
To Much Attention


Winter pushed the round rimmed glasses up the bridge of her nose forr the fourth time out of nervousness. Her ocean blue eyes stared hard at the Golden Massive gate surrounded by trumpet creepers creating a wavy pattern. She got out of the car with a trolley suitcase saying bye to her uncle she walked towards the gates nervously staring at the 20 something guards when one of them came forward to ask her for her Student ID before they let her in. Before getting to the university she had noticed that there was nothing but large Acres of lands filled with trees but after getting into the gates there was nothing but a vast river surrounding the school making it look like a little island.

On crossing the river with a modern bridge she now stood in front of one of the big buildings, she noticed there where student outside talking to eachother or walking away, she entered the building and noticed a woman stood behind the counter writing something in the register and Winter said " hi" the person looked up at her " how can I help you, dear? " the woman asked " I am Winter Meadow, I recently received my admission to the university and I was looking for my schedule and details about my dorm " " let me take a look. Did you bring the issued card?" pulling the card from her pocket Winter handed the card she had received through mail. The lady printed her details and handed it to her, it had three pages, the first one was her schedule, and the next two pages contained the details of her dormitory along with the rules. " Thank you" Winter offered the woman a smile for helping her.

Stepping out of the room, Winter dragged the trolley behind her with one hand and the other holding the papers that she had collected from the office room. But before she could start reading the printed papers, she bumped into someone " sorry " " get out of my way " he told her in a cold voice that sent shivers down her spine, she obediently let him pass as she looked behind her shoulder while going up the stairs. Looking at the sheets in her hand, she tried to figure out the layout of the campus she looked around trying to find someone to ask when her eyes fell on a boy and girl around her age. " Hello I'm Winter Meadow " " I'm Amika Harris this is My friend Jerome Clarke " the girls said as the boy flashed her a pretty smile " I'm trying to find my dormitory I don't quite understand the details in here" " let me take a look at that. The dormitory block and room number is usually printed there" Winter handed the sheets, and once Amika took a look at them, she said " let me show where it is " the girl jerked her head. While they walked Winter felt the way the gazes of the student didn't leave her and it made her slightly uncomfortable the attention was too much.

" We're here" Amika said to her as they both stood in front of her dorm that had the number '100' carved on it. " Thank you " " No problem see you around campus " Amika told her with a polite smile on her face as she walked a way.

Winter opened the door of her new dorm that would be her home for the next two years of her time here, the room had a cost bird a reading table with her needed textbooks neatly placed on it ' the management sure knows how to welcome a person ' she thought to her self.

**** Next day at school ****

Winter had just finished filling her water bottle, turning around and 'bump splash' " oh my God I'm so sorry " " you must really like bumbing into people " " I'm very sorry " " but his jacket was already soaked " gimme six feet and never come closer " and like that he walked away. " Ms Meadow are you trying to skip classes so early this term " " oh no, no, Mr Morale " " then what are you doing out here in the hallway, with you bag " " I was ...." " Save it, detention after school" " WHAT I was here to ...." "Do I need to remind of the consequences of defying a teacher " " no sir " " Good now get back to class" she quickly ran to class before he would give her any more lectures on why not to skip classes. On her way she walked past some of the classes where the teachers had begun teaching. This left the Hall empty and oddly quiet. Carefully she opened the classroom door and gingerly walked to her seat, but then, coming this late to class, everyone in class was already looking at her but she tried hard not to look affected. She opened her book and began jotting as much as she could. In this university she had chosen science as her Major and she had to do advanced physics and Calculus which would chemical mathematics. It's been a while since she attended lectures this long. It would be a lie to say she didn't want to close her eyes for a moment.

After school she made her way to the detention room, as she made her way to the detention room downstairs she tripped and fell hard on her bottom " Owie " " what a baby " " it was the black cat the boy who was always on black he stared at her with amusement present in his hollow gray eyes" he stared at her with narrowed eyes and just walked away " you have to stop doing that " she told him " doing what?" he asked her back " walking out on people "" oh sorry I didn't think it'll hurt you" he said in obvious sarcasm " shouldn't you be in detention" he asked her " yes and it's only because of you, wait how come I'm going and you aren't "" because you got caught and I didn't " " how is that fair you clearly had the intention to skip classes you even did but I wasn't even thinking about it and I get detention THIS SYSTEM IS NOT FAIR" she said in one breath and yelling the last parts of her sentence" calm down it's not like you've never been to detention before " " NO I have not I just want you to pay for the crime you committed" " the only one criming here is you" " WHAT " she yelled in frustration " your late for detention" he said with a big smile. and then realization hit her she was bear arguing with him she didn't realize that she was late ' oh no' she thought to herself as she began to run towards the detention room.

Standing in front of the door she breathed in and out then walked in, " who comes late to detention" " I'm so sorry Ms Valerie " " go get a sit " " You'de better be here early tomorrow" this time it was Mr Morale who spoke it seemed like he enjoyed giving out detention like he was paid double for it.