
The vampire's Bride

After the kingdom of Astantica was attacked by the black wolves.. It was saved by the immortal vampire Prince Lucian.... Mia didn't see the saving as a full blessing like the others because she became a Orphan, her parents weren't killed by the black wolves but the vampire Prince Lucian, she grows up hating him....... Every year a competition is organized by the kingdom so that Lucian can find a Bride but the reality is that he's finding for the person who can break the lapis stone in that way he'll have no treats to his immortality from people like xavier (the king of the black wolves who managed to escape from Lucian) but that person will die... BUT NOTHING IS AS SIMPLE AND EASY AS IT SOUNDS.

Annxlin · Fantasy
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14 Chs

A historical moment took place

The second princess got married with a neighbouring kingdom and was noww Queen, Hanna the youngest jsut turned 21 although her slash was 5months ago it was still the hottest topic, Lucian and all his 6 brothers gave although Lucian just showd up for barely a whole minute, the fact that he gave with all his brothers and the emperor also sent her a gift was crazy..

"did you ever ride a horse before" håna said laughing

"you'll know when I win" Mia said with a mysterious smile and before Hanna could say anything she was already off gone

"you-" she stomped her feet angrily and left

"okay pick your horse, easy ladies, becareful" Elizabeth said warning them, everyone cheerfully went to pick a horse

"look" lia waved she was standing on her own when the horse approached her

"woah beautiful" Emily complimented it was a black horse he looked gentle, handsome and easy going

"can I have this one" lia quickly asked

"good pick that's a good one" Aswa said

"I knew it" lia said happy with her choice at this point amny already found their horse and was leaving with them at least 20 people were left in the stable now finding for a horse out of about 105 people

"quick guys" lia said as she ride her horse in the surrounding

"omg this one" Emily screamed it was brown horse with her scrar that ran from his left brows to his left cheeks it looked strong, firm yet gentle

"nice one" lia complimented, Emily took her horse and quickly jumped on

"Mia" lia whined

"your horse found you so u think it's easy, these beasts look wild" Mia complimented, Emily and lia couldn't help but laugh at his point there was only 4 people including Mia, lia and Emily the final girl found her horse and glooped away

"take your time you still have 30 minutes before the race began I will go and assist the others" Elizabeth said 3 of the other witches followed her, Aswa and two stayed behind with Mia and her friends, Mia was walking around on her own looking for a fine horse when she noticed a dark horse, it was as dark as the night, it looked strong it was even the muscles on the horse can be seen, he was fierce, firm strong, his dark skin was shining as if he was dipped in gallons of oil, its dark eyes was so beautiful, it glitter with its experience, he was....... The right horse she didn't even realise she was approaching the horse until she stood in front of him and they looked eyes she smiled reached out carefully to pet it and it surprisingly didn't misbehave, she liked the horse

"be a good boy and let's win this race okay" touched the horse face and added before climbing

"becareful with me, am not the best master" then she hopped on and it surprisingly calmly trotted, it was surprising because the horse looked firm and strong a little too dangerous, she thought the horse would he jumping around and misbehaving and not allow her to touch him but it was the opposite it was calm, cool and gentle she creased the horse's neck and smiled

"good boy" she felt save with the horse it had a very calm but stromg and dangerous aura about it, she thought to herself who raised this horse, it was just to perfect

"guys" she waved as she matched with the horse but the look on their face confused her, the two witches following aswa, who always had a slight smile, their hands clasped together, one if the witches had a look of horror before quickly disappearing she looked.... Frightened the other witch had her hand over her mouth, awsa was looki at her as if she saw a ghost but she quickly composed herself before she could approach Mia and the horse, lia jumped down her horse screaming

"oh my God, Mia get down now" but the way she jumped and rushed to Mia, it triggered the horse it thought lia was about to hurt mai so he began neighing and raising its front leg stomping it on the floor,

"calm down boy, calm down" Mia said fearlessly creasing the horse and to everyone's surprise it actually listened and stopped, Mia smiled

"his a good boy" she told lia who had a look of horror on her face

"Mia please get down if the horse please" Emily said as she slowly got down her horse not to trigger the horse like lia did

"no" Mia said as she grabbed the horse's head collar,

"should I inform the Prince" the witch asked aswa but she turned and looked at her as if she was crazy

"of course not, she's get killed before she even dies, I heard Leo is here too, go find him quickly" the witch bowed and quickly disappeared

"Mia please get down this horse is dangerous and you may get hurt" Aswa said as she tried to reason with her

"he's not, I want this horse" Mia insisted, aswa knew she can't force her because if she approached, Åres might start misbehaving and it can actually get Mia hurt or anyone else, so she looked Åres in the eyes as if communicating with him without words, she whispered his name, ares so does recognise her she was a place witch, the witches were actually the smallest race they were about 45 and they all stayed in the place and made spells and charms to protect the kingdom and royal family and aid the worriors at war, they had different positions, baba yaga was the Queen's witch, some witches only focus on making charms and spells and taking care of the household(instructing the maids), others taught at the kingdoms schools. As they were trying to reason with mia, the little witch quickly found Leo as soon as she landed on the tower, she saw Leo, she took a deep breath of relief and bowed, Leo already knew she was coming

"she's quite daring" he said as he sipped his drink which was obviously blood, he took two ice cubes and threw it in his glass

"please second Prince, help her she's just a little ignorant" the little witch bowed again, she really liked Mia, she didn't want her to die like this

"how did she even get to sit on ares" leo asked as he burst into laughter

" that's a mystery" the little witch said, she really didn't know, she was curious as well meanwhile at mia's end they were still trying to convince her to get down but she refused, she was a stubborn type of breed, ones she made up her mind its over. awsa's heart was pondering so hard and fast she thought she'll have a heart attack, the other witch must have told Elizabeth because she came matching towards them in a hurry,

"Mia please down" she said as soon as she eached them, no one could get close this horse, it was too dangerous and ruthless it only listens to his mater, he was not just his war horse it was his war partner it would hit the enemy's horse making their owners fall to their death, that was the horse that this poor little girl was sitting on him comfortably. She was only 21 and she already signed her death note...mia didn't listen to them and kept on creasing Ares's and complimenting him, ignoring the others, "Mia please" lia begged

"do you know whose horse is this" Emily asked

"I don't care" Mia said without care,

"she creasing him and Ares is letting her" Leo said she couldn't believe his eyes, he rushed faster than sound and light he reached drake who was having fun and flirting with a bunch of women, that was his lifestyle he was not ambitious at all, all he did was drink, play with woman, go parties, but expensive things, travel, eat and sleep

"drake" Leo screamed he was still in shock, ares was actually.... Being sitted and behaving obedient, drake looked at at his older brother in displeasure, he just had to come now.... Seriously, drake couldn't bother with his look he raised his hand and all the woman started getting up to leave, they grunted but had no choice

"brother, seriously did you have yo ruin my good time like this what did I owe you this time, eh" drake said as he fixed his shirt, half of it was unbuttoned, Leo didn't care about his happy time, the moment he was going to show him was worth his happy time, if he missed it he'll blame him for letting him miss just a historical moment.