
The Vampire's Cursed Slave

She is the product of a broken agreement, a curse and he is her owner. To him, to beg mercy is a call for death and not salvation. What happens if you were born to be owned by a vampire? ● "Let me bite you," he asked in a dark guttural tone, as his cold breath brushed to my cheek. "Does that mean I'm going to be a vampire?" I look at him with my misty eyes, begging the heavens to save me. "You'll just be my queen," and then our world unite.

Alexandra_Contour · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
16 Chs


Soreness filled my body, I couldn't move an inch of it. It's like I've been broken down into pieces and teared my fleash into strips.

I turned my head beside me and he was nowhere to be found. I clearly remembered what happened last night, he just took the gift I should have given to my husband when I get married.

As I slowly roamed my eyes around the room, to gain clarity from it's blurriness. That warm feel of home started to grow inside me, I can't be wrong with it.

There's only one house that made me feel like that, and that's Nesii's house. My hand grasp tighter to the white linen bedsheets, to gain enough stregnth, enable for me to pull myself up despite the pain that it fills me.

The door creaked to open and Nesii walks in, he's in a black suit. His hair was ruffled, he was grinning on his way to me. The way his eyes crinkled in gladness, is an absolute proof of a genuine happiness.

"I knew you'd never leave," he pulled me into a warm embrace. I was dumbfounded and couldn't move for an inch.

There was a quick stir of confusion inside my head, was I just dreaming? The vampire didn't really took me? That didn't really happened? It can't be, the effect that it has done reflects to my body's current condition.

Everything feels real, and this sudden change of scenery makes me feel insane. What's really happening?

"What do you mean?" my brows furrowed in bemused, as I asked in a big question mark.

"The doctor told me you were lost, I couldn't go home for 2 days since I had an important business with the salient visitors but I knew you didn't and I was right," his lips lifted up to his ears, as his eyes gleamed in gladness.

Why do I feel like this man is dragging me to happiness, the way he smiles makes me smile, and It was so satisfying and It feels great. I was never this happy for so long.

"I won't leave," I mendaciously said. Well, I could have tell him the truth but there was no much evidence to prove that certain thing, so I guess, It's better to not apprise it to him.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay, Its just...my body's kinda sore," his eyes widened in bewilderment.


"Oh I mean, I've been laying the entire time and my body feels sore," he gently nodded, as the guiltiness slowly kills me inside.

"Let's go I'll take you somewhere but, change your filthy clothes first," he handed me a box, I stopped and stared on it. This makes me remember how the vampire gave me a box of clothes yesterday. The happenings are still fresh on my mind, and what happened can't be easily forgotten.

I took it and he left to gave me space to change. It was wildref pandora dress, I put it on and stared at the reflection of myself to the mirror.

My skin looks glowing and smoother, as my face became dewy and clearer. Is that probably from that enigmatic soap the maids had scrubbed on me or was it that tub filled with sparkling sweet smell and red rose petals? Hence, it is still vague for me to understand and conclude whether that really did happened or was that just part of my dream?

"You look gorgeous," I turned my upper body around upon hearing his sweet voice. He was leaning on the door, he's wearing a black pants and a white polo. His eyes scrutinizing me from head to toe, and it stopped just right to catch mine staring at him.

His adam apple move up and down slowly, for a couple of times, and then he smiled. A smile that tells a lot behind it. It looks sweet and appealing, making him more handsome.

"Let's go," I followed his tracks to- wards his garage in a slow pace, as soreness still kick inside me. The entire house looks modernized and luxurious, although, it's simple and yet it is elegant.

He opened the door and I sat on the front seat, beside him. The car revved to life, creating high-pitch rough sound that indicates the starting point of its engine.

We passed through different buildings and structures, he's living in the city so practically there were not much of nature around here.

After couple of minutes, he parked in facade. In a tall building that says "LA Vida" which means life in Spanish. The staffs bowed for a 90 degrees the moment we set a foot inside the building.

"Welcome Sir," Nesii just nodded and dragged me inside by holding my arm.

I roamed my vision around the huge entrance hall of the hotel, the floors were solid white marmols, pastel colored walls between the glass walls. Grand modernized candle chandeliers were hanged upon the coved ceiling. The hotel was huge and tidy.

There were two upholstered lounge chair per coffee table, six of each pairs were place in the side of the alley.

"Do you like it?" his voice was filled with serenity. He sounded so soft around me, and has a very light personality.

"Yes, it looks so elegant." I uttered and sprinted towards the little mysterious thing I've discovered, that has awakened the curiousity inside me.

It has a semi-cylinder shape, covered with a black net all over. Inside was filled with plants and flowers but, what took my interest was the bunch of little insects flying all over it.

I let myself get drown by my own curiosity, as my feet took its step inside the place, the vivid colors of the kaleidoscope of butterflies kissed me.

