
The Vampire from Kurentika

Asahi (the vampire) was very annoyed of this female half demon only to come to know he's fallen for her, at first he doesn’t know what these strange feeling are but he finds out sooner or later....

ThatwriterRIN · Fantasy
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Journey to Kurentika part 1: Everale.

I brainstormed ideas where I could find the mischievous, mysterious vampire. I began to doubt if he really was here, so I searched the whole of Tairen but the vampire was no where to be seen "ugh" I said. I had seen so many other vampires during my search but they were all known and certainly not mysterious but mischievous, yes. I was unhappy and frustrated yet I was still tempted to search for the vampire that I thought of going to another world or island. "I should go elsewhere to find him" I said to my self quietly, it was a brilliant idea. Little did I know this adventure will be very difficult and dangerous but hell no I certainly didn't mind, dangerous is my middle name (for real though). First I brilliantly decided I will go to Everale where there was a lot of dark places which vampires liked, no, loved! "This is gonna be so easy because I know his face and vampires love Everale, it won't even be too hard to get there anyway" I thought.

~>+(Time passing: l hour passes)+<~

"Hiss" Is the sound of the sky snakes floating in the red sky above while I need to cross the bridge of no return. "Ergh..Just hearing that name gives me the shivers!" I said to myself "but i still need to cross the bridge" I said while starting to cross the bridge of no return. In the beginning Everything was fine until i took the fifth step. Creak!!!! The wood creaked and fell of the bridge "Aah! I nearly fell just right now, I need to pay more attention" while I was saying that the pieces of wood ahead of her started going down and up down and up and i was starting to have goosebumps. "Oh shucks now I need to do this?" Arrows started shooting at me and all i saw and heard was "hey you see me huh? I'm gonna pierce through you and make you feel so much pain, the arrows all seemed to have googly eyes on them but that was my imagination, I think and one nearly got to me but luckily I saw it and dodged it out of fear, they were so creepy. "Well now this is getting frustrating, I have to dodge arrows with TERRYFYING eyes, watch where I step so I don't fall and die/ fall into the abyss and starve to death and be on watch incase some steps also grow googly eyes, ugh!" I said frustrated, scared and terrified of this bridge. There were 30 steps to go, I didn't want to be on the bridge any longer.

~>+(Time passing: 15 minutes later)+<~

"Finally I have crossed the bridge now I just need to go through the portal" I said while going through the portal. Whooosh swirl! The portal went as I walked up to it and went through it. It dropped me into this weird, new and unfamiliar round swirling red and blue place almost like a spirit realm, with many blocks and trees? (That was the inside of the portal) "Woah! This is so cool!" Said I while falling very slowly. After some time... "Shwoop" went the portal while closing in slow motion and dropping me in slow motion out of the portal five minutes later "ouch my butt" I said, outside this portal was an unfamiliar looking place I obviously never actually never been before, I was so amazed by the sight, it was so new, awesome and cool that I could sleep.

To be continued....