

After making that decision, Ariel took the book and read more of the content of the book. Her grandmother beside her, helped her to understand some things written in the book.

After spending literally two hours learning about spells, Ariel finally decided to try and get some sleep after having such a hectic day. As she laid down on the bed, her grandma told her goodnight even though it was just 5:48pm.

Drifting off to sleep was one of the most scariest thing for Ariel these days. Anytime she closes her eyes to sleep, she always felt like Lu Yuan was there watching her. Just like a horror movie, she heard his voice loud and clear in her head the moment she closed her eyes. "Run you little human...Run!!". Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead as she did her best to ignore that sinister voice in her head. Ariel started to wonder if that guy was really just a witch or he was also something else.

Ariel was deep in thoughts and oblivious to her surrounding that she didn't know the moment a brown-haired guy appeared in her room. Finally sensing the presence of someone in her room, Ariel opened her eyes and saw a young brown-haired guy with the brightest blue eyes in her room. Staring down at her. Out of shock, Ariel jolted and asked "Are you one of them? How did you get into my room? What do you want?". The man had a bored look in his eyes before saying to her "Look princess, I'm not obliged to answer any of your questions yet okay.. but trust me. I'm not like that damned witch" the young man said as he moved closer to her and Ariel finally stood up from the bed and said "Don't come any closer". The young guy sighed before looking at Ariel straight in her eyes and said "Follow me and don't ask any questions" and just like she was being compelled, she did exactly as he said.

"Good girl" he said before taking her in his arms and jumped out of her window.

It was already dusk when Ariel and the brown-haired guy arrived in front of a mansion. The guy placed Ariel on her feet and just like before, he stared into her eyes and commanded her "Walk until I tell you to stop" and like a puppet, Ariel obeyed his orders. She walked towards the entrance of the house and the brown-haired guy asked her to stop and she did so.

Taking out his phone, the guy called someone and when the person answered, he said "Jisoong, your package is in front of your door" and he ended the call. In a few minutes, the huge double doors of the house opened and Jin Xiao welcomed them. After entering the house, Jin said to the brown-haired guy "Xavier you didn't have to compell her you know". "What other choice does he have. This witch won't follow him if he didn't compell her" A deep voice said and they all raised their heads and saw Jisoong descending from the stairs.

When he finally got to where they were, with the snap of his fingers, Ariel was herself again. "Where am I?" She asked looking at Jisoong and the man answered "You are in my house Princess". Ariel eyes widened as she looked around and she finally saw Xavier. She subconsciously grabbed Jisoong's arm and hid behind him before saying "That guy...What's he doing here?". Though Jisoong was slightly shocked at her actions, he didn't remove her hand that was gripping his arm but he answered "That's my brother Ariel" after he said this Ariel jolted and freed his arm and said "Why did he come to my room?" She asked facing Jin this time. The man saw confusion written all over her face and decided to tell her everything. "Miss, Jisoong here asked that man to get you from your house because Lu Yuan would have attacked you later tonight. Besides, you were still going to come here anyways" Jin said and Ariel lowered her head and said "But I don't remember how I got here".

"He compelled you. That's why you don't remember anything from when he entered your room till now" Jisoong said as he used his hand to run through his disheveled hair. Ariel didn't say anything for a while as she looked at the trio. If she was compelled, it means that guy wasn't normal too but she was tired of stressing herself over things like that "Okay" she said not wanting to overthink Xavier's identity. "I'm Xavier by the way" Xavier said to Ariel and she nodded her head. "Time is ticking fast, why don't we all go freshen up and come down for dinner" Jin Xiao said as he looked at the time. "Before that, please show her her room" Jisoong said as he walked away.

"Miss, please follow me" Jin said as he led Ariel towards the grand stairs. After taking few minutes to climb up the long stairs, they finally got to a place in the house that had many doors. Jin led Ariel to one of the doors and Ariel followed obediently. She didn't have any other choice though. If staying with her boss, Jisoong, will get Yuan out of her business for a while, will she surely do it until she has learned enough spells to defeat Yuan herself...So she thought.

Jin opened the door for her and she walked into the room "Thank you" she said to Jin. "Don't thank me miss, instead you should be thanking Jisoong for being such a gentle man" Jin said as he helped Ariel close the door. She sighed and surveyed the room. It was perfect! The coloring, the arrangement and style was just perfect. She walked towards the mirror and looked at herself. "Well, Ariel this is were you ended up. In your smokin' handsome boss' house" she said to her herself.