
The Vampire Diaries - Gilbert's Reckoning

A young man who sought to see all the world had to offer graced with a penchant for killing has died. A young man who could not handle the death of his parents and sought to ease his pain with drugs has died. And now, there is a new Jeremy Gilbert, and he has only one goal in his mind and that is to do as he has always done. Be the best. For many additional chapters and to get caught up on all of my other stories long before they appear anywhere else, follow on patreon.com/TheGreatestHunter .

hunterxxhunter2011 · TV
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52 Chs


Jeremy didn't know how much time had passed upon waking, nor did he care. He simply looked down at the incredibly cute girl snuggled against his chest, took in the scent of hot sex that coated the air, and perhaps for the first time, felt like he truly did belong in his new world and in his new life. He surveyed his surroundings seeing that everything was as he left it was as he last saw, and then noted that it was no longer a yellow, but an orange hue coming through the closed window.

'It's pretty late. Though, Sheriff Forbes already knows I'm here. Hell, I could probably spend the night and be a-okay at this rate. However this does make me wonder... more than likely, the overworked blondie is just glad that her daughter found someone that comes from a good family and won't treat her like shit...though, it probably also helped that for however long she was watching, she was able to see not only this body that jumped straight out of a drawing, but also some of that good fucking that just makes everything brighter and rosier. Though, I'm sure she's going to want to talk. Luckily for me, so do I.'

As he let his thoughts flow, he carefully and skillfully extricated himself from underneath the sleeping beauty, and proceeded to look around the room.

'This was her first time. Well, second, if I consider the shower, but with that being said, knowing her personality she'll definitely want to clean this room herself. Sort of like a badge of honor or something like that. Therefore, I'll leave it for her to do.' Thus, after convincing himself using some absolutely bullshit logic that even he knew made no sense, he proceeded to look through her things and found himself a pair of sweatpants that were not only way to small, but did nothing to hide his incredibly satisfied dick from being clearly outlined.

After that, he proceeded to make his way out of the room and into the kitchen area.

'In the past, cooking was truly one of my favorite things to do. The jobs I did where I posed as a chef and provided my targets the greatest meal of their deaths were truly memorable moments that I will cherish forever. HOWEVER! This is even more serious than making sure some asshole fucks off the face of the earth with a satisfied belly. This! Is about not only impressing the hell out of a well-fucked blondie, but also impressing the hell out of her blondie mommy.' He thought, as he moved around the kitchen, locating, marking, and noting everything that was available, what was missing, and what he could do without.

Once that was done, it was showtime. 'Okay, Jeremy, it's all on you. This is it. This is where we separate the salaryman from the professional. The hobbyist from the perfectionist. The cook... from. the. chef.'

Even when he cooked for Elena and Jenna he was never even half as serious nor focused as he found himself in that moment. Mostly because he didn't want them to get addicted to his food and secondly because he didn't want them forcing him to cook all their meals for them. Them bitches need to learn to do shit for themselves... or so he told himself as he usually half-assed it, yet somehow still made them think that it was some of the best stuff ever.

Now however, he was making sure to leave it all on the table and he would leave nothing out. After all, what they did was clearly more than just sex. It was more along the lines of building a foundation that would see not only their relationship, but also the girl grow to be something that could support who he wanted to be in the future, because while Klaus used fear, and Marcel used status, in order to build their forces. Jeremy, well he decided he would use something far more powerful and far more deadly, both for him and his enemies. 

The love of a woman.

The only question was and the only real question he asked himself, is it possible to truly garner that level of love from the important women in his new world? The type of love where they will stand by him, grow with him, and fight with him?

His answer.....

'Who gives a shit, we meet, we like each other, bing bang boo. We meet, we don't like each other, they threaten what's important to me, bing bang off with their heads. My only real desire is that Katherine doesn't turn out to be too much of a bitch, since there's something about killing her that just rubs me the wrong way. Though, I do have a few thoughts in mind on how to calm her cowardly ass down long enough to have a real conversation.'

He leaned back, away from the stove that was currently simmering some rice and spinach in a sauce blend that he concocted from a few assorted spices and oils that were available, as he allowed his chicken to brown, before he would rub it with the same sauce, and then stuff it with the contents on the stove, before adding cream cheese and parmesan. He knew it would be delicious, but most importantly, it was quick to make, in case his blondie woke any time soon.

