


All he could hear was her continuous heart beats, He swallowed three saliva almost simultaneously as he tried to control himself from the thirst of her blood.

( "what's going on, I've never felt this kind of thirst before, it's so strong I can't control it".)

Tristan thoughts as he keeps holding back in the urge for her blood, but it was all in vain. The more he struggles the more his fangs keep gaining distance closer to her throat. His fangs suddenly pounced of a flesh, blood dripping continuously on the ground, Just in the nick of time, his left hand suddenly move on it's own and blocked his fangs.

He turned around immediately, taking out his right hand from Jenna's underwear.

"Hey what's wrong, why did you stop"? she asked romantically curious. She tried coming in front of Tristan.

"Stay back" he shouted at her as he faced down breathing heavily with his left hand still in his mouth.

"Tristan are you okay"? she asked shockingly worried.

Tristan turned around.

"Don't worry...we've got time ".He answered smiling at her in response to her previous question, as he regained himself and the black veins and red eyes seemed to have faded away and returned back to normal, with his wounds on his hands from his fangs had already healed.

Jenna exhaled smiling in relief.

"Come on, we have a camp fire to attend". he said as he took her hand and left.

At The School Field, Around 7:pm

The music was high and loud, students clubbing, some were dealing on drugs, some were dancing and Drinking, while somes were kissing, having a get together.

At the back yard of the school. Two students, a male and a female, gisting and drinking.

"Hey, did you see the fight between Mike and Austin back there?". Jennifer asked smiling

"yeah... I saw, what about it"? Henry asked curiously as he smokes.

"Isn't Mike dating your sister,..ummm... what's her name again,... Jenna " she ask curiously.

"yeah probably, it's kinda complicated"? he said.

"By they way, what did you think the principal say to them both, perhaps she gave them detention."? she asked

"who cares... Nevermind that, let's drink to the merry night we're gonna have after this camp fire". He said as the both laughs. He tried pouring the bottle of wine into her glass cup but notices it was empty.

"huh... it's all empty now. I stashed some more bottles in the basement, I'll go get it". he said as he lives and entered the school.

Suddenly, someone Started approaching her from behind, slowly, step after another, like a wolf hunting it's prey. She heard some footsteps behind her, she turned around immediately but couldn't see anyone. Just my imagination she thought as she keeps pressing her phone. She hears another footsteps, but this time it was closer to her. She got scared and stood up from the bench she was sitting on.

"Henry.... Henry" she called out but no one answered.

"You should know am not a very good fan of hide and seek games". she said and waited but no sign of Henry showing up. She turned around, and sits down and continued pressing her phone but paying more attention to her surroundings.

Suddenly she heard the same footsteps, she looks right over her shoulder, but this time it was different. it was as if the person was running towards her. She got scared, stands up quickly and looked back. But she saw no one, she became really scared, slowly moving backwards and turned around to run.


A guy said to her in a calm and gentle manner, looking her straight in the eye and putting his finger to her lips. He bends her neck to the left with his left hand, he started smiling devilishly as black veins started erupting from his neck to his face, his eyes turned crimson red, and he opens his mouth and bore out two sharp fangs. She who was about to be a victim of what she just saw with her own two eyes was immensely terrified, unable to move an inch or say a single word, the guy bounced of her neck sucking her blood with fast aptitudes. Tears flow out of her eyes, holding the man's jacket so tight as she feels her Life being sucked away by someone or something she can't seem to identify.Her eyes became blur and lifeless. Suddenly another man walked up to them.

"What do you think you're doing, V"?. the man asked agitated.

The guy plucked out his fangs from her throat and dropped her lifeless body on the ground.

"What does it look like am doing, X, am feeding." he said nonchalantly wiping his mouth with the back of his palm.

"Is she dead". The man named X asked looking at him with intense pressure.

"What?.... Do i look like I care? V said staring back at him. Their moods changed, it was as if they were about to have a match to the death, they started exchanging an immense blood lust with each other.

"hmmm"..... X exhaled.

"Come on let's focus on our mission, let's find Tristan Alexandro". X said walking away. V smirked and followed him.

(Note: their names are in Roman Numerals. V{5} and X{10).


Tristan and Jenna arrives at Beacon hills field and the both comes down from the car.

He tried walking over to her side but stops immediately. His eyes wildly opens in shock. ("is that a smell of blood..Tsk...this isn't good") he thought as his black veins appeared on his face and his eyes turned completely red.

Tristan was no longer thirsty, He was lusting for blood...