
The Vampire's Biography

The MC has died, and upon meeting who he assumed was GOD, he was reincarnated as a Mikaelson, and became one of the Originals. How will he handle being an Immortal, and how will he deal with the ever forming plots against his family. Read along, as Soren Mikaelson becomes one of the most revered beings in existence.

southgamez · TV
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14 Chs

Chapter 1: The Originals

It was dark, cold, the only thing that stuck out in this pitch black void was a single flickering light that seemed dim to the point of being blown out by a single gust of wind. The light seemed to be floating aimlessly in the pitch black space as if looking for its place of belonging, but a vast space of nothingness awaits, that was until a quiet yet loud voice was heard calling out towards the flickering light as if calling it home, but before the light could react to the voice a shadowy figure wrapped around the light and vanished with it.

[W-What's happening?... Where am I? I was floating in a vast black space, but now I'm in this white one]: ???

The light noticed the drastic change in contrast to his previous location to his current one, but before it could question any further a voice spoke up dragging the attention of the now stable light as it no longer had the weak flicker it once had, and it looked like it had been strengthened.

[Hello young one… As you might have guessed, you are now dead, and I am what you mortals might call a being of higher power, almost like a God]: ???

The light heard the words of the voice and felt like they were familiar as it began to recall it's previous life, it was a 22 year old man with his life in check. He would wake up every morning at 6am and get ready for the day with some morning exercise before taking a shower and heading to work at 7:15am to make it there by 8am, and from there he would work from 8am - 9pm which was a 13 hour shift, but he raked in big when he got his check at the end of every 2 weeks. To him, his life was great even if he overworked himself, and it appears that he overworked himself to the point of death which brings him to this point, but even with his life being model yet boring, he always found time on his days off to watch T.V. and the things he loved most were Anime, and Syfy films and T.V. shows. One of his favorite shows was about Vampires, it was called "The Vampire Diaries" and it had a spin off known as "The Originals" and with these two shows, he found most of his enjoyment next to Anime.

[So I am dead, and you are God… So is this what comes after death? Some kind of evaluation? Or am I here for a purpose?]: ???

[Hehe… Well, most souls such as yourself will have your memories wiped and be thrown back into the cycle of reincarnation, and that's what you were going through before I brought you here… As for the reason why I brought you here, you could say that I am quite bored watching you Humans for so long… So I guess you could say you do have a purpose here]: ???

[So am I going to be reincarnated in a preexisting world like in those Fan Fiction Novels I read about online?... Or will I be thrown into a new world full of magic and dragons?]: ???

[Hmm… The second option sounds appealing, but I grew quite fond of one of the shows existing in your world and want to see how you fair seeing as you know the plot, but don't think I will send you directly to the time where everything starts… So, do you want to make a deal?]: ???

The light thought for a moment as if in contemplation before deciding that it was either to live a life full of adventure that it had always craved, or be reincarnated with no memories in the same old boring world.

[I think I would like to be reincarnated into a fantasy world]: ???

[Great!... Now, let me set some things up and let's get you on your way]: ???

As the being began drawing what appeared to be magic circles and doing his own thing, the light got confused about the process and thought to ask if he would receive any kind of gift to help him in his next life, then asked.

[So wait… Will I receive any kind of wishes, or a System to help me progress in my next life?]: ???

[Ha?... Oh heavens no… You will already be allowed to keep your memories, so what more do you need?]: ???

The light seemed to dim down a bit as if showing it's depressed feelings, but seeing as he has a lot of information, and it was stated that he would be sent to a world he knows, then becoming powerful or not will be his choice now.

[Then I thank you Mr. God Sir]: ???

Just as the being finished with what he was preparing, he seemed to register what the light said before giving it a smile and spoke as the light began to fade.

[Oh please… Call me Lucifer]: lucifer (A/N: He has the british accent of Tom Ellis, as I love his character of Lucifer in the series Lucifer)

When the light heard the last words of the being now claiming himself to be the devil, he had many questions, but couldn't ask them as it's vision faded to black.


[Push!... Just another push and he will be out]: ???

There was a blonde woman in a green wool dress laying on a wool bed with her legs in the air while giving birth with her face covered in sweat, and showed the pains of labor. And next to her was a blonde man wearing a white wool tunic and a leather belt, and was armored with some leather arm greaves. The man also had a young boy of around 3 standing in the corner watching as what could be assumed was his mother giving birth to another child while the father was giving her moral support through encouraging words.

[Come on Esther, you can do it! Push!]: ???

The woman known as Esther screamed in pain as she pushed with all her might, and after a few seconds the sounds of a baby could now be heard crying as the man who could be assumed to be the father grabbed hold of the child and cut it's umbilical cord and wrapped it in a blanket after tying a string around what remained of the umbilical cord to keep it from opening and killing the baby due to blood loss. After a few seconds, the father handed the baby over to Esther and she began to feed him as she then fell asleep due to the exhaustion from delivering the child, but before she fell asleep she named the baby and asked her husband if it was a good name.

[How about Soren, Mikael?]: esther

[Soren… Soren Mikaelson?... I think this is a good name, the name of a warrior]: mikael


4 years have passed and the young Soren Mikaelson is now 4 years old, and over that time, Elijah was born, and this year Niklaus was born. During this time, Soren had grown up slowly and steadily, and when he reached the age of 3, his father Mikael started teaching him how to wield a sword, and for the last year both Soren and Finn, his older brother, began learning how to fight from Mikael.

