
The Valyrian freehold

"In a land just as grand as this", the man spun his tall tail to the high lord's in the street, as he made his hand form in a strange gesture to fit his song. "Some men seek of a village filled with beautiful creatures dressed in rags and covered in dirt".

"They celebrate a great man. A man who lived with worms. No one knows how or why but the man came back with such a surprise". He paused to get everyone's attention before continuing. "The creature that they seeked acquired the most exotic characteristics, not known to man. No longer do they have brown, red, or black hair like us but silver locs that lay behind their backs. And their eyes just as bright as this linen I hold right here in my hand".

"This tail I have brought leaves me with such a heavy heart, for the men were never seen again, as the sky roared in such a tremendous horror that could shake the very core of every man here". "I fled from the scene the merchant, said never looking back at the beautiful creatures who danced in the flames of their captors". I dare any man to defeat these beautiful creatures, he sang proudly not realizing that he had just offended one of the high lord's, who was the eyes and ears of the ghiscari ruler".

No sooner could the merchant utter another word as one of the dovaogedys pierced his throat with his spear. The man's blood trickled down his chin as he coughed violently. It seemed as if he was trying to catch his breath but just looked like a gapping fish that just came out of water with his hands on his heart as he fell to the floor as the unsullied retreated to his post. Those who were spectating cowered in fear as they took slow steps disappearing into the backgrounds away from the market as the sun began to set.

"This is a warning to all who doubt our power", the high lord shouted as he hit the ground with his whip causing the dirt to rise up in his face. As he walked towards the palace gates the only thing that remained was his shadow that loomed west.

{Across the far distant lands the audience finds themselves in a dream state created and quoted word for word by George R.R. Martin. I take no credit for anything thats in bold. This was Dany's dream in the books but I will be using it for my character. This is where we will explore the dragons creations.}

"There was only her and the dragon. Its scales were black as night, wet and slick with blood. Her blood, Vhaera sensed. It's eyes were pools of molten magma, and when it opened it's mouth, the flame came roaring out in a hot jet. She could hear it singing to her. She opened her arms to the fire, embraced it, let it swallow her whole, let it cleanse her and her temper her and scour her clean. She could feel her flesh sear and blacken and slough away, could feel her blood boil and turn to steam, and yet there was no pain. She felt strong and new and fierce".(M.R.R.G quote)

"There it was again the dream that made her wake from her sleep". It has only been three years since the development of the village. No longer do they suffer from the lack of food or the humiliation of a barren land. Now they suffer from the ghiscari ruler, who demands more men, women, and children everyday. And no one knows why? But they are forced to hide their rations as their offerings to the gods were taken. Now, she fears she is being plagued by strange dreams that hold many meanings.

Only those in Asshai who practice the dark arts could possibly give her some insight on her dreams but they are too far away and costly for her liking. They might take her soul or worse plague her with more questions she may need answers too. She wondered if the old gods had cursed them. They no longer held a candle to normal men, with their unique appearance and pale skin they have acquired a dangerous gift. A gift to "dance in the flames".

No longer do they fear getting hurt by the fire but choose to embrace the heat. It seems as though she wasn't the only one who has been plagued by their dreams. She recounted all the various talks she had with the others who claim to have dreams of a great nation being built near the fourteen flames. Some even dream of soaring in the clouds, others dream of wars and warriors dressed in black leather. Some say they hear a loud screeching sound coming from the sky that will make the earth shake in it's quake. No one knows who is right in their approach of the future but everyone can agree that change is approaching in the horizon.

"It was said that manticores prowled the islands of the jade sea, that basilisks infested the jungles of Yi Ti, that spell singers, warlocks, and aeromancers practiced their arts openly in Asshai, while shadowbinders and blood mages worked terrible sorceries in the black of night".(M.R.R.G quote)

They all felt this new and strange magic that was forming in the sky, where the twin moons were connected to each other. Everyone could see the red star in the night sky as it hurtled towards the east. "Many had heard that the first dragons had come from there, from the shadow lands beyond Asshai and the islands of the jade". That was the day the earth only had one moon as the sky screeched in terror and the ground burned in flames.

QUICK UPDATE: I recently just bought the books and now I am able to get the information I need to do this series. It's just going to take me some time because I'm only on book one.

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