
The Pillagers

"The town was afire, black plumes of smoke roiling and tumbling as everyone watched the scene unfold under the hard blue sky. They watched the lamb men burn under the fire a name given to them for the very fields they worked in. For they had the same copper skin and almond-shaped eyes as the ghiscari but they were alien to them. Perhaps a few, the younger and more foolish who still believed that the gods heard there prayers of desperate men, could end this farce, as they stood chanting in the crowd". (M.R.R.G quote)

"Across the road, a girl no older than Vhaera was sobbing in a high thin voice. Shoved into a pile of corpses, facedown, she made a heartrending sound, a long sobbing wail that went on and on and on, as the execution continued, that was the sort of deliverance the ghiscari brought to the lamb men". (M.R.R.G quote)

It made no difference as the scorching heat of the sun made the nobles silky oiled skin shimmer even more as sweat glazed down there plumbed rosy cheeks, which were covered in fattened saturn silk, as they watched from above the balcony as the sheep flocked together.

The peasants dressed in colorless white as a proper demonstration of their station since most nobles believed they liked dirtier surroundings. They also believed one must not reach for the Gods unless they are asking for their lords or kings to be blessed.

Vigar dranked from his cup as his eyes scanned the crowd asking the gods for many blessings... "It's a fine day indeed the men boasted to one another as they approched Vigar in slow strides, but I fear for the king, I'm sure you've heard, they said looking quite smug with one another". A slave walked behind them covered in jewels that look as though the sun had melted it into her skin. This new technique intrigued Vigar as he removed his cup from his lips. "Do tell", he replied almost admiring the man's craftmanship.

He applauded the man for his exquisite work as he spoke. "I do always tell his majegsty of my most gracious friends", he said. The men laughed almost smirking in a knowing way. "Why, yes", they answered as they exposed more of the slave woman. The man came closer to vigar standing shoulder to shoulder. "The king is known for his mercy something that has become very foriegn to me. I must elude that my latest work hasn't yet reached perfection. Maybe if the king increased our supply our kingdom would flourish even more. And I say this lightly for we all know who the real king is".

"Your suggestion means well but a proposition like this would mean more mouths to feed".

"Something we don't have time for", Vigar notioned still amused at the man's work of art.

The man pulled away a shy smile gracing the corner of his mouth as his slave jingled away cup in hand. Vigar shouted for there attantion.

"So I guess we'll be seeing the rest of you later tonight to discuss our future, under the kings eye" they said in unison as they continued walking.

"We have white shadows in the woods and unquiet birds stalking our halls, only grief and noise followed him. Vigar, thought this to himself as the kings presence drawed near. "For love is the bane of honor, and the death of duty". (M.R.R.G quote)

"I beg forgiveness my king but a loaf of bread will due you no harm. It is for my children, two babes borned on the morrow". "Let me be my lord for I have served you faithfully for twenty years". Another spoke his crime as the oil seep through the wood below them. A mother begged for her son, a wound which seemed to affect the king as he looked away. "Such hideous beasts they've become". The king did not gaze upon the harpy, believing as though it would freeze him in his place.

The balcony grew hotter from the flames.

"Did you teach them wisdom as well as valor?" (M.R.R.G quote) Vigar spoke.

"My king, it appears to me the only thing they've learned is how to kneel", he answered his very own question in haste. Take the valyrian boy for example. It's quite an interesting way of approaching mercy, opposition, even kindness, I can't seem to find the words". (M.R.R.G quote)

The king days were anxious, his nights restless and his dreams plauged him. The boy Vigar spoke of haunted his every being, maybe he was right, the king thought.

Vigar placed his hand on the kings throne almost setting an example of his hold on the man. A view his crows enjoyed.

The valyrians have yet to approach the fire as the line of criminals were ever so present each shouting for mercy. Something the king would gladly give any other day but he wanted nothing to do with the lamb men.

Three men from the Sarnor kingdom were being executed as spies. Witnesses accounted for the misdeeds a forth night ago. Once news spread the kingdom of Sarnor sent some men to bribe the king. They stood in the crowd as the Valyrians finally took center stage.

The fire was huge, constructed out of wood and pillars, among other things, a few metal chains were added to show off how long a person could hold on when there skin began to tear off until all that remained was the bones. A lesson the lamb men feared daily. One wrong move and you were killed the next day but it was nothing as grand as today. Their was a few that clang to the bones that held the chains tightly. Everyone was pushed into the pyre yet no one heard the screams of the Valyrians.

The boy was the first to go as he followed his mother, the king's gaze turned cold and triumphant, but soon turned uneasy as he watched them bask in the heat.

Their clothes long gone. Their festuring wounds seemed to heal much faster yet they still attained some issues as some were limping. The others soon followed seeeming more braver than before as they watched their clansmen.

"Is this what they meant, Vigar?"

The king asked startled as the crowd dispersed into chaos as the valyrians walked out of the fire unharmed. Their skin still hot to the touch, no one was able to land any blow to them in this chaos, so they tried to run across the road. One of the gates in the kingdom not too far away, led to the desert.

The only sound the king could hear was the fire crackling as the smoke blocked his sight. And the shouts of the girl wailing on and on and on as the crowd grew more hectic.