'I can't believe I have ended up in the same world as my last one, but a different reality where Vampires exist, and to top it off, I will be one of the Originals if I can survive that long… I guess the devil isn't such a bad guy': soren

Soren thought to himself as his father was showing both he and Finn how to properly hold a bow, and from afar one could see Elijah watching and learning from a distance as he would take up learning how to fight next year. After bow practice Soren and Finn moved on to sword practice, and as Soren lifted the sword he looked into it to see his reflection as they don't have mirrors in this time period, and when Soren looked into the reflection of the blade, he could see his long Black hair in a disheveled position making him look a bit wild, as well as his beautiful green eyes, his face was quite pale as it was, but it added to his charm as he could tell that he would be a lady killer in the future, no pun intended.

[Pick up the pace Soren!... Your form is off, raise your right arm and put your left foot forward more!]: mikael

[Yes father!]: soren

Soren did as his father instructed and Soren's form looked better than it did before, and with that, the day went by as Mikael ended their training for the day and they went back home to eat lunch. Finn went to go wash himself in the nearby stream while Soren had gone to his room to put up his sword, and when he came out he was met with little Elijah as he spoke in the childish manner of a 2 year old.

[Brother Soren!... When can I practice with you guys?]: elijah

[Hehe… Father says when you turn 3, so in a few months I suspect]: soren

Soren then ruffled Elijah's hair as he gave him a smile and could see that Elijah really wanted to train with him and Finn, but Soren suspected that Elijah thought it would be more like playing games rather than training to fight and kill invaders who would come and try to ra*pe and pillage their village.

'I still can't believe this is the future Jack the Ripper who mutilates his victims almost to the point of being unrecognizable': soren


Soon, 10 years had passed and Soren was now 14, Finn was 17, Elijah was 13, and Niklaus was 11. Over the course of these 10 years their mother Esther gave birth to both Kol, Rebekah, and Henrik, the 3 of them only being a few years apart, while Henrik was the youngest out of all of them being only 6 years old, while Rebekah is now 7, and Kol was 9, making the Mikaelson family complete. (A/N: I tried to find ages to each character, but the Wiki Fandom didn't help, so I went with the ones which were marked, and aged backwards compared to the order in which Wiki said was oldest, and came up with some ages)

[Finn… Wanna go hunting today?]: soren

[Sure why not… I'm a bit hungry]: finn

Both Finn and Soren grabbed their bows and some arrows before heading out into the woods to find some food for dinner, and after a few hours, both Soren and Finn came back with a few rabbits and 2 boars. Soren was glad that he learned how to skin an animal in his past life as he had better knowledge on how to preserve the hide as well as the food to help keep sickness down when eating the animals caught, and the hides would be used to the fullest if the animal was skinned properly. Mikael had found out that Soren knew how to skin animals, and it was then officially his job to skin the animals as he had such precision when doing it which Mikael could not replicate, and when Mikael found out about how to drain the animals quicker and with less chance of contaminating the food, Soren was tasked with preparing the meat as well.

'Knowledge is a curse… But a curse I'm going to use to the fullest': soren


Soren had woken up and noticed the smell of blood and quickly grabbed his sword and rushed outside to see the village being put under attack by some vikings who were looking to expand their territory, and off in the distance he could see his father Mikael killing one of the enemies with a single strike. Soren was a bit disgusted as he fought back the urge to puke as he had never seen the death of a human, let alone watching one get decapitated with a single strike, and while he was in a daze, one of the enemies attacking their village tried to run up on Soren and attack him with his axe only to be shot in the head by an arrow released from his older brother Finn.

[Soren, wake up and fight brother!]: finn

Soren regained his senses as he noticed the dead viking that was about to kill him earlier and his grip tightened around his sword before resolving himself to kill for the first time in his life.

'It's their life or yours… What's the choice going to be': soren

Soren then raised his sword and charged towards one of the vikings who started to retreat due to the loss of allies, Soren then got close to one and slashed out killing him in one strike. Soren looked on in horror as he fought the urge to throw up as blood splattered across his face, and his last memories of the man before him was one with fear plastered across his face, but before he could fall into deep contemplation he heard his father scream out in pain that was hidden by rage.

[Henrik!... My son!]: mikael

Soren turned to see a gigantic wolf biting down on his little brother's neck as life was lost from his eyes, and the wolf began to drag the body of his brother away.

[Henrik!]: soren

Soren's heart was then filled with rage as he lost his little brother, and with that Mikael set his resolve to kill the beat that killed his son. Soon, Mikael came back and ran to his wife while gathering all the Mikaelson's and began to shout at his wife.

[Use your black magic and make us unkillable… I will not lose another child, and we will never lose a fight again!]: mikael

Out of fear of her husband's current state of mind Esther began to perform a black magic of immortality and cut her wrist, and with this Mikael made each and every one of his children drink the blood of Esther changing them for the rest of their lives.

'I feel… Hungry… This feeling is… Annoying': soren

Soren's eyes began to change as veins began to show under his eyes as his once green iris became black to match his pupils, while his canine's enlarged making proper vampire fangs that craved the blood of a human being, now Soren was no longer human, and was now considered unkillable to anyone who didn't know how to kill him.