
The Vampire Guardian of Calabar

When the vampire Ansa comes back to town, everyone rejoices... except for her submissive mate of eighty-years. In Ansa's absence, Bassey has learned to survive without Ansa's harsh words and painful touches. Bassey now seeks independence, but when rumors of a possible invasion by foreign vampires start to spread, Bassey must find a way to protect, not just herself, but every other busher that has the tantalizing blood that vampires require to walk in the sunlight. In the end, will she accept Ansa's protection and domination, again? Or will she find the strength to stand up for herself and her people?

durehland · Fantasy
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40 Chs

there're new ways to go

No sooner had the word, "Hey," left Bassey's lips when Ansa swooped right into her face, causing Bassey to step back from the gust of wind that hit her.

"I missed you," Ansa said, wrapping her hands around Bassey's waist as she kissed her. Her lips felt cold when they touched and even through their clothes, Bassey could feel the chill coming from Ansa's body.

"Uh," Bassey began breaking the kiss. "We're… people can see."

Without answering, Ansa held Bassey by her jaw, keeping her face in place to kiss her again as she walked Bassey back into her room and kicked the door shut in their wake.

"I missed you," she said once more, kissing Bassey's chin, all the way down her neck. "Did you miss me?"

Bassey moaned, looking up at the ceiling, rather than kissing back. Ansa unbuttoned Bassey's jeans as she moved Bassey against the wall of the room, wedging her legs between Bassey's.

"Tell me you missed me."

"I missed you," Bassey said as Ansa's fingers slipped into her jeans, pushing past her underwear as it slid against her clit. 

With her other hand, she tore Bassey's shirt as the back of the nape cut into Bassey's skin, causing her to arch away from the pain. But as she did so, Ansa pressed her back against the wall, ripping her bra away. Her lips found Bassey's breasts, her teeth catching against the nipple as she chewed at it softly, licking it once in a while before she sucked down hard on it. 

"Oh," Bassey moaned, this time more earnestly as the sensation ran through her body, sparking a desire in the way that Ansa had anticipated.

As Ansa continued to lick and suck Bassey's breasts, she rubbed at Bassey's clit in soft but insistent circles, causing Bassey to regret wearing jeans. If she'd known Ansa was coming home, she'd have worn a dress or more accessible shorts. She'd have been laid up in bed, prepped and ready for Ansa to find.

But as it was, they'd both had to make do. If Ansa hadn't laid waste to the jeans already, Bassey figured it wasn't bothering Ansa. Maybe, just maybe, she was going to come out of this session of lovemaking without losing a shirt, a bra, and a pair of jeans.

Just maybe.

Ansa turned her around, barely giving her time to cushion her slam against the wall with her hands before Ansa plastered herself against Bassey's back, her breath, chilling and harsh against Bassey's skin.

"I want to feed," she said. "I need you to come now."

"Don't worry," Bassey said, attempting to pull down her jeans. "Just feed."

"No," Ansa said. "Come first."

Grabbing Bassey's breasts from behind as she rubbed at the nipples while Bassey moaned loudly, she fingered Bassey, breathing against her as she urged Bassey to come using the bond. Bassey's body tried to obey the terse commands it was receiving. She was already turned on and if Ansa waited just a bit, Bassey was going to get wet. She was going to come. She could feel it.

But Ansa was impatient, as she nibbled at Bassey's neck, while her hands worked, a harsh treatment that was working against Ansa's commands for an orgasm.

"I want you to come," Ansa said.

Bassey whined as she fucked herself on Ansa's fingers, moving as quickly as she could to comply with Ansa's wishes. Unable to wait any longer, her hand joined Ansa's between her legs, pressing Ansa's fingers deeper as she arched her back, seeking friction, welcoming the tiny sliver of pain she felt as Ansa's fingers dug into her breasts a little too hard for pleasure.

"Come now," Ansa commanded.

Shaking against Ansa's firm body, Bassey obeyed as the orgasm hit her.

Ansa bit into her neck immediately, cutting off all sensations as the orgasm lingered, seconds out of reach like a sneeze that never quite occurred. Crying out, Bassey grabbed Ansa's hand as she searched for something to hold on to for it felt like the rug had just been pulled from underneath her.

With the pleasure she'd been promised disappearing before her, Bassey cried and Ansa held her harder, digging even deeper into her skin as she sucked the blood right out of Bassey, taking with her every bit of pleasure she'd managed to garner. Every second she fed, the pain seemed to multiply, spreading from the bit on her shoulder to the rest of her body as she began to get dizzy from the blood loss. 

