
388. What if

Mauve woke up to a stiff back; there was barely any blood flow in her legs, and she was still clutching the letter. She unfolded herself and sat up.

Her windows were still open from last night, and she could see the sun had risen. Usually, she never woke up this early.

Maria would be here soon to help her with her bath. She sat upright and tried to stretch, but all her muscles felt very sore. Her head was hurting, and her eyes felt swollen.

It was no surprise since she had literally bawled her eyes out last night. She hadn't been able to stop crying until she fell asleep.

Mauve forced herself out of bed and went to look at herself in the mirror. She gasped. It was just as she feared.

Her eyes were puffy, and she needed the effort to keep them open. She had a headache, and she looked like she had not gotten enough sleep.