
The vampire and the Elf :the vampire's obsession

Vampire. An elf's nightmare,just the mention of a vampire makes an elf cower in fear. The vampires are the rulers of the world,the most feared,dangerous and strongest of all creatures,all other creatures bow at their feet's,the highest in the hierarchy,they dominate and rule the various races and nations of the world. But the elfs weren't comfortable under the rule of the vampires ,they want their own rules,they wanted independence,and so they rebelled. War broke out,it was a very tragic night for the Elf's, blood was spilled.half of the ELF's were slain and executed,the vampires only spared the women and children.some of the Elven men escaped along with the spared women and children,and were Able to hide from the vampires using the help of a very powerful sorcerer and since then the ELF's became extinct to other nations and forever an enemy of the vampires. 100 years later,high on the mountain top,laid a very beautiful kingdom.EVANOR. the ELF's finally found the freedom and independence they craved for,and also hidden from the other nations. But are they really safe? The king of the elf has four children,his first child the crown prince,ALFRED,lost his mum at birth so the king married a second wife,who birthed two daughters. Years later the king fell helplessly in love with a slave girl,and had an affair with her,this led to the birth of a girl. The child was born with different and strange features,sure the king was an elf,but no one knows the origin of the slave girl. The slave girl couldn't handle the abuse from the queen,so she ran leaving her three year old daughter with the king. The girl also suffered brutal abuse,emotional abuse and violence.no one cares about her,people hated her cause she's a half-breed. Her father the king gave a blind eye,the only person who cares about her is the crown prince,she grew up into a beautiful damsel, Skin as fair as the moon hair,the brightest shade of silver and ocean blue.her eyes as blue as the deep sea, Her step sisters became so jealous of her,the eldest tricked her and pushed her off the mountain,leaving her vulnerable to other creatures, What happens when the first person she saw was PRINCE NIEL,the most dangerous and feared vampire ever lived,ruthless,brutal cruel,heartless. A man who enjoys killing and the sight of blood,will she survive his cruelty,or will love come alive between the two enemies. Follow me as we delve into the forbidden love of prince Niel and princess Calypso

pixie_dust16 · Fantasy
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12 Chs

I-I-I i don't feel so good

Calypso saw that Alfred was busy,she wouldn't want to disturb him and cling unto to him so she scanned the hall looking for a more quite and secluded place to hide,her mind couldn't stop thinking of what xerox told her,he wants to be her friend? Fair enough.

She was heading to where she thinks its quite secluded when a servant approached her with a drink.

"My princess" he bowed deeply offering her the drink, calypso couldn't refuse the offer so she took the drink,she held it and her hands and walked to a more quite side of the hall.

The party was still up a bubbling,after cutting the cake it was distributed.

"I've need been to a more boring party"

Xerox said with a very bored look.

"Well what can I say" Alfred responded.

"I haven't seen calypso around anymore"

"Look there she's hiding" Alfred beamed pointing at calypso who was seated under the staircase with her head lowered,munching on a piece of cake."awwnh so cute" xerox cooed

"Xerox what's your intention with my sister,I hope you're not planning on making her one of your play things,cause I'll skin you alive"

"chill man,I want nothing but friendship from her,you already know the woman I like don't you" xerox asked with a pained smile,Alfred felt pity for his friend,he hopes he find love someday.

"Poor girl,she shouldn't go through such trauma at such a young age" . xerox muttered.

Unknown to calypso,a certain set of eyes has been monitoring her,since she steped into the hall. The person walked towards the elevated platform where the king,queen and the two princesses were seated,he could see prince Alfred having a dink with lord xerox,but HE wonder why, the third princess is hiding under the staircase.

"Greetings your majesty" lord Kai bowed .

"Lord Kai,I didnt expect you to show up today"

"How can I miss the first princess birthday" lord Kai smiled.Gabrielle blushed but her attention was else where she wonders why calypso hasn't even taken a sip of her drink what sort of a girl is this,

"My king I have a private matter I want to discuss with you if you don't mind,of course after the party"

"Sure" the kings smiled. Turning to Gabrielle he said,"may I have this dance your highness"

Gabrielle blushed in hearing his words,lord Kai is a very fine man to look upon,every lady in the kingdom wants to marry him,lord xerox is the finest among the two,but lord xerox is always seen with different women,he has the image of a womanizer,so therefore the responsible one is lord Kai,

"You look stunning princess Gabrielle" he smirked.

"You don't look bad yourself"

"Your attention seems to be somewhere else,or is it someone my lady"

"What no not at all," she laughed,

"I was just looking for My sister calypso,I haven't seen her,and am so worried" she added with a worried look plastered on her face,

Lord Kai who already knew where calypso is smiled,

"No worries princess,I'll show you where she is after the dance "

Gabrielle was feeling elated,she could feel other ladies looking at her with envy,she feel honored herself,she never expected lord Kai to ask her to dance with him.

"Alondria won't you go and dance,and enjoy the party," the queen asked.

"Am fine mother," am enjoying it from here.

The queen rolled her eyes in annoyance,with the way her younger daughter is acting she doubt if she'll find a man to marry her,She's too reserved and anti social,she doesn't even have friends.

She prefers Gabrielle, Gabrielle is every thing a woman would need in a daughter,she felt proud when lord Kai asked Gabrielle for a dance,it won't take long before he propose,she would have preferred Lord xerox,but that man,has a bad image.

Calypso felt thirsty after the amount of cake she consumed,honestly she envy her siblings,they get to celebrate their birthdays,not for once was Has her birthday been celebrated in such a grand way. She took the glass of wine and gulped the whole content,Gabrielle who was watching from afar smiled in satisfaction.

Calypso felt that something feels amiss,her head started hurting real bad, she felt extrem dizziness hiring her in waves,she stood up with great difficulty with the help of the stair wall,she has to get to Alfred no matter what,only HE could help her.

The king who's eyes was roaming around trying to find his little girl,saw her struggling to standup,his brow furrowed in confussion what's wrong with her.

She got to Alfred with great difficulty luckily he turned when he felt a presence at this back,both Alfred and Xerox's eyes widened in horror when they noticed how pale she looks and how her body is shaking,

"Calypso what happened to you" Alfred asked with worry laced in his voice.

"I -I -I- d-don't f-feel s-so good" she stuttered,and fell into Alfred's arms,fear gripped him when he saw blood slipping out of her nose,and she lost coconsciousness.