating her from the morning. The breakfast was blissful and cheery. Who was right? Who was wrong?

She wanted to ask them. She can't ask her husband as they just started patching up.

But her sister-in-law. Maybe? It won't hurt, right?

"You wanna ask something? Ask away," Lenora asked, noticing her sister-in-law's fidgety expression.

"What did my husband do to you that made you both like this?" Adira asked, feeling nervous. She noticed her sister-in-law straighten herself at her question.