
The vampire's Bride

After the kingdom of Astantica was attacked by the black wolves.. It was saved by the immortal vampire Prince Lucian.... Mia didn't see the saving as a full blessing like the others because she became a Orphan, her parents weren't killed by the black wolves but the vampire Prince Lucian, she grows up hating him....... Every year a competition is organized by the kingdom so that Lucian can find a Bride but the reality is that he's finding for the person who can break the lapis stone in that way he'll have no treats to his immortality from people like xavier (the king of the black wolves who managed to escape from Lucian) but that person will die... BUT NOTHING IS AS SIMPLE AND EASY AS IT SOUNDS.

Annxlin · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Is it going to be a kiss?

Aswa why are you still here everything is ready where is the other girls? " Elizabeth asked when she noticed it was only Lia and Emily present and Mia was missing, aswa quickly explained everything to her and Elizabeth almost fainted

"She so dead" drake said as he removed his shade he was leisurely laying down on a beach bed wearing sunglasses and drinking a cup of warm blood, they waited for a while but they were still not back

"Mia I-i told you,now how will I tell aunt Rosey of your death" Lia said at this point she felt like crying,Emily almost bit her fingers off, she bit almost all her nails out of worry and anxiety after a while they saw a horse coming,it was only one horse,that was it she was gone,Emily and Lia were about to start crying even aswa, little witch and Elizabeth were about to help Lia and Emily mourn Mia's death before they could start crying they now clearly saw the image,it was Mia riding with Lucian,she was riding with Lucian..... that was insane even drake looked shocked when they arrived at the stable, Lucian didn't only get down but held Mia's waist to help her get down,no one could believe their eyes if they narrated this to anyone they'll be taken to the institute for the highly crazy people, Lucians was back to being to expressionless and cold he didn't even glance at anyone else he turned to Leo and said

"Your horse is in the valley,it's been shot with an arrow"he said plainly

"Valley....valley of...um...lo..ve" Leo said as he stammered,he expected his brother to say no but he didn't he just stared at him

"What were you doing there" he asked more confused than curious

"You really want to know" he asked raising his brows

"No...no..no" Leo said as he frantically waved his hand

"Yes" drake said he was really curious as to what he was doing there,Leo glared at him to shut up and then left for his horse drake pouted and got up to leave the drama was over anyways

"Here" Lucian said handing the reign of the horse to Mia,Mia thanked him and he felt without sparing anyone else a glance,the rest were so shocked that their mouths hang open, Emily rubbed her eyes to see if she was seeing things clearly,Lia had a pinch herself so hard she whined in pain she wasn't dreaming it was all real, aswa and Elizabeth kept on glancing at each other they were too speechless to speak or say anything the words were stuck in their throats, little witch was just waiting to wake up from her dream it was too much to be real,Mia looked at their expression and really wanted to laugh they looked ridiculously funny an this moment.

"am here shall we start" Mia said bringing them back,so all that happened wasn't a dream,now they viewed Mia as the luckiest person on planet earth to be so close to lucian at the point of being in his embrace

"We were shot at and the horse he was riding got hurt in the process,we had no choice but to hide in the valley of love,he was immortal but I wasn't and as a subject he had to protect me,when things died down,thier was only Ares so he had no choice but to ride Ares with me he couldn't leave me behind so we came together" Mia said quickly making up a lie if she told the truth they'll die of heart attack she didn't want to commit indirect murder,they all sighed

"Oh my" Lia said as she sighed a breath of relief

"That sure explains it, anyways how does it feel to be in his lovely embrace" Emily said squalling, aswa smiled

"It sure feels good" aswa commented causing everyone to laugh...Mia climbed on Ares and they rode back to the field for the competition, when everyone saw them coming of course Ares was the first thing they noticed.....no way she got to ride Ares. Everyone started speculating

"This.. that Ares" someone said stunned

"No way,it's properly a look like"

"Dummy have you seen any horse who looks like Ares in the whole world"

"O my god,how did she"

"She probably sold her blood to one of the brothers to help

her get to ride the horse for this short period of time to bluff and act bossy huh" Ariana joined the conversation as she glared at Mia

"Do u think she actually knows the first prince and she's already picked and we are just wasting our time" another girl gossiped with her friends

