After years of war between the human race and vampires, a truce was finally reached. The agreement stated that a woman would be chosen to become the wife or mistress of the current vampire prince, forever trapped as his prisoner. While this may seem extreme, countless women were willing to fight for the opportunity, but unfortunately for Aria, she was chosen. Despite some believing she was fortunate to be selected, others claimed that it was only because of her power and wealth that she caught the prince's attention. Aria lost all her privileges the moment she became the vampire prince's bride, but things became even more complicated when the vampires demanded that their prince have a child with her. " Don't worry, I respect your decision, I understand if you want to take in another wife." She whispered with a handful of tears ready to spill out from her reddened eyes " No wife, you are the only woman in my life!" Erec exclaimed. Will that promise hold for a long time, when Aria refused to do her duty as the Prince's wife?
I was wrong, mother and father weren't joking when they proclaimed that I would be the sacrificial lamb to renew the bond between the two races but why me? They were a thousand human females more qualified than I was and would gladly take up the task.
I couldn't help but feel like a lamb being led to the slaughter. My heart was heavy with fear and uncertainty, but I tried my best to put on a brave face. I tried to prove to my parents that I was way stronger than they thought and even if they had agreed to my misfortune, I will stand out to be strong.
Soon I would become a vampire's bride. Which in my parents' words, was aimed to strengthen the coexistence between vampires and humans.
"Mother, can't you and father have a change of heart, you can't possibly trust the vampires to take care of me?" I cried but I knew that no matter what I said, there was no way she and my father would change their minds.
I could remember vividly when I was still a child, my mother would always joke around, saying that I would one day become the vampire prince's bride and become his princess. Due to how naive I was, I would always smile like a fool but who knew that I would see such a day?
It was only a fool that would deny not seeing the handwriting on the wall. My parents had long planned for my union with the vampire prince.
" The prince is your destiny and you are also his destiny."
There it was again, those words that were like weapons of mass destruction. What the heck did she mean by my husband-to-be was my destiny and I was his?
I removed my gaze away from her and stared at myself through the mirror. I knew the plain black dress that flowed down to my feet that I had worn was never and would never be bought by my parents. I had lived with them for the past 19 years, which made me so certain that my parents would never spend so much money on me.
"What's going on here, don't you know that her husband is waiting for her in the living room?"
There he was, my father. He had shamelessly barged into my room with no care for how I felt at that moment. For the situation he had put me into, I hated him and swore that I would never have anything to do with him after the wedding.
"It's Aria, she insists that she doesn't want the wedding, I am trying to make her reason."
My father turned his gaze to me with eyes that showed intent to kill.
"Don't spoil this for me, I have sacrificed a lot to make this happen."
In the next second, my father hurriedly walked up to me and firmly held my hand.
I caught a glimpse of my mother sneering before my father aggressively dragged me away from my room to where my small wedding would take place.
The living room was sparsely populated, with only a few individuals present which were my father, two vampires and a priest dressed in black, and husband.
There were no other guests, which was unusually strange. I have witnessed the wedding of human royals, it was grand, beautiful, and had a lot of guests but why would a vampire royal wedding look so cheap and unplanned?
If the vampires could care less about my wedding to their prince, what assurance did I have that they would love me as their new princess?
Then, I drifted my gaze to my husband to be, for some reason, his head was bent to face the floor. If I hadn't known better, I would have thought he had intentionally hidden his face from me.
He was dressed impeccably in a white suit with a black undershirt, white, and a pair of finely polished shoes.
However, my amusement was short-lived when he raised his face to stare at me. Hell did he freak me out. I noticed that half of his face was severely disfigured with scars, and fresh blood was dripping from it, staining his suit.
Only half of his face was scarred while the other looked so perfect. His perfectly edged jaw, pointed nose, and beautiful long eyelashes made that part of his face look so unreal but the scarred half of his face seemed to have overshadowed it.
Despite my initial shock, I couldn't help but feel intrigued by the mystery surrounding his appearance as I couldn't take my gaze away from it. It was irritating but at the same time, fascinating. I had many questions that were yet to be answered. Did he just get back from a fight? Was he naturally born like that or was it self-inflicted?
"My prince, she is here, the wedding can proceed." My father said in fright.
In the next second, the prince stood up from where he was seated and walked up to me. I knew that staring at his face in such a manner wasn't the right thing to do since it could hurt one's feelings but it didn't seem like he was affected by it, instead, he had a warm smile on his face.
He stopped right in front of me and without a word, he took me by the hand and led me to the small altar where we would say our vows, it was then that I diverted my gaze somewhere else.
"You don't need to be scared of me, I won't hurt you." There, he said the most unexpected words with the most angelic voice that a male figure could ever have.
He seemed nice, too nice!
I had expected him to be angry about this union since he was the one to bear the biggest cross. I wouldn't be his first human wife and would never be the last. Nobody would be happy to be forced to marry someone that you have never met.
The human priest stood right before us, his gaze on me showed pity. Well, I need no pity from anyone, my mother, the maids, and even I, all pitied myself but it didn't change anything. I was bound to become his wife until I die, then he takes another human wife.
"Do you take the Vampire prince as your husband and destiny?" I was startled by the priest's last word, he had used that ' destiny' of a word.
I turned my gaze over to my father who seemed to be angry that I had taken time to answer, then I turned my gaze to the two vampires, the look on their faces also showed that they could kill me if I opted out and then I turned my gaze to my soon-to-be husband, he still retained a warm smile on his face even after my delay.
I sighed, I had no will of my own, why would the priest even ask such a question if I would be given no room to opt out?
"Yes!" I simply said for the smile on the groom's lips to widen.
The priest looked over at the prince and asked the exact question and even mentioned the destiny of a thing.
Of course, the vampire prince said yes.
With that note of proclamation, I was finally named his wife, and he, my husband. Immediately after the priest proclaimed us as vamp and wife, I stiffened.
Finally, the time that had given me the creeps arrived, we were supposed to join lips to mark the beginning of our marriage, and hell, I was in no way ready for that but it seemed my husband was more than ready as he fixed his gaze on me, trying to read my body language.
"I would like to have the taste of my wife's lips privately, so there will be no kiss!" My husband exclaimed.
Not just me but my father and the priest gasped, what did we just hear?
In the next second, he stretched his hands which I warmly received.
"Come, let's go home." He said and with that, I was taken out of my father's house, probably the last time I would ever step my feet in there.