
The vampire's Bride

After the kingdom of Astantica was attacked by the black wolves.. It was saved by the immortal vampire Prince Lucian.... Mia didn't see the saving as a full blessing like the others because she became a Orphan, her parents weren't killed by the black wolves but the vampire Prince Lucian, she grows up hating him....... Every year a competition is organized by the kingdom so that Lucian can find a Bride but the reality is that he's finding for the person who can break the lapis stone in that way he'll have no treats to his immortality from people like xavier (the king of the black wolves who managed to escape from Lucian) but that person will die... BUT NOTHING IS AS SIMPLE AND EASY AS IT SOUNDS.

Annxlin · Fantasy
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14 Chs

An attack or a prank

"Faster Ares,if you do love me" as if he understood he began ridding faster and faster but Lucian was still close behind it was not that Ares was slow or the horse Lucian was riding was faster it was the rider he could make any horse flying,Mia was thinking faster her Adeline was rushing too fast she saw the forest and without thinking she dashed in she was going to take the hill route and leave the kingdom,she would escape the prince and punishment the horse knew the world more than her,after she escape she'll just let the horse come back on his owner,she wasn't thinking straight.. nonsensical thoughts. came flooding inside her head, she was still ridding straight and heading straight for the hill when a horse blocked her way and it was no other than....Lucian and the horse he was riding,leo's horse Hades. she took a deep breath and straighten up if you want to survive you'll have to stand up for yourself, but when she looked up at Lucian she couldn't help shudder and quickly look down

"Quite daring huh" Lucian said as he scrutinized her face

"If a person is about to be killed,they can ask for a last wish right?" Mia asked moving her head to one side,Lucian thought she was fascinating,he smirked


"Ok if YOUR horse listens to you,you do what you want.. But if he listenes to me I would be let free" she said the YOUR a little too sarcastically ,Mia was at least 98.9% sure that Ares will listen to her,as she saw Lucian call Ares back at the stable but he didn't even budge

"Sure" Lucian said hundred percent sure that Ares will listen to him without wasting any time he said

"Ares down" but Ares just looked up at him and looked down again. ,Mia couldn't help but laugh then she smirked and said

"Ares run" and as If electricuted he started running, Lucian immediately followed,she laughed out loud happily as she watch Lucian follow behind after loosing it felt good for the great big Lucian to loss to her,after she rode until she reached the valley of love,it was like a park of flowers. It was at the foot of the hill their were white roses, lilies and sun flowers and lots more,the place was so beautiful and full of flowers one could lay down on them and not touch the ground,she got down and ran into the flowers,then spun herself round...Lucian stopped and got down his horse then followed her in

"You lost"she said smiling,Lucian also smiled then walked towards her

"Yes you did" his smiled turned serious he ran towards her and and pulled her towards him,he lost balance and fell she fell right on top of him when they locked eyes the first thing that came to his mind was the three year old girl he saw in the forest and when he locked eyes with that scared little girl he saw flashes of a woman he couldn't see her clearly,he looked at the girl untop of him she was blushing so much she was literally turning red he smirked enjoying her reaction, Mia quickly got up and looked around Hades was laying on the floor and their was an arrow pierced through his thigh,Lucian walked up to the horse removed the arrow and examined his wound,

"Is he okay what happened" Mia asked as he squat beside Lucian

"Yes he'll be Leo will come get him"

"What happened" Mia asked, everything happened to quickly

"Someone shoot an arrow, just some daring teenager trying to kill an immortal" he said as if he didn't care one bit,he narrowed his eye looking at the direction where the arrow came from

"Ok let's go" he said standing up

"But there's only one horse" Mia said she was the one riding Ares and besides she was a lady she'll ride the horse and he would walk,crawl or run for all she cared at that moment she seemed to forget she was talking to the most dangerous, ruthless,cold,short tempered and great Lucian and Lucian didn't mind he infact low key liked her fearless and audacious attitude...he ignored her and walked up to the horse,Mia followed and stood facing him,before Mia could react she was carried and put on top of the horse that was so unexpected before she could get down Lucian was always on the horse right behind her,he held the reign of the horse and started riding back her in his embrace

"I can let you ride Ares at the race" lucian suddenly said

"Really" Mia said surprise,one win isn't that bad she could loss at the other rounds she really loved this horse and even though of buying it but it turn out the horse was even more expensive that her, Lucian nodded seeing her happy face he some how felt good seeing her happy especially knowing that he caused it,but he just pinned it to him being a nice person he was cold and bad to his enemies but he is a good person

"Thank you" she said trying to hold back herself from smiling her teeths out ......


"Your useless you couldn't even take her out"

"Am sorry master" the boy said he was on his knees his hands clasped together while he looked at the floor terrified for his life,

"Get him and TREAT HIM WELL" the last three words were emphasize he boy immediately began screaming,clearly knowing the meaning

"Please master,please spear me,I will not fail you next time,my poor grandma has only me for support,please" but the man didn't even care one bit and just walked calmly and slowly to his chair like thrown and sat down while the boy screamed at the top of his lungs being dragged out........