
Chapter 18 : Family Sucks...



The office door slams heavily behind us, the frame rattling loudly from its force. I throw Kirnon away like the piece of trash he is and block the door so he can't get out.

"Nianor Berko Zeanon, just what the f*ck is SHE doing here?!" Kirnon roars. My jaw clenches as he dares to use my full name against me.

"She is a guest in my home, unlike you. Once again, you have let yourself into a place that is not yours. I will give you one chance to leave and swear you'll never return." I shift my feet and prepare to draw my dagger. I should kill him now, but I don't want to clean up the mess and explain to my family why I killed my uncle.

"You were supposed to kill her! I demand you kill her this instant!"

"There's been a change of plans. After discussing the situation with father, we both agree that killing her isn't the answer. You don't want to go against my father, do you? He is the head of this clan, after all."