My eyes seems to be filled with a vision of a painting that exists in reality. Different variation of butterflies occupied the garden , their entirety gives life to the place. As if you were once inside a dream with a pretty colorful life, a dream of dreams and happiness.

I once roamed my vision around, and caught betwixt my eyes was the exhilarated man, his eyes was filled with euphoria glaring at me, as his lips couldn't stop reaching heavens.

My feet pump to the peculiar music from my ears that appeared from nowhere. I swayed my hips and threw my hands up high, dancing with the endorphins released by my brain, triggering my neurotransmitters, giving off an ecstatic kind of mood. Rush with an intense favorable emotion of enchanment.

"Should I take this home for you?" Nesii asked, his eyes keep stilled at mine. Sucking the courage within me, as his stare was strong enough to melt me.

I was lost for words, my mind was totally blocked by the intensity of his stares. Instead, I swayed my body around and didn't entertain his question at all but, give off a blushing smile.

"My family owned this hotel," he started. The clouds agreed with the light atmosphere in the midst of our freely open conversation. My feet danced, as if there was a vibing rhythm filling my sandals. On the other hand, my ears was listening well to the entrance of the prevailing story he was about to tell.

"My parents wanted me to run the place hence, even once in my life, I never dreamt to be the heir of our family." He entertwined his hands, his eyes darted towards the clear blue hue filling the sky.

"Why? Don't you want to get more wealthy? I mean hope it doesn't offend you by all means but, everyone dreams to be rich. You can get whatever you want." Nesii freed a soft chuckle, that somehow seems like mocking the entirety of my question.

"My dear, if money turns the favor of the world to you then, why it didn't bless me with happiness and love from my own blood? No money can buy something that can't be bought with wealth. You can be the wealthiest person on earth and feel lost, alone, unhappy and unloved. I must say a simple life filled with happiness is better than the lonely world of rich people. Which is ruthless and chaotic."

I couldn't say more from his wise words, he has more experience than I ever had. Hence, why does my life sucks? I'm not even wealthy but it is completely ruined. So therefore, I think I will still choose money despite all.

"Please excuse me for a moment, I need to go to the restroom," he grabbed my hand before I could step away from him.

"Let me accompany you on the way," his lips lifted up to his ears. Giving me a genuine and persuading smile.

I beamed from his cuteness and nodded, a sign of agreeing to his favor. He then stood up and we began to walk.

Silence was a music echoing the entire hall, there was no thick atmosphere created between us but there was silence, and the shortage of ideas and words coming to our mind. Enabling us to create a topic to talk with.

I kept my eyes on the floor trailing my own steps, and the moment I lifted my gaze. The eyes of a blazing beast was caught betwixt my stares.

He's walking a meter away from me, there was something on his stare.A grievance and madness of betrayal.

As he walked passed by me, my eyes followed him for a moment before I totally put it back on its place.

When we arrived at the certain place, I rushed to open the restroom's door however, before I could even totally open it a hand grabbed me inside and pinned me at the door. His eyes were glaring at me immensely, as red hues started to scatter along his iris.

His other hand was grasping my neck, enough for me to struggle to breath for my functionality. His brows furrowed, as his eyes created a huge fire within whilst gritting his teeth.

He leaned his head forward to my ears, and a cold air started to wrap around me. Even an electric sensation seems to run all over my body.

"Is this what you're doing the entire time? Cheating? Betraying me?" a deep gruff voice echoed through my ears, he tightened his hand along my neck. I closed my eyes due to the difficulty of breathing and functioning.

"I-I was never cheating, we're not together in the first place. We're nothing." I stammered.

I pulled out my inner stregnth enable for me to speak. He moved his head away from my ears and confronted me, there were only an inch apart within us, one more step and his lips would be lying on mine.

"You are mine, and only mine! The moment you let me touch you, you are mine! The very moment you came to me, you are mine!" his thunderous voice echoed at the lavatory halls.

"I'm never yours and will never be yours," I stilled my eyes within his fiery glare, and the next thing I knew his lips was on mine. Kissing me with so much passion and longing.

His other hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me closer to him. His lips then traveled down to my neck, as the softness of it felt good and somehow I felt like there were butterflies flying around my stomach.

"You're never leaving me, I will fill you up till you can't dare to leave me anymore," There was a stir of confusion created on my mind, I was perplexed by his choice of words.

I tried to push him off from me but he was way too strong, and it was an impotent attempt.

My heart was throbbing in uncertainty, as he moved his lips aggressively and way more passionate when he slip his tongue inside my mouth and played with my tongue.

The kiss was sloppy and wet, engaging an intimate atmosphere between us. His other hand slowly went up to my head and played with my hair.

"Stop talking with that guy hereafter," he broke the kiss and patted my head, then we vanished like a wind. Taking me away from the place, away from Nesii.

What do you think would happen next? Stay tuned! Feel free to leave your thoughts on the comment box below.


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