
The House of Iron

Clearly, Jacques had no plans to fail in his desire to share a meal with Ashlynn or if not her, then her closest attendant. The carriage ride, once everyone was in place, lasted only a few minutes before they arrived at a large building that occupied almost an entire city block. 

Marble statues of heroic warriors adorned the exterior of the blocky four-story building and well-dressed men and women from a number of Eldritch clans queued up at the front entrance to the building. The sign emblazoned over the door read 'House of Iron' in an elaborate script that looked like it had actually been formed of carefully shaped wrought iron. 

When the carriage bearing the glyph of the High Lady Erna's palace rolled up, however, people quickly got out of the way while several onlookers craned their necks for a better look at who was arriving from the palace.