
The Vampire King's Assassin Pet

When Seline Atwood's pack is attacked on a cold winter night, she is embittered and confused. Driven by a thirst for revenge, she decides to devote her entire life to training in order to bring down Ferrara DeMarco, the much-dreaded vampire king who's responsible for her grief. The plan is simple. Seduce and stake him to death. But when she gets to know Ferrara for who he really is — a caring, loving and yet, lonely king — and not the monster he's been painted out to be, she falls in love with him. Is there a chance that he wasn't the one responsible for the attack on her pack? Most importantly, is there a chance that their love could sail through the storms of complications and enemies on it's path?

GagaMonster · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


"I don't think I'll ever want you to hit me. Especially not like that." I eyed him carefully.

He chuckled darkly, his eyes shimmering. "We'll see."

I felt the butterflies in my stomach throw a minute-long sour party. I hated this. This sudden attraction. A recipe for disaster. Without warning, he straightened, looming over me inconspicuously. I flushed, wondering what the hell was going on in his mind. I was trained to be ready for any attack, whatsoever, and that Ferrara was worse than Lucifer himself when meting out punishments. But so far, aside from the spanking in the bathroom, he'd been civil with me. Allowing me speak... allowing me negotiate these little things Jax told me I'd never have a say in. It was frightening. A slave was never allowed to speak her mind. She could be killed for it, but here I was. Still alive after flaring up at the vampire supreme leader.

I gulped.

"Done with the food, pet?" he asked, gesturing at the platter in front of me. I nodded quickly as he set his chair back to it's previous position, before he came around to help me out of mine. I held my breath, his larger-than-life presence behind me making my internal alarm bells ring. He lifted me up with his left hand, pulling my chair back with his right, then placed me down and extended his hand for me to take.

I bit my bottom lip in hesitation. The corners of his lips rode up into a scathing smirk. "Scared now, pet? I won't hurt you."

"I'm not scared," I said, my voice cold as ice. "I just had no idea that our little game starts immediately."

"You've got to catch up. This ain't slow and steady. You've got to be at the top of your game. No slacking, or be prepared to accept defeat."

I scowled, averting my gaze to the floor, anger coming off me in waves. I would never accept defeat. He proposed the game, and I was determined to win no matter what. I would prove that he couldn't tame me to do his bidding no matter what. He'd never be my Lord. Never be my King.

After that, he led me soundlessly, down the corridor — into a large, dark spacious room. There was a small elevated platform close to the end of the wall, and a horizontal iron bar running from one wall to the other. Long, shiny chains were twisted around the bar, and two large cuffs dangled dangerously. I swallowed hard as Ferrara led me up the platform, holding the cuffs together as he positioned my hands on the bar. I shivered as he locked the cuffs around my wrists, drawing up the other end so I stood, held up — helpless.

"W-What are we — "

"Shh, pet," he pressed a thin finger against my lips. "I'll explain everything to you, as soon as I help you take off your dress. You're not allowed to speak, unless I let you. Talk too much, and you'd be disqualified. You'd have to bow to my command and accept that you'll always be beneath me."

I shivered, partly in fear, partly in rage. He stripped off his shirt slowly, flexing his muscles, before approaching me again. I closed my eyes, expecting him to rip the dress from my body, but instead he gathered my hair back, shifting it to the side. He pulled the dress off my shoulders carefully, stepping away with it.

I flushed scarlet as his haunty gaze swept over my breasts, and wet folds — his eyes twinkling in satisfaction. I tested the cuffs around my wrists, growling when I realized that they were stiff. What sort of game was this? How could he expect me to participate willingly, with a clear head, in my oppression? In my blinding subjugation?

Calm your horses, Seline. This meant nothing. It didn't mean that he was superior. It was just a mind fuck process, and I would win. I always do. I'd never submit to him. He'd learn that soon enough.

I watched, pupils dilated as he crouched to loosely bind my feet apart. His dark hair fell over his beautiful eyes, his brows etched in concentration. I stiffened, my chest on fire.

"Don't forget to breathe, Seline. Very important."

I nodded, inhaling deeply. I had no idea what this was all about, but I was ready. The cuffs to the bar was evidence that he planned to torture me. I could withstand that. Jax trained me well in that regard. He made sure I could withstand all kinds of discomfort and pain. I stayed up long nights, being beaten, stung, whipped with every strong rope that ever existed. We had no clue on what torture Ferrara might choose to inflict on me, and Jax had insisted we prepared well. I'd endured it all. For our plausible cause. The final blow to Ferrara. I could withstand anything as long as I concentrated on his demise, which would be in a couple of days, at best.

"Too tight?" he probed, pulling me out of my obsessive thoughts. I tried wiggling my legs, but he'd locked them real good. I snarled at him.

