
The vampire's Bride

After the kingdom of Astantica was attacked by the black wolves.. It was saved by the immortal vampire Prince Lucian.... Mia didn't see the saving as a full blessing like the others because she became a Orphan, her parents weren't killed by the black wolves but the vampire Prince Lucian, she grows up hating him....... Every year a competition is organized by the kingdom so that Lucian can find a Bride but the reality is that he's finding for the person who can break the lapis stone in that way he'll have no treats to his immortality from people like xavier (the king of the black wolves who managed to escape from Lucian) but that person will die... BUT NOTHING IS AS SIMPLE AND EASY AS IT SOUNDS.

Annxlin · Fantasy
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14 Chs

The Great Ares is being tamed by Mia

you won't believe what am about to tell you" Leo said excitingly

"just because you want to tell me something you ruined my moment brother do you hate me" drake said complaining

"your so stupid" Leo said as he gave him a hit on the head, he whined and pouted

"it's Ares, SOMEONE... Is sitting and petting ares him" Leo said as he emphasised the word SOMEONE, drake immediately started laughing what kind of joke was this,

"really" he said as he wiped his tears that fell because of the excessive laughter

"come and see for yourself" Leo said, seeing the serious look in Leo's eyes, drake knew he won't lie about something like that with this much seriousness, he was known as the man of truth, he wasn't afraid to tell the truth right in front of your face, whether it is harsh or not, or whether it will hurt you or not

"where" drake asked

"the tower" the moment Leo replied drake was already gone, so he rushed over to

"hell this is real she's ridding him" drake said in a loud voice he was in to much shook,

"I told you" Leo said smiling

"this is to interesting" drake said with a smirk, after recovering from his shock he took a glass, putting ice cubes in and sat down to enjoy the show, little witch seeing that this princes were not helping but enjoying the situation which shouldn't be enjoyable she coughed gaining thier attention, she bowed clasped her hand together and said

"please your highnesses, we need help to stop her, she may get injured, she actually innocent" little witch said,

"of course she innocent, if she can take Ares and ride him she's indeed a cat telling a tiger let's fight because we look alike" drake said laughing, Leo joined in

"she's actually foolish not innocent" Leo added

"she's actually sitting comfortably on the great Ares, King of destruction" drake said leisurely leaned on his sit and drinking his drink

"whose sitting comfortably on who" a voice suddenly sounded from behind them, drake was so shocked that she spat out her drunk, the girl was done for.. He turned around to see Lucian standing there his hand was behind his back and he had that expressionless face as always his hair was styled