
The Founding Of A Village

Miyamoto was selected to be the leader of the newest group to join in the war effort. This would mark the first time he as well as most of his group would get to see the mainland. The day their group was to depart their island home was a sad day for the many mothers, fathers, sons, brothers, and sisters as they would all need to say goodbye to their loved ones possibly for the last time. Noguchi as he had done for all the previous send-offs walked with the men talking or joking to help ease the tension and sadness that was so common for such things.

It took Miyamoto's group the better part of a week to make the trip from Uzushiogakure to the mainland of the Land Of Fire. Miyamoto and the others in their group could see the massive campsite off in the distance as the ship moved slowly into port. Even from a distance of nearly half a mile, they could still see the tiny pinpricks that were the many dock workers busily unloading the cargo from the many transport ships that would later make its way to the camp to feed the men and women already there. Stepping onto the first bit of solid ground in about a week their group soon walked into the camp in the wee hours of the day. The sun was just now coming into view on the horizon.

Many of the men were still asleep inside their tents. While others could be seen walking or in some cases stumbling to the food tents. However, the first order of business for them was to meet with the generals and go over the battle plan and whatever else was deemed of any real importance. Miyamoto understood just how important this all was. This camp was the last possible fallback area before being forced to the coastline. If that were to happen the war was more or less lost. They had to hold onto this area for as long as possible.


The camp itself was set up so the higher-ups had bigger tents with long wooden tables to sit around. As for the lowly soldier such as himself and his group they had much smaller tents with next to nothing in them save for a sleeping bag and a small box to place their stuff inside. It really showed how much it mattered to be born into power. Or at the very least it mattered what position you held in the army.

That first day in camp was nothing but fun and games. Everybody joked about one idiotic thing after another. Songs of home and of family played late into the night. Childhood stories were being told. The numerous small campfires being the only true source of warmth. All in all, it felt far less like a war camp and more akin to camping with one's own family and friends. Miyamoto had also joined in the telling of jokes. Overall he was really enjoying himself.

The next day not so much. That first wave. That first attack. That removed any happiness from his mind. This was war. This was what his father had seen in the many battles he had taken part in the years just before his birth. That day his view of the nearby area was forever changed. Gone was the beautiful vista being replaced by a vista of death. A vista of blood and broken bodies. Many years later when he was upon his death bed he would say that it was this day he saw the world for the first time. The real world and not the childish delusions of his youth.

Miyamoto and his clan members had only been in the camp for a few days now but the loss of life on both sides could be best described as hellish. The nearby river now looked more like a river of blood than anything resembling a river. The piles of dead bodies didn't help. But what was truly unsettling was the continuous supply of new bodies to work on and try to save. However, the outlook for saving them was never great as the Uchiha clan made sure to burn their bodies to the bone ensuring a slow but nevertheless painful death. It was hard to believe this used to be a grassy hilltop just a few days before. It now looked more akin to hell itself. The burning trees. The tall pile of bodies that now littered the nearby area like wildflowers. The river of blood. The painful screams of the soon-to-be deceased. The high piles of arms or legs cut off to try to save them that in the end was more than likely the reason for their death. The smell of iron and copper that now polluted the very air itself. All this and much more filled his days and nights.


Miyamoto could still recall the sight that welcomed him just nearly two weeks before. Back when the camp had more than 14,000 men. Now that number was less than 200 and was dropping by the hour. The Uchiha clan was pushing past the battle-lines like a hot knife through butter. If that wasn't bad enough word was the much-needed reinforcements would be delayed. Any hope of holding the area was now slowly being replaced by fear and hopelessness. Miyamoto knew in his heart that the camp was now lost. It didn't take a military genius to understand that.

"Sir what should we do"? Asked one of the few men who had somehow survived this hell.

"We are falling back. Burn everything of value". He ordered before he began to run into the forest near the soon-to-be abandoned campsite.

Miyamoto and what few men and women were left after falling back into the nearby forest had located a cave just a few miles due east of the now abandoned campsite. Just outside they could hear the Uchiha clan looking for them in the darkness. The small group dared not so much as make a sound for fear of discovery.

"What are we going to do"? Asked one of the younger members of the group in a fearful tone of voice. Miyamoto didn't have an answer for the young man. This was his first true experience with warfare and with the speed the Uchiha had used in pushing back the lines as fast as they did none of them had a map of the local area. They would all have to try to find their way to the designated fallback area on foot. A journey of nearly a hundred miles without a map. Such a prospect didn't sit well with any of them. Nor did the prospect of being discovered. But he knew by now that word would have gotten to the fleet. So for the time being they would have to go without any hope of backup. Their radios simply didn't have the range.

"We will set out at first light, try to keep the noise down as much as you can". He told the small group. The group nodded. They all knew this was really the only hope they had left now.


Many miles away on the Uzumaki flagship :Whirlpool: Noguchi Uzumaki was busy looking over the battlefield reports from the past few days. The Uchiha clan had forced both of their clans to the coastline of the Land Of Fire. So in a bid to turn the tide of the war once more they both had set out messages to the many other clans that lived in the Land Of Fire.

"Have we received any replies from the other clans"? Noguchi asked.

"So far only the Hyuga, the other clans have yet to reply, sir". One of the numerous messenger ninjas replied. Just as he was about to return to the battlefield reports another informed him a message was coming over the communications network from a general Isaac Senju.

"Play it". He ordered and soon the voice of one Isaac Senju filled the air.

"We have taken the fishing village of Tobotto" :stop:. "We have over 300 Uchiha POW (prisoners of war") :stop:. "I will regroup with you in the next few days" :stop:. "I just have to make a few superficial repairs nothing to worry about" :stop:. "I also have a small fleet of Hyuga ships with me" :stop:.

