
Hate at First Sight

It was 3 am. I found myself to be in a dark room filled with all sorts of creatures, I felt scared. Fear is one of the emotions I could never overcome, the tingle that runs down my spine and the way my body reacts to certain sounds. My name is Pearl James, This is my story.

"Pearl" , my mother called. But i could not answer, it was almost like this dream i am in has paralyzed me. I can't think, i can't feel, i can't move. Some of the senses that I possessed had dissapeared , due to the realm I have found myself in. "Where am i? " I asked, in hope for even a meager response, even if I couldn't understand it, I just wanted to know if there was someone there, Enemy or not. My instinct told me that the voice that called out for me wasn't my mother, but either a alien or another being don't know of. My surroundings were dark and misty... I felt as if the fog would speak to me if i could. The sounds of the earth echoed in the distance. "Pearl.." a voice called, but it wasn't my mother, it was rasp and deep like the voice of a man. "Where am i and what do you want?" i asked in a stern tone. I then saw something come closer to me, it was a man, rather pale , red eyes not of that a human,but handsome , he had looks of that a angel. He walked over to me and cupped my cheek gently. I felt anger stir up inside me as questions ran through my head. I didn't like the sight of him, i knew he felt like he owned me, even though i didn't know his intentions.

"I'll ask you one more time, Where am I and what do you want?" I said. He then open his mouth slightly to mutter a response, and said


Before i knew it, i had snapped out of this nightmare and back home, suprisingly alive.