It had been a while since Ansa fed on her in this way. First dangling pleasure in front of Bassey, only to suck it all away in a feeding frenzy that often left Bassey broken for days. Normally, she wouldn't have cared. After all, she lived for Ansa's pleasure and satisfaction. But as she stood there, caught between a hard wall and Ansa's unforgiving embrace, Bassey knew she couldn't afford that.

She had work to do. Spending multiple days bedridden was not what she had in mind, considering that she was already behind on her schedule.

"Ansa," she said, patting Ansa's head as she moved away from the wall.

Ansa didn't reply.

"Stop," she said, trying to pull away but Ansa grabbed her hand and wrapped it around Bassey, catching the other hand in the hold. "Don't… that's enough. Please," she begged.

She tried to remove her hands but Ansa held them at her sides, easily. Her eyes blurred as her knees got weaker. She knew that the only reason she was still upright was because Ansa was holding her. As the seconds ticked by, she was only going to get weaker.

"Ansa," she said as her eyes slowly drooped shut. "Plea…"

Everything went dark.


Bassey woke up to the sun streaming into her room.

Everything around her was fuzzy and blurry. She tried to move her hand but it took all of her energy just to lift it to the elbow. She turned her head to the side, realizing she'd been put to bed and the blanket was pulled over her because the A.C. was turned on.

Fuck, she thought, wondering how she'd ever woken up this way before and cherished the feeling. Her head pounded with simmering pain and she could still feel Ansa's bite from the night before. It had already healed, but the pain would remain, a phantom of Ansa's callous act.

Willing herself up, Bassey pushed till she was sitting, ignoring the way the room bounced around her like she was tumbling down the stairs. She couldn't lie in bed for nothing. If she pushed herself more, there was a possibility that might be able to speed up the process.

There was a knock at her door. Without waiting for a reply, Owa entered.

"How are you feelin-" she stopped dead in her tracks, a tray in her hands, as she stared at Bassey. "How are you sitting up right now?" she asked as she rushed to Bassey's side, dropping the tray on the side cupboard as she held Bassey up. "You're not fit to do this." She pulled three of Bassey's pillows behind Bassey in order to keep her sitting up. 

"Where's…" Bassey began, already out of breath with one word. "Where's…Ansa?"

"In the basement," Owa explained, tucking a towel into the nightshirt that someone had worn Bassey at some point while she was unconscious. "She brought two new guests."

Bassey's breathing quickened as she frowned up at Owa.

"No," Owa said quickly. "Oh my god. Yes, they're vampires. No, she didn't turn them. No, she doesn't plan to ask you for more bushers. Oh god. My mistake." She sat on the bed. "I think things went very badly in Abuja."

"How… bad?"

"I don't know," Owa said with a shrug. "She didn't didn't tell me the details but she said something about needing you to up your strength so I guess she'll fill you in soon."

Bassey doubted she'd get the details either. As much as she kept the world of vampires away from Bassey, she also liked to keep Bassey away from the world of vampires, making sure the two worlds never clashed. Even if she told Bassey what was going on, Bassey didn't expect that she'd get the whole truth.

"It must have been pretty bad though," Owa continued. "She looked tired and, pardon me for saying this, a bit dead when she returned. But thanks to you," she smiled at Bassey. "Her skin's no longer gray, her eyes have color again and her lips are pink. So," she said, pulling the tray onto the bed. "I'm going to feed you yam for breakfast but you can choose whatever you want for lunch."

"Ice… cream," Bassey said.

The smile disappeared from Owa's face and was replaced with judgment. "Sometimes I think you forget that you're an adult."

"Child… at… heart," Bassey replied.

"Your heart is older than my mother's."

Bassey choked on laughter as she turned away.

"Oh god," Owa said. "Sorry. Sorry. No more jokes. Let's just eat."

Which was a good idea. Because Bassey needed her strength. She needed all the help she could get. Food was a very good source of that. Unable to curb her curiosity, she found herself wondering what was going on in the basement. Ansa had enemies but Bassey never remembered a time when she'd brought them home.

If Ansa needed her help, then that was all the more reason for her to hasten her recovery. Too much was at stake. And as she'd just learned, two more vampires were in her home. Bassey needed her strength to be one hundred percent if she was going to protect the people that she'd come to call her own.