
137. Theoretical Knowledge

Jael cursed as he landed shoulder first against the water. He did not hear the sound of his bones breaking because of the loud and strong current but he felt it. He winced in pain but immediately ignored it. 

The only good news was the fact that he hit the ground with his shoulder first. If his head had hit the stones on the floor of the river as hard as his shoulder had, he would be unconscious and that wouldn't be good for either of them.

The current was strong enough to carry both of them easily and if his grip on her lessened even the slightest amount, she would slip out of his hands. He gripped eased his shoulder as hit the floor but he held her through the pain.

He was submerged in water as he laid on his left side which meant so was Mauve, he had to get her out now before she drowned. He was sure she wasn't conscious enough to hold her breath.