
The Vampire King's Possession

Mauve Grey is finally getting the treatment she has always wished for, her father even openly calls her his daughter. Could life get any better? However, she knows it is for all the wrong reasons. She is finally useful, no longer just seen as the sin of the king, a lustful night with her as a constant reminder, especially to the queen who can't stand her. As if getting married off isn't bad enough, she is getting married to the evil vampire king. The species that have put them in jeopardy many times over. However, she has no say in the matter as this forced union is a sign that humans and vampires were truly at peace. However, Jael is ruthless and proved to be more than she ever imagined. Will she survive the vampire world considering vampires think humans to be no better than animals? Will she hold out being the Vampire King's new play toy? The cover is not mine, all credits to the owner.

GinaStanley · Fantasy
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675 Chs

30. It's Daylight

Mauve resurrected from the dead with a jerk. She dragged herself upwards but remained on the bed. Her back was resting on her pillows instead of just her head. The sheet was still around her shoulders. The first thing she noticed was her eyes were having a hard time opening.

She rubbed at them and felt crusty flakes rub against her palm. She tried to open her eyes but they didn't budge. She rubbed some more and managed to get them slightly open. 

"Princess," she heard Vae squeal. "You are finally awake." She rushed to her side and stood directly in front of her. "I was afraid something was terribly wrong."

Mauve frowned as she stopped rubbing her eyes. "Why?" She opened her eyes to see Vae looking down at her with furrowed brows.

She looked around, the room was still dark but a couple of candles were lit here and there. Mauve wondered if they had been left on all this time.

"What do you mean why? What time did you go to sleep last night?"