"Send a reply to have him send the Hyuga our way". He ordered to the young messenger ninja who at once jumped into action tapping away at his machine at a rate of speed that would have seen him behind a computer had such a thing been common enough to be used by such a low-level solder.


The next day Miyamoto and his small group began to exit the cave. The first rays of sunlight forced them all to cover their eyes.

"It looks clear". He said happily before jumping upon a tree and driving ever deeper into the forest. After tree hopping for a few hours, they set up camp near a slow-moving river around mid-afternoon. It would be a few days more before any of them would see the sea. If they saw it at all. The food they had on them was now running dangerously low and Miyamoto knew they would need to start hunting for food. This would place them in danger of discovery by the many search parties still in the area. But he had no real choice.

Many miles away Sasuke was giving out orders to the nearby ships when he saw a fleet speeding<msreadoutspan class="msreadout-line-highlight msreadout-inactive-highlight"> his way. Pulling out a pair of binoculars he saw that this was the <msreadoutspan class="msreadout-word-highlight">Hyuga</msreadoutspan> clan. It wasn't long after </msreadoutspan>the Hyuga clan head and his aids were all welcomed to the flagship of the Uzumaki clan.

A few day's later a light wind blew across the treetops. The sun was just about to rise as Ashina's group began to wake up from their sleep. It had taken them nearly a week of non-stop running but at long last the coastline could be seen. It was still a few miles out but still. Hope had returned to there faces. The early morning sun was making the sea look like glittering gemstones and from atop the hill they could also see a small town off in the distance. It didn't take them long to reach the coastline and soon after the smell of fish filled the still cool morning air. The medic of the group a Senju woman wanted to look inside the town. Ashina agreed with the suggestion and so after they had all eaten the group set off for the small coastal village.

A few day's later on a small island that bore no name sat some of the most powerful men/women in all of the Land Of Fire. Never in history had so many clans been in the same place at the same time without fighting. Clans from all over the Land Of Fire could now be seen around a long wooden table made just for this very occasion. Sasuke was busy working on new attack plans. Now that he had so many people he could really start pushing back the Uchiha. The more notable clans being the Hyuga, Inuzuka, Namikaze and the Iburi clans along with many others. It was clear to everybody he was going to use them to scout the AOO (Area Of Operations) his clan would set up seals along known paths the Uchiha clan used to move their supply's. The Senju would attack them, than just as fast fall back into the cover of the tree line and that would seal their fate. As soon after massive fireballs would begin showing up along the battle lines. Soon the Uchiha could do nothing as town after town were being lost. The Uzumaki naval forces were busy destroying their coastal defenses up and down the Land Of Fire. The Namikaze meanwhile were busy assassinating high-ranking officials alongside the Iburi and Inuzuka clans. So after 1,528 continuous days of war the Uchiha clan surrendered on Itachi Island. The once powerful clan was now reduced to about half it's size by the wars end.

It was only a few days later that the many clan heads could once again be seen around the very same table they used to plan there attacks in the war. Now however it was covered in maps. Not for war. But to pick a location for a new city. A city that would house their many clans. This was unlike anything that predated it. This was an experiment. Could clans who had so many times over the centuries join together to live in peace and harmony. It was decided that the city would be located at the very heart of the Land Of Fire. This was decided due to the area being the easiest place in the Land Of Fire to get to no matter what part their clans lived in. The massive forest would be a useful defense at any rate.

With that done Sasuke dismissed the many clan heads to allow them to deal with there own internal matters. The campsite that at one time housed more than 40,000 men began to slowly depart and in less than a weeks time it housed just over 3,000. With most being the higher up's in the clans. Sasuke himself was just about to depart for home himself when a voice called out to him. Sasuke turned around to come face to face with a man he had seen working with the many medical ninja. His skill was unmatched that much was clear. Sasuke gave a deep bow to the man. He may have been a clan head for one of the more powerful clans in the ninja world. But this man was clearly a person who demanded respect. Without him the loss of life on their side could and in most cases would have been far higher. "You need not be so kind your a clan head and I'm just a lowly medic". Sasuke asked what he needed. "I just wanted to say how grateful me and my wife are for you helping our clan out". The man said. "I was happy to help". Sasuke replied to the man. The two man slowly walked out of the campsite. "After all our two clans have set aside our dark history years ago and now the future may be better than any of us could have ever dreamed". Sasuke said. "It does look like we are entering an era of peace. One I hope lasts for a very long time". The two men continued their conversation for many hours. A bond of true friendship being formed.

It has been nearly ten years and the new village dubbed by many of the people who live inside its massive walls as the Hidden Leaf village. In another reality or timeline, the walls would have needed ninjas doing patrols 24 hours a day 7 days a week. However, due to the many-layered and complex seals such a thing was simply not needed. The walls had seals that would make it impossible to use chakra and ten miles past that was a detection grid placed by none other than Sasuke Uzumaki. With more or less all the clans in the Land Of Fire in one place businesses had started to pop up and money was flowing into the land like never before. As such technological advancements have allowed for new inventions to make life easier as well as new medical advancements to come into use. Life in the Hidden Leaf was good. The Uchiha clan had more or less dropped off the face of the earth and with Ashina having mastered everything that he had to teach him Sasuke Uzumaki was soon going to step down as clan head of the Uzumaki Clan. A new era for the ninja world had come and he hoped that the dark days of war would forever be in the past. Sasuke had one more reason to be happy he had just learned that his best friend just had his first son. A son that he had named Hashirama Senju and that he was to be the godfather to the boy.