
The Vampire Duke Courts the Wallflower

Claire Hudson, the daughter of a small baron, has a bad reputation among the aristocrats. While her stepsister Lucia is considered the gem of the Season, she is the unattractive wallflower. And no one wants a wife without beauty or the graces of a true lady of class. Unwilling to be a laughingstock during a dance in the Ton, Claire leaves the ballroom and goes into the garden to escape the mocking eyes. There, she witnesses an impossible thing. A vampire of myth with glowing red eyes and sharp fangs killing an unknown creature… When she thinks she has escaped a deadly fate, the vampire, also known as the Duke of Stonehill, joins the party.

FrozenAngel · Fantasy
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5 Chs


While the man was stunned by her shrill scream, she pushed him away and picked her long gown. She ran like she had wind beneath her feet. Of course, she knew that a man who could traverse over the hedge in a second could not be outrun.

However, she was not willing to surrender and die like that grotesque creature. She liked her heart in her chest, thank you very much.

The deafening scream had caused a pause in the festivities.

Therefore, when she went back to the ballroom, running in like the hellhounds were after her, everyone looked at her.

She panted as her heart almost beat out of her chest.

"What happened, my lady?" Marcus Chambers, the son of the Earl of Langdale, approached the flustered Claire and asked.

His tone was polite, but there was a hint of mockery in his eyes.

Who had not heard of the troubled child of the Baron of Cloveshire?

Claire knew he was mocking her, but she did not care. Her entire worldview had been changed. She did not know if she could keep her little life.

"A monster, there is a monster in the garden!?" She responded quickly, uncaring about her image.

The room was silent before they all broke into derisive laughter. A monster? Did she think they were children? It was absurd for the young lady to say such things, even though she wanted to draw more attention to herself.

Nellie Hudson approached Claire with a furious face and caught her arm in a tight grip.

"I apologise for the inconvenience, Honourable. My stepdaughter has always had a flair for the dramatic. I will teach her well in the future." She curtsied.

"There is nothing wrong with your teaching. Your daughter is quite a marvellous lady." Marcus Chambers smiled.

He had his eye on Lucia because she would make a great countess. She was beautiful and well-mannered. He would be the envy of the peerage.

Nellie preened like a proud peacock, but she did not forget to glare at Claire.

Before anyone could say anything more, a loud announcement was made.

"The Duke of Stonehill has arrived!"

All eyes turned to the entrance. Nellie let go of the tight grip on Claire's arm.

To be honest, the Duke of Stonehill was her ideal husband candidate for her daughter. His title was quite high, and he did not have scandals. His wealth was substantial, judging from his mighty castle on the hill.

Furthermore, he was deeply valued by the King, according to the rumour mill.

Unfortunately, he was not a sociable person. He did not attend dances during the season, so it was impossible to match him up with a suitable lady.

However, since he had shown up, it meant that Lucia had a chance. Nellie's imagination ran wild as she pictured a beautiful future.

Claire's mouth fell open as she looked at the man stepping through the door in black.

It was the vampire with red eyes and fangs. Except now, he had warm brown eyes and normal teeth as he walked towards her…

She shrunk back. She was sure that she had not imagined it.

"Your Grace, I did not know that you would be in attendance tonight." Marcus Chambers stepped forward anxiously, not daring to neglect this mighty guest.

"Can't I be here?" The Duke asked coldly.

"No, no, you are welcome."

The Duke turned his eyes to Claire who was clearly scared but putting on a brave front. She had called him a monster behind his back, but she was like a little rabbit when he faced her.

He smiled widely and bowed before her like a gentleman. Then, he proffered a brilliant red rose that he had hidden behind his back.

"I would like to offer the lady my apologies. I should not have startled you with my sudden appearance." The Duke said with a glint in his brown eyes, waiting for her to take the rose.

Claire Hudson hesitated for a moment before taking the red rose from his hand. Even if he was a monster, he would not do anything to her in the crowded ballroom.

She only had to worry about him when she was finally alone.

"It is quite alright, Your Grace." She curtsied. "I have always a timid temperament. I should not have assumed that you were a monster."

With her words, the scene she caused was clarified. Murmurs broke through the hall.

"I apologise for my stepdaughter, Your Grace. She should not have been wandering around the garden alone. She has always been a naughty girl." Nellie tried to make her presence known while slinging mud at Claire at the same time.

"Is this the case? I find her quite charming." The Duke's eyes rested meaningfully on Claire.

She tried to smile at the compliment.

The Duke of Stonehill, Haider Wright, was not a man to be trifled with. His air of arrogance and aura of danger betrayed his cold heart. Rumours of his exploits for the Crown were spoken behind closed doors with fear, but no one dared to speak ill of him.

For women, he was the ultimate price. However, the support of the King and Queen meant that no one would dare to match him up with a lady casually.

Moreover, his position was enviable because his title was not inherited. It was conferred to him for his valiant actions during the war.

If a woman were to be fortunate enough to marry him, her position would be unmatched and secure. However, no one had succeeded in touching even the hem of his garments.

The quartet in charge of the music played a tune, meaning it was time for the next dance. Nellie was thinking about the best way to bring forward Lucia for an opportunity to dance with the Duke.

However, before she could make a suggestion, the Duke stretched his hand to Claire, asking for the dance. The guests almost gasped in shock.

Everyone knew that the Duke of Stonehill did not dance.

Still, they could only watch with envy as the Duke stuck the flower he had given to Claire into her hair before leading her to the floor for Viennese Waltz.

Claire was not a vain woman, but she knew that she could dance. As the Duke led her into a dance, she forgot about his glowing eyes and his fangs.

At that moment, she was the belle of the ball.

She was vindicated before people who claimed that she could not dance like a lady of the aristocracy.

At least, she could be thankful to the Duke for helping her clear her name before he killed her.