
The Vampire's Lord Mate is Reincarnated! BL/Yaoi

What were you to do if, one day, you are not only invited to work in a new find supernatural city to investigate paranormal crimes, but gets hit on by the velvet wearing Vampire Lord of the city every chance he gets?! I was happy of finding good use for my knowledge over the supernatural beyond my books and blogs, and if there is a place a shy nerd for mystical creatures like myself can fit in, that would be one of the Foggy Cities that popped into existence all around the world, especially the gothic full of vampire one, the New Stormhold. Only that… it seems that my own past hold secrets from me, and that perhaps that smirking overconfident Vampire Lord has more to do with it than someone I should not have never known has. The only problem is, am I willing to pay the price for finding out? Because it may have been already too late the moment I stepped inside this city. And met his crimson hungry eyes. ~~~~~ ML:*cups MC shin, getting real close to whisper* You smell really nice… Let me have a taste mon chéri … MC: O-oh yeah? T-thank you b-but I- ML: I may as well have you for dinner instead… MC: *blushs, panic alert, alert!* Voice 1 : Oi, wait right there, I want him too! Voice 2 : No no, I saw him first! MC: …. ML: As if you all could have a taste of what is mine, scram! ~~~~Warning~~~~ Mature content, including gore, explicit smut, swearing, relationship between men. BTW is 1v1 relationship, not a harem, the others are only very… enthusiastic about it hehe.

VCris · LGBT+
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60 Chs

Chapter 24

As much as I enjoyed looking around I could not avoid the two buffoons forever, so after our little walk around we go back before the two run after us.

"So… I am allowed questions?" I ask, getting aboard this little guessing game of ours.

"Sure, but I'm free to not answer them."

"That's fair, but no lies though." That would make this game impossible.

He shrugs as he opens the front door. "Sure, no lies."

"What's fair?" I hear Lucien ask, and as we enter the living room once more my nose is immediately hit by the smell of burnt food, and to no ones surprise since we find the two silly men standing in the same positions we left them, even holding the kitchen utensils in the air still, so out of it that they let the food in front of them burn just like that.

"… Well, how about we go taste some local cuisine at the Mama restaurant? I'm sure they serve breakfast there." Adam says, displaying a very not amused face at the two of them and barely entering the place only to turn around once more, but these time their voices rang quicker than our steps as they say:

"We are coming too!" At that these two big men scramble clumsily in the kitchen, almost going out with the apron still on and the fire lit, but I'm pushed back outside by the flow before I can see all unfold, though hearing the clacking and the swearing without seeing leaves space for the imagination, getting me to almost chuckle at the silly situation these two grown big men put themselves into.

"You are very cute when you smile, you should do that more often." Says Adam before turning and crouching to give the pups attention as they whined around his legs.

Cute, me? No way, just utterly shy and with an akward curiosity about the supernatural, that's all.

And I see my chance to make the first question there, if not that pertinent to the challenge it is still important so I would not get sidetracked by such a thing that has been bothering me for a while now.

"…Who are these?" I say, talking about the wolf pups, almost asking if they were his pets but I'm glad I didn't for, in the next moments, he says something intriguing with a bright smile before wincing in pain from having wolf baby teeth biting at his fingers.

"Oh they? How silly of me, didn't even introduce my children to you! The black brave yet stubborn one is Ruben." He says while the poison eating pup starts running around in circles trying to catch his own small tail. "The shy black and white one is Daniels." The moment he says his name the pup's ears react as he looks up to Adam, but still stay very well hidden behind his leg, glued the entire time and almost making him trip at times. "And last but not least is this cutie white smart girl of mine, Carla."

"Oh, they are very cute-" I start answering out of reflex, genuinely so, until my brain caughts up with his words and the situation at hand and I'm left with only one indignation that makes me blink a little too fast.

Wait… wait up, did he, did he just said his children? But wasn't him mate with Will?

Aren't they both, like… male?

I'm confused to say the least, and even end up staring harder at Adam, but he is surely male no matter how much I look, and busy with playing with the pups as he is he does even not notice me glaring, and by the time I master enough courage to ask the two buffoons finally make it out alive and join us, leaving the subject behind… for now.

Out of habit I bet Will walks side by side with Adam, and as we crowded the line with the puppies and one big man, walking around and avoiding people, I end up backing up on the line, being left in an awkward silence as I walk beside Lucien.

We walk in silence as the pair in the front chatted, which only makes our awkward silence even more evident, so I end up looking away while not knowing what to do with my arms.

"…The weather is great today uhm?"

"Uhm? Oh, yeah, it is." I say, even more nervous than before, and I can tell he is too on his way as he tries to convey his thoughts.

At least we arrive at the place shortly after, an outdoors café where the tables were put around and under the cover of the trees, the small snack bar opening to the side on the stone grey building framed by vases drilled on the wall showing off red, blue and yellow flowers that brought life to the place, the only thing missing was the warm ray of sunlight, but I guess this is as much as we can get in such a place.

The two at the front go grab the menu up and chose a round metal table at the side, but before I can accompany them Lucien actually grabs me gently by the arm and pulls me back a little, and even though part of me just wanted to avoid all of this and run away, the other part knew that I could not keep acting up and ignoring the situation forever.

So I brace myself for his next words.

"I know things are still strange between us Alex, and I know that all this mate thing is a lot to take in at once, but I have been thinking a lot and it is not fair to put such a burden on your shoulders, is just that… what I want to say is that… I want to ask you out on a d-date, like a normal date, and do things in the… human way." Wait, he is saying that… he will slow down? "I don't want you to stay with me out of obligation, and as I man I too want to conquer you on my own, I'm very confident in that actually." At the end he is already giving me a cheeky smirk, and for some reason that is what sets me into having a glint of my own in my eyes and answering with the same playful tone:

"Oh, really, that confident hey?" My approach seems to make him relax a little as his smile widens and he says, poking his provocation in:

"Well, I already gave you a little taste of it yesterday, and you seemed to be enjoying it quite a lot so… yeah, that confident."

Count on a sassy vampire Lord to be given a hand only for him to pull the whole arm, and as I blush visibly with the memory playing in my mind the vampire smiles and gently puts his hand on my waist and glue our bodies together as he guides us to our tables, sending electric tingling waves up and down my body with the mere touch of his fingers.

And I must say… I felt quite at ease at that moment, almost so that made me want to lean against him, but the smell of food and freshly made coffee makes me speed my pace up!