
The Validators

Luke, a 17-years-old teenager living in a dystopic, post-apocalypse eras where the people exposed to radiation didn't change to a bulky heroic entity but a dying anomaly. Even with how the world is, the power in the current era still tried to wage war with these new technologies each of them are developing and that was when he came into contact with the validator. "But that was technically and scientifically impossible" Luke's mouth was agape. "It is, son, and there is still more." He grinned. The power that these people possess overturned his world viewed in a matter of seconds, it was like watching a hero movie sequence come true. This is a story of Luke and his journey to unravel the truths of the wars and hidden schemes of civilizations.

10Rend · Sci-fi
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21 Chs

School President

"Where is the President?" Hazel asked the girl in the president's office.

The girl looked at Hazel with fear and shakily shook her head trying to tell her that she didn't know.

"Useless" Hazel slammed the door behind her and walked away from the president office, heading upstairs.

She stopped before the door that lead to the rooftop of the school and knock at it three times before she opened them.

"You don't have to knock, you know. Nobody knocks when they want to enter here"

The voice came from a handsome student that looked like a piece of sculpture that was sculpted by a renowned artist.

His well-groomed blonde hair that swayed lightly with the wind, his deep blue eyes that resembled a deep ocean during the night and his bearing that was like a ruling leaders made him stood out wherever he go.

"Because they don't know that you are here.

But Why are you here?

There are more places for you to be." Hazel spoke while she looked at the man coldly.

"This is my reading time, you can checked with Miku and I really like reading up here.

This place helps me focus more.

You see, those light breezes, and the warm sunlight that prick you face gently?

What a paradise.

I hope this moment could last forever" The man smiled and said while he stretched his arms over his head, his right hand holding a book.

"You wouldn't come find me if everything is alright, right?

What is it this time?" The man asked, his eyes still on the book that read 'The Legend of the Arks'.

"I didn't know you are interested in a child's lullaby.

Anyway, You heard of the hub?" Hazel glanced at the book and asked.

"Yes" He answered, uninterested.

"And?" Hazel frowned.

"Just let it be. The school is quite boring these days.

This could get the school a little lively.

Besides, it's not against any rule I know of" The man shrugged, not intending to interfere with what happened in school.

"The commotion is getting bigger and bigger and if the secrets that the hub had are to be exposed, it would spell chaos to the whole school"

"It's their business if they wanna get personal.

It's not like I was the one that commit those nasty things right?" The man shrugged again.

"It's also your business, Cain.

You are the school president" Hazel spoke, not intending to give up.

"Fine. Fine. I'll look into it" Cain gave in and waved his hand, telling Hazel to just go away.

After getting what she wanted in coming here, Hazel turned back to leave before Cain spoke again.

"About the Capital's 101 squad, I can't help you get in there directly.

You can only rely on yourself and I advise you to change your mind.

Some of the contestants went crazy before the final exam even begin and if,

if you really get there and managed to pass, the most difficult challenge is the compatibility test.

I'm sure you have heard of it.

I asked my dad to refer you in, but that is all I can do.

If you still persisted, then don't blame me if anything went south"

Hazel stopped and turned to look at Cain deeply.

"I owed you one" Hazel said and then walked down the stair.

After Hazel left, Cain's focus left the book that he was holding.

He looked at the sky with his eyes closed and smelled the light breeze that hit his face.

"Will there still be Area 29 after the purge?" Cain mumbled.

He stood up, closed the book with both of his hands and stretched his body one more time.

"That has nothing to do with me and I can't possibly change anything. Let's just watch how much bang it could go off" Cain smiled before while he was walking to the door that led downstairs.


"How much did you save up now?" Mikel looked at Luke, exhausted.

"I just got a little over 400 cu. What the rush?" Luke eyed Mikel strangely.

"By the time you got your things, I'll possibly be tired to death" Mikel said while massaging his temple.

"I thought you were having fun knowing other's secrets" Luke looked at Mikel, surprised.

"It's fun and game until you got loads of them.

And there are many more that are complete bullsh*t.

See here, 'I asked Miku out and she said Yes!'"

"What's wrong with that news" Luke asked, curious.

"Do you know who Miku is?" Mikel felt a headache coming after seeing Luke showing a blank face.

"Miku is Cain's personal assistant and she always coop up in Cain's office all day, doing some paper works.

She won't have time and even disdained to date with this guy" Mikel looked at the gadget with disdained.

"And?" Luke looked at Mikel blankly, still trying to perceive what Mikel was trying to tell him.

"And I have to do all the filtering myself to see if there is really anything worthwhile and it was freaking exhausting" Mikel complained with a helpless gaze.

"Share me some. I could help you filter those things" Luke took Mikel's gadget and skimmed through some of the sentences.

"With what? You would make my job a lot harder than it is" Mikel snatched the gadget back.

"Haha. I knew you can do it" Luke said before turning back to his own seat, focusing on his gadget.

"What are you watching?" Mikel asked as he saw Luke's face turned incredibly serious.

"The Union's internal dispute seems to be escalating.

They already issued war threats between these two zones and it seems like the other zones that seemed to be completely uninvolved are ready to jump in at anytime" Luke showed his gadget to Mikel.

"Yeah, the leaders of these zones, they have their own camp behind them or they are just close to each other.

See leaders of zone 7 and zone 10?

They are actually cousins.

So if zone 7 go to war, zone 10 would jump in immediately even if zone 7 were in the wrong" Mikel said like it was a matter of fact.

"What a nasty world, we lived in" Luke sighed.

"We are already lucky that we are not the one who is going to war" Mikel said while he continued to look through his gadget.

"Maybe our leader would help the Union" Luke shrugged.

"No, they won't. It's an internal strife, and I think they are jumping in excitement right now because the Union's overall progress would came to a halt once again"

"Yeah, that made a lot of sense" Luke said before he turned his head abruptly to Mikel which startled him a little.

"What?" Mikel asked.

"Why haven't you ever told me anything like this before? That you can analyze this sh*t" Luke squinted his eyes.

"You seem to change a bit" He continued.

"What change, you just didn't try to listen to me before" Mikel said blaming them on Luke.

"Oh, and Max just told me, his brother want to talk" Mikel frowned and looked at Luke.

"When?" Luke asked excitedly.

"Aren't you feel scared? His brother is in the 6th Street!" Mikel stared at Luke like he was some kind of an idiot.

"Yes, I am but I want that thing even more" Luke stared back, his eyes full of unyielding glint.

Mikel went silent for a long time before he sighed and said,

"He said 9 pm, tonight and the location is" Mikel stopped, his face full of hesitation.

"Where?" Luke asked impatiently.

"Alley 6/1"