He wanted to wake her himself, however it would seem the wheel of the world had other plans, because his ears registered the insertion of a key into the lock of the front door.

"Caroline, I'm home!" He heard the voice of Elizabeth Forbes call out, just as he heard the door closing upon her entry.

He, however, stayed quiet. Fighting the smirk that was threatening to show on his face.

'This should be interesting.'

It didn't take long for him to find himself coming handsome face to the reddening face of Elizabeth Forbes. Though, while she looked surprise to see him standing there, clearly making dinner, he however said fuck it and let the smirk come out to play as he greeted her.

"Welcome home, Elizabeth. How was work?"


Her face was one of both confusion and surprise, as she looked at his face... and then his shirtless upper body... and then his way too well-fitted sweatpants, momentarily stopping where he knew a bulge was evident, before quickly going back to his face.

Now, a normal person might miss it, since her eyes were truly quick in their scan, no doubt a boon from her choice of career. However, Jeremy is not normal, and he saw it all quite clearly. Especially, the linger on his lower body.

"Jeremy!" She finally responded, an awkward toothy smile gracing her features, as she slightly raised her hand, before immediately lowering it, showing she clearly didn't know what the hell to do.

Though, to Jeremy, it just looked cute.

"I wasn't expecting you. What brought you by?"

'So, that's how you want to play.' Jeremy thought, after hearing her question. 'We could play this off like that... but.'

He pushed himself from his lean, his crossed arms doing none of the work, only his abs coming out to play, as he turned and gave Elizabeth Forbes a narrow-eyed scrutinizing look, that had her smile faltering and her body language becoming all the more awkward.

"Let's not play games, Elizabeth. I'm clearly cooking both you and your daughter dinner." He spoke as he casually walked up to her. "Now, that I've finished fucking her brains out." He stated, his smirk on full display.

Her eyes widened as she gasped. Her mouth opened and closed once, twice.

"Jeremy what goes on between you and my daughter is between the two of you, but I will not have-"

"Did you know I saw you? Standing there, watching. Though, I cannot truly figure out how long you were there. One minute? Two? I have no clue, so tell me Elizabeth what am I to do, when that turns me on so very much" He spoke to her as he got inches from her body, his head angled down and tilted a little as he looked at her with a slightly concerned expression, like he was really asking for her advice.

However, the way her breathing rate was increasing and the pink was deepening on her cheeks, told him that she clearly knew the question was rhetorical.

'Well, I knew Carol was a freak, especially for a bad boy from the younger generation, however is it possible Elizabeth is as well? Well, I know I don't exactly look that young, but there's no way in hell I can look older than twenty, therefore I can only assume, these milfs have a thing for younger guys... which works for me, seeing as I definitely have a thing for them. Although, it's incredibly unlikely anything positive could come out of fucking Caroline's mom, since I doubt either of them are into that kink and will no doubt just cause the career lawwomen some guilt. Though, simply being able to turn her on is definitely its own advantage and reward.'

After waiting for 30 seconds for the milf to snap out of her stupefied state, Jeremy decided to take pity on the woman.

"Hahaha, I'm just messing with you, Elizabeth. I know you got right out of there, and all I can is" he leaned his face down towards her own, so they were looking eye to eye and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Thank you, for trusting me with your daughter, and know with absolute certainty that I will do everything in my power to make sure she's happy."

He saw her snap back and while her blush remained, he also saw some gratefulness in her eyes. Confirming that while she was horny, and lonely, she also knew that anything more would be something she would regret.

"Thank you for saying that, Jeremy. I know you and I know her, so I know she's in good hands." Jeremy had to think for a moment when he heard that and dive way way way back into this memories of pre-him Jeremy to see what in the fuck would make Elizabeth think he was good for her daughter, and no matter what he saw, he genuinely had no fucking idea.

'Guess the standards in this town are hella fucking low.' So, it was with that conclusion that he flashed the overworked blondie a genuine smile. One which she returned, and he made his back to check his chicken, since his mental clock told him it was time to get all the way sauced up.