
Chapter 7

"No, master, I know how you must feel but I still think you should not be hasty about it and- M-master!" A voice echoes on the halls outside, but the steps approached quicker than I can react to their presence and only stops when right outside my room.

I look towards the door then down to my poorly dressed self and have exactly one second to panicked before the door squeals open to reveal the man on the other side, but as I glimpse at the paled skin creature he, too, stares back, and the vision of him makes me stop on my tracks as I forget what I was doing just to look at him, only that he does the exact same, and while I stare this majestic creature down he looks me up and down with a mix of hunger and eagerness growing in his eyes, a pool of red stretching out around his pupil and growing deeper until the point I thought his gaze would swallow me up.

And that second our gazes meet I'm held hostage as my breath quickens and I try to take in all his figure at once, from the completely black suit pants and shirt with a sleeveless V overtop resting a red skull tie, to the white porcelain pale skin without a hint of a wrinkle and imperfection of his face, smooth redden lips that look captivating at the dim light, and the long raiven black lustrous hair that cascaded over his shoulder and framed his perfect face.

But nothing can compare to those eyes, those beautiful pair of orbs set ablaze as they stared at me, and a mix of fear and desire boils up inside me, as if the snake from paradise has come down to tempt me with its red succulent sinful taste, and I can barely hear me swallow dry when his tongue passes over his lips, as if he felt the same as I.

Only for him not to step into the room and actually close the door on me.



Wait, what?!

"Sorry for coming without knocking, please take your time and dress up."

At that I hear his footsteps leave the door and move away to who knows where, leaving me even more at lost than I was before his presence.

"…Wait, I don't have any clothes!" I say far too late, left to freeze in these short pajamas; who even wears these in winter anyway?

I mean, vampires do not feel the temperature like us humans, so it would not be a surprise…

The image of him wearing the same short shorts I am at comes to mind, and I have to shack the image away before I go into another trance.

A vampire bewitching power is not something to be trifle about indeed, I had barely glanced at him and it has been already enough to make me feel warm inside.

After a moment of silence, however, a soft knock comes from the door, and with that a voice too:

"Mister Wood, may I come in?" It wasn't the vampire just now, but I realize that it may have been the other who has been speaking beforehand, for he had not left with the vampire moments ago.

"O-one minute!" I say, rushing to the bed and covering my body with the blankets, a little silly for a man like myself to do, but after the first one's reactions I thought better than to hide myself for now at least.

Also I'm a little shy myself, not going to deny it.

Little shy being an underestimation of course.

L-let just not talk about it anymore, alright? And settle down body of mine, otherwise might as well have to wait for it down the sheets until you do so.

"C-come in."

The door creaks up once more, but this time, even though as paled faced as the other, this one that comes in is not a vampire, he lacks the same… effect.

"Good evening mister Wood, my name is Blake Moore but please, call me Blake. I'm a servant at the Boudreaux house, sorry if the young master scared you like that, he is just a little shy that's all." I look at him more intensely, seeing the jet black hair perfectly combed backwards, the attentive eyes hidden behind some glass lens, and the suit with gloves outfit and the white lapel.

The only abnormal part of it all is that he is not human either but a Dhapir, half human, half vampire, and on contrary of most supernatural creatures he had an innate talent of looking inconspicuous at all, almost completely human like, the pale skin been more of a work of this city that the sun never reaches effect than his nonhuman characteristics at all.

So how do I know he is a Dhapir at all? Well, because all the important vampire servants are, and the way he acts and refers to the house of the vampire makes me greatly believe in his inhuman nature.

Is like, no matter how well you can speak another language, sometimes a little accent escapes from time to time, reflex of an inborn culture, the same way that human looking creatures like this cannot hide their ancient age and mannerism from the days they were first changed with the sole purpose of serving their master.

For they could only survive by consuming their master's blood, and if unable to they would reverse back to their prior human state.

And like such, they would come back to aging too, the stopped ages hungrily swallowing their bodies at once.

Another interesting topic for my blog, but I doubt I would be able to get a picture of him… oh well, not a good ice breaker to start a conversation at the first encounter with I would say.

I hold the blanket up, looking at him as he moves but in the end he keeps a professional behavior and simply goes to the black wardrobe to the side and takes a buddle of things out.

"Sorry mister Wood but your clothes were ruined at the attack, so we took the liberty of having some new clothes separated for you, hope they are to your taste. Also your things are in here, and the bathroom is that way if you wish to shower, I only remind you not to wet or take the bandage off, we will change it later, but for now please get ready, I'll wait outside your door and guide you so master can explain everything to you."

"O-oh, ok." I say as he gives me a solid nod, puts the clothes at the edge of the bed and leaves just as he said he would.

The first thing I do is crawl to my things, and truly there were there, my phone and my house keys and even my wallet, which makes me think they searched for my stuff back home for none were with me at the time of the attack.

Such an odd way of referring it as… but I guess is accurate in a way.

And they even charged my phone… how thoughtful.

I may be confused, exhausted, anxious and scared too, but my curiosity has always bested me in any regard; otherwise I would not have been here at all; so, while my heart is still pouncing and the image is fresh in my mind, I open up my blog and continue to write the draft that surely I would post later that day, such scary attack would not take the thrill of meeting my first supernatural creature from me:

Gargoyle – Born from years of exposure to the energy of the living or supernatural, they are statues that, once born a conscious, resemble the behavior of a child or a puppy, they don't know how to deal with their emotions and body and often than not are a completely open book. Their fame for being cold hearted as stones comes from the fact that, as they grow old, most deplete of that living energy and little by little exhaust themselves towards turning into unmoving stone statues they once were once more, and therefore lose their ability to feel little by little with it.

Characteristics: Beyond what common sense believes these creatures have a great variety of shapes and forms, from being made of stone and wood; some people even consider them as some sort of variation of the mud golem; ends up that they can go from having wings and horns to looking like animals and even humans, having in common that all gargoyles encountered thus far were always hand made, never found in the wild for being done by natural causes, and-

…And what? I sigh, out of ideas, guess I'll need to complete it later when I'm editing it.

Though I would love to find other ways to stall back and stay in bed all day just writing things down, I think as I sigh and hush to the bathroom, quickly warping my arm in a plastic bag so I could get out of the freezing weather and into a warm cozy shower.

I can deal with what will come later when it reaches me I conclude while nodding to myself just when the first warm drops reach my back and take my mind momentarily away from the troubles that lay ahead, as I let the warm water wash my worry away for a while.

Not gonna lie, I searched for a butler as inspiration for Blake Moore and ended up simping for Sebastian one hour straight hahaha

Now back to re-re-reading Kuroshitsuji….

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