"No way..she's pretty but oh my! Maybe"another said almost crying

"Okay okay settle down everyone" Elizabeth said Mia,Lia and Emily took their lanes and we're ready

"From here you guys will ride to there," she said pointing at where aswa was standing it looked so far away that aswa seemed like a dot,

"Be careful,be wise and win" Elizabeth said with a smile

"Riders ready,reigns tight and off" little witch said she flew above them while two witches flew at the sides to watch and observe,as expected Ares was literally flying he took first place, Mia looked around she didn't know actually why but she wanted Lucian to see her win but to her disappointment he didn't,she couldn't see him anywhere as her eyes roamed about,she bit her bottom lips and smiled bitterly unbeknownst to her someone was secretly watching with a smile....it was Lucian

"14th place not going home today, not today" Lia said as she put her horse back in her stable she patted it and said while smiling

"Thank you,you did well buddy"

"27th not bad Emily" she added

"Guess so" Emily said putting back her horse too

"And our winner"Emily said glancing at Mia

"With a horse like this of course it was s first position" she said making Lia and Emily laugh she saw Adriana,she looked at Lia and Emily and they smirked at her they perfectly knew what she was up to she rode and stopped beside Adriana

"I guess I can ride a horse can't I?" Mia said sarcastically

"I don't know what tricks are up your sleeve but I will find out" Adriana said as they rode away it was evident that she was embarrassed and ashamed she was busting about winning to Mia but she lost instead but she really did wander what tricks she had up her sleeve,Lia and Emily began laughing as mia joined in

"Emily my love,Emily" Josh called out as he ran towards them,they all turned around to see Josh,Emily broke up with him 7months again because he slept with Sofia a girl who was his own ex but he was drugged but Emily refuse to forgive him,why did he even attend a party with her and he didn't invite her to come along and the fact that he kept it from 2weeks and she found out through Sofia bragging to her

"Please don't participate my love, forgive me I told you believe me I don't like sofia, I was afraid you'll leave so I didn't tell you" Josh explained breathless he must be running all the way to the big field

"Leave me alone Josh" Emily said rolling her eyes

"Please don't participate,one more chance" Josh begged, if a woman has a finance,married or lover wasn't allowed to participate,but people break their marriage and engagement to participate but if your married you can't anticipate even if you break it....

"Lia,Mia please say something" Josh begged,Mia and Lia really didn't know what to say they felt bad for Josh

"Bye girls later okay" Emily said as she walked away her arms folded,her chin up in a proud way she was walking like a queen as Josh followed behind begging and pleading with her,she was playing hard to get on extreme level,Lia and Mia had a feeling that Emily will forgive him so they low key think Josh deserved Emily's attitude she was giving,the results were actually given the next day.

"Okay I will be back okay" Mia said before Lia could ask questions she already rode off,Lia only shook her head and watched,Mia was actually looking for Lucian to give him back Ares if she doesn't find him she'll be happy to take Ares away she checked the royal house all important places had a royal house,most part of the kingdom has it anyways,she didn't knock the door but something in her told her to check the garden and sure enough he was there,he looked terrifying he's eyes were glowing black,she fangs were out long and sharp he held a man by the neck

"I'll suck you dry,trust me I can really, truthfully be evil without remorse don't fail me next time" he said he edge of his fang her blood dripping of them making him scary and creepy,Mia was so scared she wanted to pee her pants the fear made her unable to move, Lucian threw the man on the floor and he landed with a hard thud,he quickly got up bowed and ran off, Lucian looked up only to see Mia's horrified face her hands were holding tight on the reign her legs were slightly shaking ,he walked to her with a chilling smile,when he approached Mia bowed,she didn't know where she got her confidence from earlier at the forest now she wasn't even sure that was her and the Lucian who was nice to her was definitely different from this one she was really playing with her life back then.... playing with Lucian was like playing with fire you never know when it can catch you too and burn you to ashes,he walked closer to her and kept on coming closer and she kept on backing until she hit the wall it was a dead end, oh my! he held her chin and lifted her face close to his and said

"You owe me three,one for not killing you,two for saving your life and three for letting you ride my horse and winning the race" he said he left go off her chin and said beside her ears

"So little princess,how are you going to repay me huh" his low was so low and seductive that she found herself closing her eyes,he held her chin again she closed her eyes tighter and pressed her lips together when she felt that he was coming closer and closer....