
The Fierce Yi Who Specially Reduces Fanfan!

How could Yun Zhixi not know the same thing! Yao Ming's promise was a trap in itself, a trap that attracted their attention.

However, Yun Zhixi did not expect her daughter-in-law to understand the whole situation so quickly. She originally thought that the Three Thousand Western Regions was a trap set up by Yao Ming to escape.

In the end…


Without waiting for Yun Zhixi to think further, she sensed the collapse of the Three Thousand Eastern Territories. Her heart sank and she knew that her daughter-in-law's deduction was correct.

"Ah!" At this moment, Lil Yi 'er shouted again! He pointed at the center of the Myriad Domain. " There, there! "

"Swoosh!" Yun Zhixi sped up and did not pay attention to any movements in the Three Thousand Eastern Regions.


Whether it was Yun Zhixi or Ye Qianli, they did not know at this moment! In fact, it was already too late for them to discover this.

In the Central Region.