
The Vampire King's Ghost Bride

"You are not no better than others. You are one of them, aren't you?" he whispered angrily. But his voice shook. Her hold on the knife faltered. "Why do you care? Mad that you are the one who is stabbed with a knife?" He stared back at her with hate and disgust as she slowly drove in the knife deeper into his unbeating heart. ~~~~~ Celia Heart is an orphaned child, living with a middle-aged couple, and their perverted son. From the age of 12 she is carrying a burden, which longs to unload. She also wants to find her origin, her biological family, but with a foster family like hers, she finds it highly unlikely to find her family. Vladimir Mercei, the feared vampire who rules Elm Brook has seen it all and knows that humans and his kind are not to be trusted. However, under the pressure of his council and to keep the throne, he begins to look for a bride. Celia doesn't agree to marry the great duke of Elm Brook. However, she still finds herself walking down the aisle. She looks at this marriage as an opportunity to look for her family. But with a vampire who trusts no one and somehow hates her with each passing day, will she be able to live in peace and get her wish fulfilled? ~~~~~ The book starts slow because it needs some groundwork before FL and ML can get together. But I promise after 20 chapters our beloved ML and FL gets more screen time. ~~~~~ FB: Asmayi S Instagram: asmayi_weaves

Asmayi22 · Fantasy
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43 Chs


[Celia's POV]

"Why did you haggle so much for these vegetables?" Gloria, a chambermaid and the only brunette who spoke to her like a human, asked. Her brown eyes were laced with disapproval as they meandered down the busy street.

Celia glanced at her and then shrugged. "He was being unfair."

The truth was different, though. Celia did not haggle to lower the prices, she haggled to vent her anger, to distract her mind from the impending moment when she would have to speak to her foster parents.

Gloria tsked as she hitched the grocery bag a little. "Don't let your temper go over the place so much."

Celia remained silent at that. Gloria should know that Celia doesn't lose her temper, she doesn't have the privilege or audacity to do so.

Her mind wanders back to the question that has always hounded her since she understood her position in the Wilson household.

Why did the couple take her in when she was an infant? Why did they take her in only to treat her as a slave? Why give her their last name when they did not intend to treat her like family?

As always, Celia came to a stop, came to a dead end.

How could she never get an answer to this? Why did this thought baffle her so much?

"Oi, look who is here?" Gloria suddenly whispered excitedly, while gripping her hand tightly. Celia winced more from the phantom ache she felt from last night's transformation than anything else. She shot her an annoyed look before following the direction of her gaze.

Her heart stuttered at the sight.

Doctor Enzo O'Neil, a doctor who dealt with herbs and the only friend of Austin's who was decent and handsome. Enzo was an ordinary yet extraordinary-looking man with sleek black hair and deep-set blue eyes. His tall stature was another swoon-worthy thing.

"I wish he would look at us even once," Gloria said with a longing sigh. Celia couldn't agree with that. She had snuck glances at him on many occasions and had caught him looking at her already. She felt her cheeks heat at the memory.

Gloria's sudden tug on her hand brought her back to the present. Her friend gave her a pointed look, silently conveying the fact that she knew that Celia was hiding something.

"Let's go in," Celia murmured, although Gloria wanted to see Enzo a little more, while he was busy speaking to Austin, his dimpled smile never faltering.

Celia did not budge. She reminded herself that she did not have the privilege to stare at the handsome man because that would be the only extent to which she could go.

Gloria grumbled, but she relented and they slowly walked around the house and entered through the back door. This entrance, yet again, reminded Celia of her current position. She could never have any future with that handsome doctor.

She resumed her chores in the kitchen — preparing the dough and making the soup. She absentmindedly chopped the vegetables hence when she heard someone clearing their throat, she jumped.

Turning around, she found Enzo standing in the kitchen doorway. Celia put a lid over the boiling pot, put it aside, and then stepped around the counter.

"Lord Enzo," Celia said, then bowed, knowing that she was blushing profusely. Her heart was also beating fast. 

"I thought we have gone past these courtesies," Enzo walked inside as he replied. His tone sounded jovial as always. She glanced to see him smiling softly.

"Well…" Celia trailed off awkwardly, twisting the hem of her apron. She wondered how he even surpassed the other servants to come here.

"Can I help you with something?" She asked, her eyes downcast. Internally, she had begun panicking that she would no doubt be the topic of discussion for the rest of the week and lady Regina? Oh God lady Regina…. She would—

"Tea? I wanted to have the herbal tea that seems to be one of the teas I have ever had." Enzo's request deepened the crimson blush that had spread across Celia's cheeks.

"Sure. I will bring it up to the parlor," Celia replied. She glanced at Enzo, who was now frowning slightly. What did he expect?

Enzo hummed and then took his leave. Celia let out a shaky breath. She did not feel angry at Enzo, because the doctor probably did not what consequences his little visit to the kitchen would bore.

Her thoughts were cut short when Lady Regina stalked inside, looking livid. "Why was Doctor Enzo here?"

The venom in her tone was apparent. Celia opened and closed her mouth but she had no real answer.

"Come to Sir Anthony's office. Now," she commanded. Celia nodded eagerly although she mourned the fact that she would not be able to make the herbal tea that Doctor Enzo had requested.

She was not given a chance to decide as Lady Regina seized her arm and dragged her out of the kitchen.

"Take over the cooking," Regina ordered to a maid who was washing the dishes outside. Celia saw the maid peek at her once before nodding.

Thankfully, Regina let go of her arm because she too, had an image to keep. Sooner than Celia would have wanted, they had reached Sir Anthony's study or office.

After a sharp knock on the door as a formality, lady Regina walked inside before Sir Anthony could say anything. The man looked up from the papers he was sorting, slightly annoyed.

"What is it?" He asked gruffly, his eyes flickering from his wife to Celia, and back.

"We had decided to talk to her, my lord, remember?" Regina's tone was pointed as if she was daring Sir Anthony to refute.

The man was not much taller than Lady Regina. Compared to Lady Regina's beauty, it could be said that Sir Anthony had gotten lucky. He was a stout average man with ordinary features. His blonde hair was slowly becoming whiter and he now wore round glasses that always managed to slide down to the tip of his blunt nose. His gray eyes looked tired, and even though he was in his late 50s, he looked ten years older.

But Celia did not have time to distract herself with comparison now. She had a foreboding feeling.

Sir Anthony put the papers aside and clasped his hands. He cleared his throat, then said, "Well, we wanted to suggest something."

Celia waited anxiously for the next words to drop.

"We want you to get married to our son, Austin." Celia's world stopped at those words. Her ears rang.

"Since you two have grown up together and…" Celia tuned out whatever Sir Anthony had to say next because she could not process the earlier words yet.

Get married? That to that lecherous man? It was true that she did not want to pursue love for obvious reasons, but that did not mean…

"Celia—" Lady Regina's sharp tone brought her back to reality. She glanced at the older woman in a daze.


Lady Regina's jaw twitched. "Did you hear what Sir Anthony said?"

Celia could hear the suppressed anger in her tone. She gulped and nodded.

"But why?" She could not help but ask.

She wasn't answered verbally but with a glare. Lady Regina came to stand in front of her, her petite stature no less intimidating.

Celia lowered her gaze, her lips trembling.

"Thank you for being kind, Lord and Lady Wilson." She managed to curtsey, although she thought that any moment now, she would collapse.

"That's more like it. Now leave and get back to work." Lady Regina sniffed.

Celia bowed once again before scurrying out.

It looked like the plans she had of escaping to search for her family would always remain a distant dream.