
The Vampire King's Werewolf Bride

Sometimes we bear the punishments for the mistakes we didn't commit. As the above sentence said, Adira Elisaveta, the werewolf princess now going to bear the punishments for her elder's mistakes. The vengeance between the vampire and Werewolf races hasn't ceased for centuries. As the bloodline of both races decreased, they worried that they may turn non-existent. So, both the races decided to cease the wars and bloodshed with the marriage pact between them. Can a werewolf accept a man who wasn't her mate? Can she lead a life with the Vampire king? When she was struggling with all her troubles with the marriage, she was supposed to meet the Vampire King. During their first meeting, she was shocked to the hell when her wolf screamed MATE seeing the vampire king. Can things get worse than this in her life? Can she accept him? To know more... read the story of the Werewolf Princess Adira Elisaveta.

priyabolagani · History
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119 Chs

Caught Again

"I will talk about this with mom," he said as his hands wandered inside her body.

Adira shivered at the contact of his rough palms on her skin. His palms were massaging her breasts as if they were some squeeze balls.

As his rough palm softly rubbed her tender flesh, a thrilling excitement washed over her. She groaned weakly, her lips trembling. As Zaros looked down at her, he muttered ecstatically. She pushed herself against his hand more arching her back as a soft gasp left her lips.

"Every time I touch you, I go crazy. How can someone's body be like this? It's so soft like it would melt… from your fingertips to your toes there was nothing not pretty. I just want to devour you and have you for myself," he said smelling her rose scent from her body.

"I am not pretty. I am fat," she complained. She didn't forget to remind his words to him.

"I am stupid to say those things. I am sorry. But in this world, you are the prettiest woman I have ever seen," he admitted as he kissed her neck.

"Oh… Zaros. Gently~~" she moaned when his fingertips flicked the nipples of her breasts.

He removed the strings of her gown and pulled it down to her waist. Then pulled her bodice exposing her chummy breasts to his eyes. Adira closed her eyes as he peppered a few small kisses on her flat stomach while his hands massaged her breasts. Her body started melting under his touch. She couldn't feel her legs anymore as she felt they were melted away.

Seeing Adira was this responsive, he couldn't help but grow. Adira's eyes turned into the shade of orange-yellow color rays. Her fangs and claws pierced out. Her wolf, Liena was eager to claim him and claimed by him.

Zaros couldn't hold it anymore, he pulled her gown down her legs completely. Then ripped off her flimsy panties. He removed his clothes and hovered over her again as he took her lips into a fiery kiss.

He buried himself in between her thighs. Her legs were automatically tightened around his neck.

He gently rubbed the sensitive area and sucked in the tender flesh inside her thighs. Adira's toes curled and she wept like a baby. Her whole body flushed red and pink, and her reasoning was completely burned away by pleasure. She shook uncontrollably and her body trembled helplessly.

He skillfully intensified her pleasure even without pushing his fingers and tongue deep into her. By the time she was about to reach the climax, a sudden knock was heard.

Adira just wanted to cry at this moment. She was on the verge, but these damned people just wanted to disturb them. If they were a minute later, she would have come.

Zaros didn't stop. He just went ahead and continued to lick her. Adira came right on his face, as he licked all her juices.

When he had her released, he got up and covered her in a blanket. While he quickly put on his pants and shirt. He didn't even button his shirt, he just went out to see who was at the door.

Adira was too shy to move. From her place. She just wants to bury herself under the ground.

It was Eudora who entered their chambers with Celia.

"We need Adira to come with us. We have to discuss who would be coming, and what would we be taking with us during the departure. She was supposed to come earlier. But she never did. So, we are here to take her with us," Eudora said.

"Where is she?" she asked.

"Sleeping," Zaros said with a cough.

"Just a while ago maids told me she is reading books here. How come she is sleeping?" Eudora asked.

"Mom! Can you stop being a detective? We are a couple now. Stop barging like that," Zaros said feeling annoyed.

Eudora realized she entered the chambers at the wrong time again.

"Your consummation is not done yet," Eudora reminded.

"That's the worst thing!" Zaros was frustrated now.

"Why are you in a hurry to consummate marriage with her?" Eudora asked.

"Because I love her. It's like the food is served in front of me but couldn't have it! So frustrating. And every day, she sleeps beside me yet I cannot touch her! I just want to scram the rules and traditions for her," Zaros was not realizing what he was saying. He was so hard, that one could see what was happening with his body. But the main point was he can't have his wife.

That frustration was getting on his nerves finally. He burst out in front of Eudora without even noticing that he was losing his temper.

"I think you should learn to keep your emotions in check. Ask your wife to meet me in fifteen minutes. Every time she can't be late," Eudora said with her narrowed eyes and left the chambers.

Zaros groaned inwardly and walked towards the bed. He saw his wife was not on the bed. Walking towards the wardrobe, he saw her wearing her clothes.

Zaros walked towards her and tied her strings as he helped her get dressed.

"Mother wants to meet you," he said.

"I know," Adira replied.

"When we consummate our marriage, no one will disturb us. I will talk with the high priestess tomorrow," he said as he placed a kiss on her nape.

Adira lowered her head as she blushed.

"You will blush more, soon," he said.

Now she was in the darkest shade of red at his words.

"God! I will fasten the things about this matter," he said.

"I will leave," she said and ran away. After exiting the chambers she leaned onto the wall as she tried to control her heartbeats. Her legs were feeling weak as she tried to walk. It would still take time for her to manage herself to stand properly. It's all her husband's fault.

Complaining about him in her head, she walked away to her mother-in-law's chambers.

Adira saw her mother-in-law was already preparing things for her as she entered the chambers. There were clothes accessories, jewelry, and stuff that were prepared for her.

