
The vampire's Bride

After the kingdom of Astantica was attacked by the black wolves.. It was saved by the immortal vampire Prince Lucian.... Mia didn't see the saving as a full blessing like the others because she became a Orphan, her parents weren't killed by the black wolves but the vampire Prince Lucian, she grows up hating him....... Every year a competition is organized by the kingdom so that Lucian can find a Bride but the reality is that he's finding for the person who can break the lapis stone in that way he'll have no treats to his immortality from people like xavier (the king of the black wolves who managed to escape from Lucian) but that person will die... BUT NOTHING IS AS SIMPLE AND EASY AS IT SOUNDS.

Annxlin · Fantasy
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14 Chs

A horse chase

His face looked like always, expressionless..his beautiful eyes were beautifully glowing his eye lashes are beautiful and long, his sharp jawline gave his face a straight structure,his nose was the perfect shape and size for his face..his hair was in a bun it was so long that it reached his waist,his bangs reached his eye brows and two long excess hair hair fell on both sides. For a moment little witch was lost in his appearance she only returned back to earth from her fantasies when drake nudged her,she awkwardly coughed and bow she bowed and kept looking down,heaven she wasn't going to be the one to snitch on Mia

"Come and look for yourself" drake said pulling Lucian,little witch glared at him but he just smirked at her,drake is the most friendly prince he was the most sociable price since he was always mingling with woman and attending parties,he is the most invited prince at slashes,since he was attending most of the time,Lucian was invited just out of respect although they do have hope he'll show up but their hope always scatters,he attended only Adriana's slash since she is the daughter of the king,both the emperor and king had to beg him to attend and for Emily's slash he only attended because he had a suspect their was a group of witches,who were banned from the kingdom because of their troublesome nature,they were targeting the kingdom for revenge and sure he found them at the slash. They were about to blow up the place and kill himself and everyone there,but Lucian was able to stop them,he didn't attend anyone else's slash...when Lucian walked to the edge of the tower and saw Ares being sitted on and enjoying mia's creases, he was behaving like a tamed dragon,he had a shocked expression for a moment but before anyone would notice he changed to expressionless again, he didn't say anything he just raced down faster than sound,little witch also left them there and disappeared,drake wasn't missing the drama so he always went,Leo stood their alone for a while but the suspense was killing him, he couldn't hold it so he went too. Lucian angrylu approached them and screamed

"Ares" everyone turned around and immediately bowed,they of course noticed the tone so they kept bowing and looking down,

"Ares,down" but Ares refused and didn't listen to Lucian at all, Lucian looked at Ares unbelievably, he scoffed in disbelieve,

"First prince,she" aswa tried to say something but he raised his hand stopping her , everyone looked at Mia thinking she was done for

"Ares" he called again but she horse didn't even look at him much more move a muscle, mai was still on top of the horse she bowed her head,as she heard Lucian call the horse Ares, realisation hit her,even if she didn't know the horse she definitely knew Ares, Ares was...was.the first Prince's horse and the famous,king of war....she really wanted to disappear at this point but she looked up at Lucian,wait she wanted to loss right if she offended the prince she was sure going to be kicked out and for Adriana's bet she'll such put it on that she rode the king's famous horse and got kicked out,they'll have a one on one match later.. without thinking about anything else she looked at Lia and Emily then smile they know that smile too well,lia whispered

"Don't" but Mia didn't even care one bit and rode off, everyone was taken aback for a moment,their jaws was literally on the floor, Leo whistle and suddenly a horse came racing towards them, Lucian held on to the reigns of the horse which was handing at the side and then climbed up it was so effortlessly and charming and it was done with a blink of an eye, it made all the ladies sigh in amazement and admiration,Leo just rolled his eyes these ladies are dramatic af,drake just laughed and found a chair to rest and wait for the drama to unfold......mia felt the cold and peaceful breeze blow her face,she raised her hands laughed and screamed

"Woo woo" she let loss her hair removing her bun, Lucian was watching all this and subconsciously smiling to himself,Mia heard the sound of heavy horse steps it can't be only Ares,she turned around and saw Lucian right behind her,hell nah what has she gotten herself into.