
Chapter 33: Power Struggle

As soon as I hear her voice, I know who it is. I wish for all the bracelets and all the power I’ve been given in the past month. Straightening up, I face her.

“Selena, you should back away. You know I hold power, you’ve seen it.”

Selena smiles her Hollywood grin, wide, bright, and beautiful. Tossing her hair, she gently closes the door, casually leaning her back against it and eyeing me like a juicy steak.

“Well, I can’t say your powers have done anything for your fashion sense. Still, it’s safe to say you’re glowing. What’s that bauble there? Have you gone and dyed the things?” Selena chuckles to herself. She takes a step toward me, hands out as if she’s trying to calm a wild horse.

Standing, I kick the rolling chair that I had been sitting on toward her.

“Why don’t you stay the f*ck back, Selena? Seriously, you don’t know what I’m capable of. I don’t even know what I’m capable of. I don’t want to hurt anyone else.”