
The Vampire Club

Meet Sky, an normal 19 year old young woman that was just about to leave high school to continue her dreams of building her own tattoo salon. That was until there was an announcement that there was a new club. The Vampire Club. At first, she thought it was a joke before she caught the attention of two other women, who were obviously vampires as they couldn't stop staring at her with their hypnotising glowing eyes. Sky being sky, she ignored them and went along with her last day of school...

DarkWater120 · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Chapter 6 - First Full Day Gone Right?

Sky's POV

"Time to wake up, beautiful." I heard Myra say, which made me slowly open my eyes to reveal my surroundings. Yep, it wasn't a dream. I was actually in this crazy house with two vampires who were my 'mates'. I gave Myra one of my famous stares that were enough to kill someone, not literally. But you get what I mean.

"Sammy has got your belongings from your apartment." she then told me, before she went to touch my cheek with the back of her fingers until I stopped her by sitting up and then getting up from my made-up bed. "Do you mind staring at me like that?" I asked her, trying my best not to be rude as she was only trying to help me feel better about staying in this weird house. I was living with two creepy vampires for crying out loud!

"Staring at you? Not at all, beautiful. I was..."

"You were what, Myra?" I then cut her off from saying anymore. It was then silent for a few minutes before I walked off upstairs to use the shower. I took off my clothes from yesterday and climbed into the bath tub. I then turned on the water before I began to clean myself...

"What's with the sad face, babe?"

"Skylar caught me staring at her."

"I know it's hard, babe..."

"I have lived longer than you, Sammy! I have never in my life felt the urge to claim her on the spot! When I first met you..."

"I know. You don't need to go into anymore detail, just lower your voice down and resist it."

"Okay...I will try. Thank you, Sammy."

I was going to pretend that I didn't hear that conversation, but I just couldn't. I had to be real with myself for once. At least I learned that Myra was born a vampire and Samantha was turned by her. After I was done with my shower, I turned off the water and got out of the bath tub carefully so I didn't slip. I wrapped a black towel around my body before I realised that I didn't even close the fucking door. No wonder why I could hear them talk loud and clear. But hey, they didn't come up to disturb me.

An hour of sorting out my new room later, I completely ignored that there was a double bed which wasn't there before. Samantha must have put it together for me. I then began to feel slightly bad for having a mini go at Myra. I let out a small deep sigh, before I took off my towel that I was still wearing and got dressed in a loose blue t-shirt and black leggings.

I then walked out of my room and went downstairs to see that Myra was still in the living room which was a good sign and also a bad sign as she wasn't really moving. She was like a statue.

"Hey, Myra." I said her name, before I watched her turn her head to look at me. Great, she had red eyes...

"Hey. You smell good from that shower." she told me before she gave me a soft smile. Suddenly, I felt a small spark in my stomach. What the fuck?

"Thank you, I guess. Anyway, I wanted to say that I'm sorry for making you feel bad about yourself." I said before I watched her tilt her head to the side, still with a soft smile on her face. "There is no need to be sorry, Sky. You are..." she then started to hesitate at what to say next. But I knew what she was going to say. Fuck it...

"You are my beautiful mate and so you are forgiven?" I asked her before she nodded. "Exactly what I was going to say. Let's get you some food so you don't starve for the rest of the day." she said before she stood up gracefully like a feather and began to walk over to the kitchen. Why do I have the sudden urge to hold her hand? What was forcing me?

I then started to bite my lip as I followed her into the kitchen.

"What do you want to eat, beautiful?" she asked me, "We got eggs, bread, bacon, sausage...basically the whole lot."

"Surprise me." I replied before I left the kitchen to go to the dining table. Then, I started to taste something metal...

My heart rate then suddenly increased as I watched Myra drop a whole pile of eggs onto the floor, before she slowly turned her head to stare at my bleeding lip. I then quickly sped out of the room like a flea as I ran up the stairs, my foot slipping on the last step which made me fall onto my knees. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry, Myra! Leave me be!" I started to apologise, before I ran into my room and slammed the door behind me. My knees were hurting like a bitch from that small fall!

I was panting heavily, before I thought I was safe. So, I turned around to hide under my bed until I heard a door locking. My eyes widened at that horrifying sound. "I have never smelt such amazing blood before, beautiful." Myra then whispered into my ear, making my skin have goosebumps.

Then, she grabbed my hand before she twirled me around so that our eyes could meet. Shit.

"I never meant to bite it that hard...I just had..." I started to explain to her before she placed her long finger on my lips, shushing me. "You are having that sparkly feeling too?" she asked, my head nodded by itself.

"That's really good news, beautiful. That means that you are our mate and nobody else's." she told me before I nodded at her. I wasn't in a trance at all, so this was actually me.

Then, her finger moved away from my lip before she placed her finger in her mouth, tasting my blood. The next thing that I knew...

I was kissing a vampire.