"Why do you care? It's not like I was tied up by someone else."

He shook his head, chuckling darkly. "I'm just being concerned."

Right. As if it was in their DNA to care. If you tied a woman up to hurt her, why the hell would you care if her blood circulation was fine? Probably to have her live through the torture. And yet, everyone thought werewolves were the most evil supernaturals to ever exist.

"Do me a favour," I said in a controlled voice. "Shove that concern up your arse."

"Bad kitty," he growled, whipping my face hard. It was unexpected, the sting causing my ears to sting. Frustrated, I howled in rage, shaking violently.

"You said you wouldn't hurt me," I spat.

"I also said you shouldn't speak until I've commanded you to. What part of that sentence did you not understand?"

"Then why do you keep trying to get a rise out of me? It's so unfair!"

He whipped my face again. And again. And again, till I was practically spitting out blood. Dazed, my vision blood red, I screamed louder, feeling my wolf rise slowly. He clutched my face, his nails digging into my skin as he kissed me aggressively. I felt a tremor spread through me, calming my nerves, and then he stepped back, breathing hard.

"What did you just...do?"

"No more talking, pet," he avoided my eyes, shuffling behind me for something. He moved back into sight, unwounding a long, thin rope which slashed through the tense air with a precision that could cut through metal.

I shuddered as he shook the rope, whipping it towards me. It landed on my shoulder, extending it's stinging cut to my upper back. A few more harsh strokes and I felt blood trickling down my body like a quiet, smooth flowing stream. Strangely, within seconds, they dried up — healing of their own accord. I wrenched my gaze over to him, confused.

"Thanks to your special healing abilities and the kiss I just gave you, the cuts heal on their own. The key is to channel the pain and make it pleasurable. Do you understand?"

I blinked, then nodded slowly. He whipped my shoulders a lot more harsher, and before long I was purring along to the lashes raining down my back. He kept it up for a few more minutes, sweat trickling down his forehead, his eyes never leaving mine. "Good girl. Now, on to the next part."

I stiffened, arousal making my legs shake. He disappeared behind me, not before folding the flogger to deliver shorter lashes, and spread my arse cheeks open — wide. I exhaled as his finger slipped in, hitting home.

"How do you like this, pet? Sweet, right?"

Before I could reply, he trapped my earlobe between his teeth, pulling sharply. I quivered, leaning into his touch. Fuck, I didn't mind losing as long as he was holding me close like this.

But I couldn't lose. I just didn't know how to.

"No," I managed, my breathing laborious. He pulled my earlobe harder, as he fucked me with his finger.

"Don't lie to me, Seline," he slipped his finger out, tracing it down, between my legs, between my heavily wet folds. My cheeks burned in embarrassment.

"It doesn't mean anything," I mumbled shakily. "It's completely natural."

"I never disputed that with you, Seline. I just want you to loosen yourself up to your emotions. Let go. Give yourself to the pleasure and accept defeat."

"No," I gritted out sourly. "You won't win."

"You have a gorgeous arse," he murmured randomly, grabbing a handful. "So round. So plump. So tight. I'll fuck it one day, Seline. It's a promise."

"In your dreams, perhaps."

He chuckled, dusting my back with the flogger. I locked my bottom lip between my teeth, relaxing into the steady rhythm, heat creeping up my back and arse, blood pumping harder. He lowered the lashes to my butt, and I groaned, bucking my hips back to meet his strikes.

"Tired?" he panted. "You can tell me to stop if you want."

I shook my head, arousal building in my folds. "No. Keep going. I'm not tired yet."

He growled in disapproval. "You don't tell me what to do."

"Sorry, Sir," I said faintly, trying and failing to sound meek.

He scoffed, causing my wolf to shiver in fright. He began flogging again — the sound of the flogger bouncing off the walls, back at me. Ferrara let himself off his self-imposed leash, flogging me with much more fervor, and intensity, every stroke carrying me higher. I didn't know what happened next. It felt like an out-of-body experience. One that had me gripping the cuffs around my wrists more fervently.

"Nice job, Seline. Nice job," Ferrara had stopped flogging me and now had a finger in my hole, drilling in and out slowly. I whimpered when he found my G-spot and concentrated more on it. "So resilient. So wet and tempting. So perfect, I could just gobble all this arse up."

I flinched. His laughter rang out now, high-pitched and truimphant as he kept stroking my spot, driving me out of my mind.

"Ferrara..." I breathed.

He leaned his face over my shoulder, smirking. "What was that you said?"

"Fuck me harder. Make me come," I growled, thrashing around. "Please."

"Attagirl," he chortled, smacking my left butt, before slipping his finger back in, working me up till I saw bright lights. Till I didn't feel my toes anymore.