
The Vampire King's Werewolf Bride

Sometimes we bear the punishments for the mistakes we didn't commit. As the above sentence said, Adira Elisaveta, the werewolf princess now going to bear the punishments for her elder's mistakes. The vengeance between the vampire and Werewolf races hasn't ceased for centuries. As the bloodline of both races decreased, they worried that they may turn non-existent. So, both the races decided to cease the wars and bloodshed with the marriage pact between them. Can a werewolf accept a man who wasn't her mate? Can she lead a life with the Vampire king? When she was struggling with all her troubles with the marriage, she was supposed to meet the Vampire King. During their first meeting, she was shocked to the hell when her wolf screamed MATE seeing the vampire king. Can things get worse than this in her life? Can she accept him? To know more... read the story of the Werewolf Princess Adira Elisaveta.

priyabolagani · History
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119 Chs

Court Sessions (1)

Zaros also attended the court proceedings to see how his brother-in-law will solve the mess that surrounded his sister. When he saw his wife he sprinted towards her and sat beside her not caring if it was a female section or not.

"What are you doing?" Adira asked Zaros feeling shocked.

"Sitting beside my wife," he said with a boyish grin that made her heart flip.

"I can see that. This is the female's section!" she yelled lightly in his ear.

"So?" he asked with a confused look.

"So? You are asking me so! You shouldn't sit here," she said with an annoyed expression.

"I will sit wherever my wife sits. If you don't want me to sit here then come with me and sit beside me," he said seriously.

"Seriously? The session will start soon. Don't mess here," she said with an annoyed expression.

"I won't do anything. I will just sit beside you silently. If you want me to put a finger on my lips then I will put it for you," he said with a wink making her blush.

"Just shut up," she said and looked ahead.

"So, you are allowing me to sit here?" he asked with a grin that made her heart leap again. Clearing her throat, she said, "Suit yourself,"

He grinned at her and turned to look ahead.

After everyone settled down, the sound of bell echoed in the room indicating that the court session will commence now.

Dylan came forward and announced the ministers to start the issues.

There were many issues that needed Maximus's attention Maximus discussed them smoothly. When everything went smoothly and was done. Dylan signalled someone with his eyes.

Soon, One of the ministers from Werewolves stood up and bowed his head.

"My King, there are few things that are concerning me and our citizens. It is come to our attention that our soon-to-be Queen left your chambers and is living in the guest chambers which she lived before she got married to you. Can we get an explanation for this, My King?" the minister asked in a tone that wouldn't offend him.

"Why do I need to explain the personal matters in the court?" Maximus questioned back as if he was 'offended'.

"Not only them, even we needed an explanation, Werewolf King. We can't let our daughter suffer injustice in an unknown place who aren't of our kind, right?" A Vampire elder stood up asking.

"What are you insinuating, Elder Davis?" Maximus asked as if he was trying insinuate that their princess was mistreated in their kingdom.

"Elder Davis, are you saying we are not treating Our soon-to-be queen well?" Lord Lancaster said. The same werewolf elder who raised the topic.

"We are not saying that way. People are talking that way. She was being blamed for sabotaging the pact. When there is no such thing. And no official from Werewolf Race made it clear. So, We can't help but doubt that way," Elder Davis said.

"Can you be clear with your words, Elder Davis?" Lord Fulker from Werewolf side asked as he got up from his position.

"I am saying our princess is being accused for Vampire King's health that day. Every corner of the two kingdoms," Elder Davis said.

"And it is also the fact that our Vampire King is being accused of abusing our future Queen Adira Elisaveta," Elder Thomas said from Vampire side getting up as he joined the 'debate'.

Now it started turning like who was gonna throw mud better on the other.

"Vampire Elders are joking in this conversation. If our soon-to-be Queen is mistreated, why would she defend Werewolf race on the day Vampire King fell unconscious. She herself personally clarified and cleared doubts about the witch ring. It looks funny seeing you bring up the topic again," Lord Lancaster said.

"Yeah. We agree. But this situation is not explained to the citizens which put our princess in a fix. You can't deny the fact that our princess suffered in your hands," Elder Thomas said with his straight shoulders.

"Our citizens are broad minded, they won't think that vile," Lord Lancaster said.

"In that case, we would like to hear an explanation on why the rumours of our princess Adira Elisaveta is being abused by the Vampire King are flying around. Even our Princess suffered. We and our citizens are waiting to hear an explanation," Lord Fulker said with a smile that seemed more like a challenge.

Maximus, Zaros, Serene and Eudora sat back as they watched the ministers being at each other's throats. They smiled at the situation. The things need to heat up before they interfere with each other and explain things. This would explain many things in a more convincing way than normal way. Clearing things through arguments will make the citizens have a strong impression in their minds. And also there is a risk, that it will bring a negative impact rather than a positive impact.

So, cutting the argument at the right time is important too. He needs them to lay all the knots in front of him before he and others start undoing them. A satisfied smirk settled on his lips as he saw them 'talking' with all smiles.

"It's no secret that the witch ring that has an affect on our King has it's affect on our future Queen too. High Priestess herself said it. Are you going to question her words too, Lord Fulker?" Elder Evans said as he joined the drama.

"Elder Evans, since you brought it up, I would like to remind you. The High Priestess who you have mentioned was brought into the palace by our future queen to cure your Vampire King. That too… bringing high priestess to the palace is not something one can do easily. But our future Queen brought her for your race sake," Lord Edmund said as he joined the drama too.

"In fact, the pact which you Vampire Elders claim to be sabotaged by our future queen is actually saved by her. She saved Vampire King and avoided the almost happened war between two races. She avoided the blood shed, wars, and the possible chaos in the two races. All I see some groundless claims from Vampire side," Lord Gary said as he joined the drama from Werewolf side.